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Citation-Enhanced Keyphrase Extraction from Research Papers:

A Supervised Approach
Cornelia Caragea1 , Florin Bulgarov1 , Andreea Godea1 , Sujatha Das Gollapalli2
Computer Science and Engineering, University of North Texas, TX, USA
Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore,,,

Abstract similarity between the tf-idf vectors of documents

is used to compute their similarity. We posit
Given the large amounts of online textual that, in addition to a document’s textual content
documents available these days, e.g., news and textually-similar neighbors, other informative
articles, weblogs, and scientific papers, ef- neighborhoods exist that have the potential to im-
fective methods for extracting keyphrases, prove keyphrase extraction. For example, in a
which provide a high-level topic descrip- scholarly domain, research papers are not isolated.
tion of a document, are greatly needed. In Rather, they are highly inter-connected in giant ci-
this paper, we propose a supervised model tation networks, in which papers cite or are cited
for keyphrase extraction from research pa- by other papers. In a citation network, information
pers, which are embedded in citation net- flows from one paper to another via the citation re-
works. To this end, we design novel fea- lation (Shi et al., 2010). This information flow and
tures based on citation network informa- the influence of one paper on another are specifi-
tion and use them in conjunction with tra- cally captured by means of citation contexts, i.e.,
ditional features for keyphrase extraction short text segments surrounding a citation’s men-
to obtain remarkable improvements in per- tion. These contexts are not arbitrary, but they
formance over strong baselines. serve as brief summaries of a cited paper. Figure
1 illustrates this idea using a small citation net-
1 Introduction work of a paper by Rendle et al. (2010) that cites
Keyphrase extraction is the problem of automat- (Zimdars et al., 2001), (Hu et al., 2008), (Pan and
ically extracting important phrases or concepts Scholz, 2009) and (Shani et al., 2005) and is cited
(i.e., the essence) of a document. Keyphrases by (Cheng et al., 2013). The citation mentions
provide a high-level topic description of a docu- and citation contexts are shown with a dashed line.
ment and are shown to be rich sources of informa- Note the high overlap between the words in con-
tion for many applications such as document clas- texts and those in the title and abstract (shown in
sification, clustering, recommendation, indexing, bold) and the author-annotated keywords.
searching, and summarization (Jones and Stave- One question that can be raised is the following:
ley, 1999; Zha, 2002; Hammouda et al., 2005; Can we effectively exploit information available
Pudota et al., 2010; Turney, 2003). Despite the in large inter-linked document networks in order
fact that keyphrase extraction has been widely re- to improve the performance of keyphrase extrac-
searched in the natural language processing com- tion? The research that we describe in this paper
munity, its performance is still far from being sat- addresses specifically this question using citation
isfactory (Hasan and Ng, 2014). networks of research papers as a case study. Ex-
Many previous approaches to keyphrase extrac- tracting keyphrases that can accurately “represent”
tion generally used only the textual content of research papers is crucial to dealing with the large
a target document to extract keyphrases (Hulth, numbers of research papers published during these
2003; Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004; Liu et al., 2010). “big data” times. The importance of keyphrase ex-
Recently, Wan and Xiao (2008) proposed a model traction from research papers is also emphasized
that incorporates a local neighborhood of a doc- by the recent SemEval 2010 Shared Task on this
ument. However, their neighborhood is limited topic (Kim et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2013).
to textually-similar documents, where the cosine Our contributions. We present a supervised

Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), pages 1435–1446,
October 25-29, 2014, Doha, Qatar. 2014 Association for Computational Linguistics
Figure 1: A small citation network corresponding to a paper by Rendle et al. (2010).

approach to keyphrase extraction from research either positive (i.e., keyphrases) or negative (i.e.,
papers that, in addition to the information con- non-keyphrases) (Frank et al., 1999; Turney, 2000;
tained in a paper itself, effectively incorporates, Hulth, 2003). Different feature sets and classifica-
in the learned models, information from the pa- tion algorithms gave rise to different models. For
per’s local neighborhood available in citation net- example, Hulth (2003) used four different features
works. To this end, we design novel features for in conjunction with a bagging technique. These
keyphrase extraction based on citation context in- features are: term frequency, collection frequency,
formation and use them in conjunction with tradi- the relative position of the first occurrence and the
tional features in a supervised probabilistic frame- part-of-speech tag of a term. Frank et al. (1999)
work. We show empirically that the proposed developed a system called KEA that used only
models substantially outperform strong baselines two features: tf-idf (term frequency-inverse doc-
on two datasets of research papers compiled from ument frequency) of a phrase and the distance of
two machine learning conferences: the World a phrase from the beginning of a document (i.e.,
Wide Web and Knowledge Discovery from Data. its relative position) and used them as input to
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Naı̈ve Bayes. Nguyen and Kan (2007) extended
We summarize closely related work in Section 2. KEA to include features such as the distribution
The supervised classification for keyphrase extrac- of keyphrases among different sections of a re-
tion is discussed in Section 3. Experiments and re- search paper, and the acronym status of a term. In
sults are presented in Section 4, followed by con- contrast to these works, we propose novel features
clusions and future directions of our work. extracted from the local neighborhoods of docu-
ments available in interlinked document networks.
2 Related Work Medelyan et al. (2009) extended KEA as well to
integrate information from Wikipedia. In contrast,
Many approaches to keyphrase extraction have we used only information intrinsic to our data. En-
been proposed in the literature along two lines of hancing our models with Wikipedia information
research: supervised and unsupervised, using dif- would be an interesting future direction to pursue.
ferent types of documents including scientific ab- In the unsupervised line of research, keyphrase
stracts, newswire documents, meeting transcripts, extraction is formulated as a ranking problem,
and webpages (Frank et al., 1999; Hulth, 2003; where keyphrases are ranked using their tf (Barker
Nguyen and Kan, 2007; Liu et al., 2009; Marujo and Cornacchia, 2000), tf-idf (Zhang et al., 2007;
et al., 2013; Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004). Lee and Kim, 2008; Liu et al., 2009; Tonella et al.,
In the supervised line of research, keyphrase 2003), and term informativeness (Wu and Giles,
extraction is formulated as a binary classification 2013; Rennie and Jaakkola, 2005; Kireyev, 2009)
problem, where candidate phrases are classified as (among others). The ranking based on tf-idf has

been shown to work well in practice (Liu et al., keyphrases is extracted first from the citation con-
2009; Hasan and Ng, 2010) despite its simplicity. texts in which the paper to be summarized is cited
Frantzi et al. (1998) combined linguistics and sta- by other papers and then the “best” subset of sen-
tistical information to extract technical terms from tences that contain such keyphrases is returned as
documents in digital libraries. Graph-based al- the summary. However, keyphrases in (Qazvinian
gorithms and centrality measures are also widely et al., 2010) are extracted using frequent n-grams
used in unsupervised models. A word graph is in a language model framework, whereas in our
built for each document such that nodes corre- work, we propose a supervised approach to a dif-
spond to words and edges correspond to word as- ferent task: keyphrase extraction. Mei and Zhai
sociation patterns. Nodes are then ranked using (2008) used information from citation contexts to
graph centrality measures such as PageRank and determine what sentences of a paper are of high
its variants (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004; Wan and impact (as measured by the influence of a target
Xiao, 2008; Liu et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2011), paper on further studies of similar or related top-
HITS scores (Litvak and Last, 2008), as well as ics). These sentences constitute the impact-based
node degree and betweenness (Boudin, 2013; Xie, summary of the paper.
2005). Wan and Xiao (2008) were the first to Despite the use of citation contexts and anchor
consider modeling a local neighborhood of a tar- text in many IR and NLP tasks, to our knowl-
get document in addition to the document itself, edge, we are the first to propose the incorporation
and applied this approach to news articles on the of information available in citation networks for
Web. Their local neighborhood consists of textu- keyphrase extraction. In our recent work (Gol-
ally similar documents, and did not capture infor- lapalli and Caragea, 2014), we designed a fully
mation contained in document networks. unsupervised graph-based algorithm that incorpo-
Using terms from citation contexts of scientific rates evidence from multiple sources (citation con-
papers is not a new idea. It was used before in texts as well as document content) in a flexible
various applications. For example, Ritchie et al. manner to score keywords. In the current work,
(2006) used a combination of terms from citation we present a supervised approach to keyphrase ex-
contexts and existing index terms of a paper to traction from research papers that are embedded in
improve indexing of cited papers. Citation con- large citation networks, and propose novel features
texts were also used to improve the performance of that show improvement over strong supervised and
citation recommendation systems (Kataria et al., unsupervised baselines. To our knowledge, fea-
2010; He et al., 2010) and to study author influ- tures extracted from citation contexts have not
ence (Kataria et al., 2011). This idea of using been used before for keyphrase extraction in a su-
terms from citation contexts resembles the anal- pervised learning framework.
ysis of hyperlinks and the graph structure of the
Web, which are instrumental in Web search (Man-
3 Problem Characterization
ning et al., 2008). Many current Web search en- In citation networks, in addition to the informa-
gines build on the intuition that the anchor text tion contained in a paper itself, citing and cited
pointing to a page is a good descriptor of its con- papers capture different aspects (e.g., topicality,
tent, and thus use anchor text terms as additional domain of study, algorithms used) about the tar-
index terms for a target webpage. The use of links get paper (Teufel et al., 2006), with citation con-
and anchor text was thoroughly researched for IR texts playing an instrumental role. A citation con-
tasks (Koolen and Kamps, 2010), broadening a text is defined as a window of n words surround-
user’s search (Chakrabarti et al., 1998), query re- ing a citation mention. We conjecture that cita-
finement (Kraft and Zien, 2004), and enriching tion contexts, which act as brief summaries about a
document representations (Metzler et al., 2009). cited paper, provide additional clues in extracting
Moreover, citation contexts were used for scien- keyphrases for a target paper. These clues give rise
tific paper summarization (Abu-Jbara and Radev, to the unique design of our model, called citation-
2011; Qazvinian et al., 2010; Qazvinian and enhanced keyphrase extraction (CeKE).
Radev, 2008; Mei and Zhai, 2008; Lehnert et al.,
1990; Nakov et al., 2004). Among these, proba- 3.1 Citation-enhanced Keyphrase Extraction
bly the most similar to our work is the work by Our proposed citation-enhanced keyphrase extrac-
Qazvinian et al. (2010), where a set of important tion (CeKE) model is a supervised binary classifi-

Feature Name Description This feature was used in KEA (Frank et al., 1999);
Existing features for keyphrase extraction relative position, i.e., the position of the first oc-
currence of a phrase normalized by the length (in
tf-idf term frequency * inverse document
frequency, computed from a target
the number of tokens) of the target paper; POS,
paper; used in KEA
i.e., a phrase’s part-of-speech tag. If a phrase is
relativePos the position of the first occurrence of a composed by more than one term, then the POS
phrase divided by the total number of will contain the tags of all terms. The relative posi-
tokens; used in KEA and Hulth’s methods tion was used in both KEA and Hulth (2003), and
POS the part-of-speech tag of the phrase; POS was used in Hulth; (2) Novel features - Cita-
used in Hulth’s methods tion Network Based include: inCited and inCiting,
i.e., boolean features that are true if the candidate
Novel features - Citation Network Based
phrase occurs in cited and citing contexts, respec-
inCited if the phrase occurs in cited contexts tively. We differentiate between cited and citing
inCiting if the phrase occurs in citing contexts contexts for a paper: let d be a target paper and C
citation tf-idf the tf-idf value of the phrase, computed be a citation network such that d ∈ C. A cited con-
from the aggregated citation contexts
text for d is a context in which d is cited by some
Novel features - Extensions of Existing Features paper di in C. A citing context for d is a context
first position the distance of the first occurrence of in which d is citing some paper dj in C. If a paper
a phrase from the beginning of a paper is cited in multiple contexts by another paper, the
tf-idf-Over tf-idf larger than a threshold θ contexts are aggregated into a single one; citation
firstPosUnder the distance of the first occurrence of a tf-idf, i.e., the tf-idf score of each phrase computed
phrase from the beginning of a paper is from the citation contexts; (3) Novel features - Ex-
below some value β tend Other Existing Features include: first position
of a candidate phrase, i.e., the distance of the first
Table 1: The list of features used in our model. occurrence of a phrase from the beginning of a pa-
per; this is similar to relative position except that
it does not consider the length of a paper; tf-idf-
cation model, built on a combination of novel fea-
Over, i.e., a boolean feature, which is true if the
tures that capture information from citation con-
tf-idf of a candidate phrase is greater than a thresh-
texts and existing features from previous works.
old θ, and firstPosUnder, also a boolean feature,
The features are described in §3.1.1. CeKE classi-
which is true if the distance of the first occurrence
fies candidate phrases as keyphrases (i.e., positive)
of a phrase from the beginning of a target paper is
or non-keyphrases (i.e., negative) using Naı̈ve
below some value β. This feature is similar to the
Bayes classifiers. Positive examples for train-
feature is-in-title, used previously in the literature
ing correspond to manually annotated keyphrases
(Litvak and Last, 2008; Jiang et al., 2009). Both
from the training research papers, whereas nega-
tf-idf and citation tf-idf features showed better re-
tive examples correspond to the remaining candi-
sults when each tf was divided by the maximum tf
date phrases from these papers. The generation of
values from the target paper or citation contexts.
candidate phrases is explained in §3.2.
The tf-idf features have high values for phrases
Note that Naı̈ve Bayes classifies a phrase as a
that are frequent in a paper or citation contexts,
keyphrase if the probability of the phrase belong-
but are less frequent in collection and have low
ing to the positive class is greater than 0.5. How-
values for phrases with high collection frequency.
ever, the default threshold of 0.5 can be varied to
We computed the idf component from each col-
allow only high-confidence (e.g., 0.9 confidence)
lection used in experiments. Phrases that occur in
phrases to be classified as keyphrases.
cited and citing contexts as well as early in a paper
3.1.1 Features
are likely to be keyphrases since: (1) they capture
We consider the following features in our model, some aspect about the target paper and (2) authors
which are shown in Table 1. They are divided start to describe their problem upfront.
into three categories: (1) Existing features for
3.2 Generating Candidate Phrases
keyphrase extraction include: tf-idf, i.e., the term
frequency - inverse document frequency of a can- We generate candidate phrases from the textual
didate phrase, computed for each target paper; content of a target paper by applying parts-of-

Dataset Num. (#) Average Average Average #uni- #bi- #tri-
Papers Cited Ctx. Citing Ctx. Keyphrases grams grams grams
WWW 425 15.45 18.78 4.87 680 1036 247
KDD 365 12.69 19.74 4.03 363 853 189

Table 2: A summary of our datasets.

speech filters. Consistent with previous works one cited and one citing context. For each paper,
(Hulth, 2003; Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004; Liu we used: the title and abstract (referred to as the
et al., 2010; Wan and Xiao, 2008), only nouns target paper) and its citation contexts. The rea-
and adjectives are retained to form candidate son for not considering the entire text of a paper
phrases. The generation process consists of two is that scientific papers contain details, e.g., dis-
steps. First, using the NLP Stanford part of speech cussion of results, experimental design, notation,
tagger, we preprocess each document and keep that do not provide additional benefits for extract-
only the nouns and adjectives corresponding to ing keyphrases. Hence, similar to (Hulth, 2003;
{N N, N N S, N N P, N N P S, JJ}. We apply the Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004; Liu et al., 2009), we
Porter stemmer on every word. The position of did not use the entire text of a paper. However, ex-
each word is kept consistent with the initial state tracting keyphrases from sections such as “intro-
of the document before any word removal is made. duction” or “conclusion” needs further attention.
Second, words extracted in the first step that From the pdf of each paper, we extracted the
have contiguous positions in a document are con- author-input keyphrases. An analysis of these
catenated into n-grams. We used unigrams, bi- keyphrases revealed that generally authors de-
grams, and trigrams (n = 1, 2, 3) as candidate scribe their work using, almost half of the time,
phrases for classification. Similar to Wan and Xiao bigrams, followed by unigrams and only rarely us-
(2008), we eliminated phrases that end with an ad- ing trigrams (or higher n-grams). A summary of
jective and the unigrams that are adjectives. our datasets that contains the number of papers,
the average number of cited and citing contexts
4 Experiments and Results
per paper, the average number of keyphrases per
In this section, we first describe our datasets and paper, and the number of unigrams, bigrams and
then present experimental design and results. trigrams, in each collection, is shown in Table 2.
4.1 Datasets Consistent with previous works (Frank et al.,
1999; Hulth, 2003), the positive and negative ex-
In order to test the performance of our proposed
amples in our datasets correspond to candidate
approach, we built our own datasets since citation-
phrases that consist of up to three tokens. The
enhanced evaluation benchmarks are not available
positive examples are candidate phrases that have
for keyphrase extraction tasks. In particular, we
a match in the author-input keyphrases, whereas
compiled two datasets consisting of research pa-
negative examples correspond to the remaining
pers from two top-tier machine learning confer-
candidate phrases.
ences: World Wide Web (WWW) and Knowledge
Context lengths. In CiteSeerx , citation con-
Discovery and Data Mining (KDD). Our choice
texts have about 50 words on each side of a citation
for WWW and KDD was motivated by the avail-
mention. A previous study by Ritchie et al. (2008)
ability of author-input keywords for each paper,
shows that a fixed window length of about 100
which we used as gold-standard for evaluation.
words around a citation mention is generally effec-
Using the CiteSeerx digital library1 , we re-
tive for information retrieval tasks. For this reason,
trieved the papers published in WWW and KDD
we used the contexts provided by CiteSeerx di-
(available in CiteSeerx ), and their citation network
rectly. However, in future, it would be interesting
information, i.e., their cited and citing contexts.
to incorporate in our models more sophisticated
Since our goal is to study the impact of citation
approaches to identifying the text that is relevant
network information on extracting keyphrases, a
to a target citation (Abu-Jbara and Radev, 2012;
paper was considered for analysis if it had at least
Teufel, 1999) and study the influence of context
1 lengths on the quality of extracted keyphrase.

Method Precision Recall F1-score Precision Recall F1-score
Citation - Enhanced (CeKE) 0.227 0.386 0.284 0.213 0.413 0.280
Hulth - n-gram with tags 0.165 0.107 0.129 0.206 0.151 0.172
KEA 0.210 0.146 0.168 0.178 0.124 0.145

Table 3: The comparison of CeKE with supervised approaches on WWW and KDD collections.

4.2 Experimental Design previous works (Hulth, 2003; Mihalcea and Tarau,
Our experiments are designed around the follow- 2004; Wan and Xiao, 2008; Hasan and Ng, 2010).
ing research questions: The reported values are averaged in 10-fold cross-
validation experiments, where folds were created
1. How does the performance of citation- at document level and candidate phrases were ex-
enhanced keyphrase extraction (CeKE) com- tracted from the documents in each fold to form
pare with the performance of existing super- the training and test sets. In all experiments, we
vised models that use only information intrin- used Naı̈ve Bayes and their Weka implementa-
sic to the data and what are the most informa- tion2 . However, any probabilistic classifier that re-
tive features for classification? We compared turns a posterior probability of the class given an
CeKE’s performance with that of classifiers example, can be used with our features.
trained on KEA features only and Hulth’s The θ parameter was set to the (title and ab-
features only and present a ranking of fea- stract) tf-idf averaged over the entire collection,
tures based on information gain. while β was set to 20. These values were esti-
2. How do supervised models that integrate ci- mated on a validation set sampled from training.
tation network information compare with re-
cent unsupervised models? Since recent un- 4.3 Results and Discussion
supervised approaches are becoming compet- The impact of citation network information on the
itive with supervised approaches (Hasan and keyphrase extraction task. Table 3 shows the re-
Ng, 2014), we also compared CeKE with sults of the comparison of CeKE with two su-
unsupervised ranking of candidate phrases pervised approaches, KEA and Hulth’s approach.
by TF-IDF, TextRank (Mihalcea and Ta- The features used in KEA are the tf-idf and the
rau, 2004) and ExpandRank (Wan and Xiao, relative position of a candidate phrase, whereas
2008). For unsupervised, we considered top those used in Hulth’s approach are tf, cf (i.e., col-
5 and top 10 ranked phrases when computing lection frequency), relative position and POS tags.
“@5” and “@10” measures. CeKE is trained using all features from Table 1.
3. How well does our proposed model perform Among the three methods for candidate phrase
in the absence of either cited or citing con- formation proposed in Hulth (2003), i.e., n-grams,
texts? Since newly published scientific pa- NP-chunks, and POS Tag Patterns, our Hulth’s im-
pers are not cited by many other papers, e.g., plementation is based on n-grams since this gives
due to their recency, no cited contexts are the best results among all methods (see (Hulth,
available. We studied the quality of predicted 2003) for more details). In addition, the n-grams
keyphrases when either cited or citing con- method is the most similar to our candidate phrase
texts are missing. For this, we compared generation and that used in Frank et al. (1999).
the performance of models trained using both As can be seen from Table 3, CeKE outperforms
cited and citing contexts with that of models KEA and Hulth’s approach in terms of all perfor-
that use either cited or citing contexts. mance measures on both WWW and KDD, with
a substantial improvement in recall over both ap-
Evaluation metrics. To evaluate the perfor-
proaches. For example, on WWW, CeKE achieves
mance of CeKE, we used the following metrics:
a recall of 0.386 compared to 0.146 and 0.107 re-
precision, recall and F1-score for the positive class
call achieved by KEA and Hulth’s, respectively.
since correct identification of keyphrases is of
most interest. These metrics were widely used in 2

Method Precision Recall F1-score Precision Recall F1-score
Citation - Enhanced (CeKE) 0.227 0.386 0.284 0.213 0.413 0.280
TF-IDF - Top 5 0.089 0.100 0.094 0.083 0.102 0.092
TF-IDF - Top 10 0.075 0.169 0.104 0.080 0.203 0.115
TextRank - Top 5 0.058 0.071 0.062 0.051 0.065 0.056
TextRank - Top 10 0.062 0.133 0.081 0.053 0.127 0.072
ExpandRank - 1 neigh. - Top 5 0.088 0.109 0.095 0.077 0.103 0.086
ExpandRank - 1 neigh. - Top 10 0.078 0.165 0.101 0.071 0.177 0.098
ExpandRank - 5 neigh. - Top 5 0.093 0.113 0.100 0.080 0.108 0.090
ExpandRank - 5 neigh. - Top 10 0.080 0.172 0.104 0.068 0.172 0.095
ExpandRank - 10 neigh. - Top 5 0.094 0.113 0.100 0.077 0.103 0.086
ExpandRank - 10 neigh. - Top 10 0.076 0.162 0.099 0.065 0.164 0.091

Table 5: The comparison of CeKE with unsupervised approaches on WWW and KDD collections.

Rank Feature IG Score about 20% of the annotated keyphrases appear in

1 abstract tf-idf 0.0234 title. Similar ranking is obtained on KDD.
2 first position 0.0188 The comparison of CeKE with unsupervised
3 citation tf-idf 0.0177 state-of-the-art models. Table 5 shows the re-
4 relativePos 0.0154 sults of the comparison of CeKE with three unsu-
5 firstPosUnder 0.0148 pervised ranking approaches: TF-IDF (Tonella et
6 inCiting 0.0129 al., 2003), TextRank (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004),
7 inCited 0.0098 and ExpandRank (Wan and Xiao, 2008). TF-IDF
8 POS 0.0085 and TextRank use information only from the target
9 tf-idf-Over 0.0078 paper, whereas ExpandRank uses a small textual
neighborhood in addition to the target paper. Note
Table 4: Feature ranking by Info Gain on WWW.
that, for all unsupervised methods, we used Porter
stemmer and the same candidate phrase generation
Although there are only small variations from as in CeKE, as explained in §3.2.
KEA to Hulth’s approach, KEA performs better For TF-IDF, we first tokenized the target paper
on WWW, but worse on KDD compared with and computed the score for each word, and then
Hulth’s approach. In contrast, CeKE shows con- formed phrases and summed up the score of every
sistent improvement over the two approaches on word within a phrase. For TextRank, we built an
both datasets, hence, effectively making use of the undirected graph for each paper, where the nodes
information available in the citation network. correspond to words in the target paper and edges
In order to understand the importance of our are drawn between two words that occur next to
features, we ranked them based on Information each other in the text, i.e., the window size is 2.
Gain (IG), which determines how informative a For ExpandRank, we built an undirected graph
feature is with respect to the class variable. Table for each paper and its local textual neighborhood.
4 shows the features ranked in decreasing order of Again, nodes correspond to words in the target pa-
their IG scores for WWW. As can be seen from per and its textually similar papers and edges are
the table, tf-idf and citation tf-idf are both highly drawn between two words that occur within a win-
ranked, first and third, respectively, illustrating dow of 10 words from each other in the text, i.e.,
that they contain significant information in pre- the window size is 10. We performed experiments
dicting keyphrases. The first position of a phrase with 1, 5, and 10 textually-similar neighbors. For
is also of great impact. This is consistent with the TextRank and ExpandRank, we summed up the
fact that almost half of the identified keywords and scores of words within a phrase as in TF-IDF.

Method Precision Recall F1-score Precision Recall F1-score
CeKE - Both contexts 0.227 0.386 0.284 0.213 0.413 0.280
CeKE - Only cited contexts 0.222 0.286 0.247 0.192 0.300 0.233
CeKE - Only citing contexts 0.203 0.342 0.253 0.195 0.351 0.250

Table 6: Results of CeKE using both contexts and using with only cited or citing contexts.

For each unsupervised method, we computed 4.4 Anecdotal Evidence

results for top 5 and top 10 ranked phrases. As
can be seen from Table 5, CeKE substantially out- In order to check the transferability of our pro-
performs all the other methods for our domain of posed approach to other research fields, e.g., nat-
study, i.e., papers from WWW and KDD, illustrat- ural language processing, it would be interesting
ing again that the citation network of a paper con- to use our trained classifiers on WWW and KDD
tains important information that can show remark- collections and evaluate them on new collections
able benefits for keyphrase extraction. Among all such as NLP related collections. Since NLP col-
unsupervised methods, ExpandRank with fewer lections annotated with keyphrases are not avail-
textual similar neighbor (one or five) performs the able, we show anecdotal evidence for only one pa-
best. This is generally consistent with the results per. We selected for this task an award winning pa-
shown in (Wan and Xiao, 2008) for news articles. per published in the EMNLP conference. The pa-
The effect of cited and citing contexts informa- per’s title is ”Unsupervised semantic parsing” and
tion on models’ performance. Table 6 shows the has won the Best Paper Award in the year 2009
precision, recall and F-score values for some vari- (Poon and Domingos, 2009). In order for our al-
ations of our method when: (1) all the citation con- gorithm to work, we gathered from the Web (using
texts for a paper are used, (2) only cited contexts Google Scholar) all the cited and citing contexts
are used, (3) only citing contexts are used. The that were available (49 cited contexts and 30 cit-
motivation behind this experiment was to deter- ing contexts). We manually annotated the target
mine how well the proposed model would perform paper with keyphrases. The title, abstract and all
on newly published research papers that have not the contexts were POS tagged using the NLP Stan-
accumulated citations yet. As shown in the table, ford tool. We then trained a classifier on the fea-
there is no substantial difference in terms of preci- tures shown in Table 1, on both WWW and KDD
sion between CeKE models that use only cited or datasets combined. The trained classifier was used
only citing contexts, although the recall is substan- to make predictions, which were compared against
tially higher for the case when only citing contexts the manually annotated keyphrases. The results
are used, for both WWW and KDD. The CeKE are shown in Figure 2, which displays the title and
that uses both citing and cited contexts achieves abstract of the paper and the predicted keyphrases.
a substantially higher recall and only a slightly Candidate phrases that are predicted as keyphrases
higher precision compared with the cases when are marked in red bold, those predicted as non-
only one context type is available. The fact that keyphrases are shown in black, while the filtered
the citing context information provides a slight im- out words are shown in light gray.
provement in performance over cited contexts is We tuned our classifier trained on WWW and
consistent with the intuition that when citing a pa- KDD to return as keyphrases only those that had
per y, an author generally summarizes the main an extremely high probability to be keyphrases.
ideas from y using important words from a target Specifically, we used a threshold of 0.985. The
paper x, making the citing contexts to have higher probability of each returned keyphrase (which is
overlap with words from x. In turn, a paper z that above 0.985) is shown in the upper right corner
cites x may use paraphrasing to summarize ideas of a keyphrase. Human annotated keyphrases are
from x with words more similar to those from z. marked in italic, under the figure. There is a clear
Note that the results of all above experiments match between the predictions and the human an-
are statistically significant at p-values ≥ 0.05, us- notations. It is also possible to extract more or
ing a paired t-test on F1-scores. less keyphrases simply by adjusting the threshold

Unsupervised Semantic Parsing0.997
We present the first unsupervised approach to the problem of learning a semantic parser1.000 , using
Markov logic0.991 . Our USP system0.985 transforms dependency trees into quasi-logical forms, recur-
sively induces lambda forms from these, and clusters them to abstract away syntactic variations of the
same meaning. The MAP semantic parse1.000 of a sentence is obtained by recursively assigning its
parts to lambda-form clusters and composing them. We evaluate our approach by using it to extract a
knowledge base from biomedical abstracts and answer questions. USP1.000 substantially outperforms
TextRunner, DIRT and an informed baseline on both precision and recall on this task.
Human annotated labels: unsupervised semantic parsing, Markov logic, USP system
Figure 2: The title and abstract of an EMNLP paper by Poon and Domingos (2009) and human annotated
keyphrases for the paper. Black words represent candidate phrases. Red bold words represent predicted
keyphrases. The numbers above predicted keyphrases are probabilities for the positive class assignment.

on the probability output by Naı̈ve Bayes. For ex- Keyphrase #cited c. #citing c.
semantic parser 29 26
ample, if we decrease the threshold to 0.920 the USP 31 10
following phrases would be added to the returned Markov logic 15 10
set of keyphrases: dependency trees, quasi-logical unsupervised semantic parsing 12 1
USP system 3 2
forms and unsupervised approach.
Another interesting aspect is the frequency of Table 7: Frequency of the predicted keyphrases in
occurrence of the predicted keyphrases in the cited cited / citing contexts.
and citing contexts. Table 7 shows the term-
frequency of every predicted keyphrase within the
citation network. For example, the phrase seman- co-authorship prediction represented as link pre-
tic parser appears in 29 cited contexts and 26 cit- diction or Twitter platform represented as social
ing contexts. The reason for the higher cited con- media; 2) an important concept is omitted (either
text frequency is not necessarily due to impor- intentionally or forgetfully) from the set of author-
tance, but could be due to the larger number of input keyphrases.
cited vs. citing contexts for this paper (49 vs. 30). Hence, while we believe that authors are the
The high rate of keyphrases within the citation net- best keyphrase annotators for their own work,
work validates our assumption of the importance there are cases when important keyphrases are
of citation networks for keyphrase extraction. overlooked or expressed in different ways, possi-
Finally, we performed the same experiment bly due to the human subjective nature in choosing
with Hulth’s and KEA methods. While the clas- important keyphrases that describe a document.
sifier trained on Hulth’s features did not identify To this end, a limitation of our model is the use of
any keyphrases, KEA managed to identify several a single gold standard keyphrase annotation. In fu-
good ones (e.g., USP, semantic parser), but left ture, we plan to acquire several human keyphrase
out some important ones (e.g., Markov logic, un- annotation sets for our datasets and test the perfor-
supervised). Moreover, the keyphrases predicted mance of the proposed approach on these annota-
by KEA have a lower confidence. For this reason, tion sets, independently and in combination.
lowering the probability threshold would result in Keyphrases that appear in gold standard are
selecting other bad keyphrases. predicted as non-keyphrases (FNs) when: 1) a
keyphrase is infrequent in abstract; 2) its distance
4.5 Error analysis
from the beginning of a document is large; 3) does
We performed an error analysis and found that not occur or occurs only rarely in a document’s
candidate phrases are predicted as keyphrases citation contexts, either citing or cited contexts.
(FPs), although they do not appear in gold stan- Examples of FNs are model/algorithm/approach
dard, i.e., the set of author-input keyphrases, in names, e.g., random walks, that appear in sen-
cases when: 1) a more general terms is used to tences such as: “In this paper, we model the prob-
describe an important concept of a document, e.g., lem [· · ·] by using random walks.” Although such

a sentence may appear further away from the be- supported in part by NSF awards #1353418 and
ginning of an abstract, it contains significant in- #1423337 to Cornelia Caragea. Any opinions,
formation from the point of view of keyphrase findings, and conclusions expressed here are those
extraction. The design of patters such as < of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
by using $model > or < uses $model > could views of NSF.
lead to improved classification performance.
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