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Dizon, Jose Nathaniel M.



Semi Final Exam

In investigation Report format and organization how do you correlate the following? Explain.

1. The Title Page

It is the very beginning and no report is complete without it. This includes the writers’ names and the
date the report was written. The title of the report, the author’s names and student’s IDs, the unit name
and code, the department and university, and the date of submission are all of which are listed on this

2. Introduction
It serves as the part which explains about the purpose of the report in the introduction. Make it clear to
the reader why you're writing the report as the introduction is very important and it explains most of
the highlights, outlines and objectives in the report. Explain the researched problem and its context in
the introduction/background.

3. Body
Because it contains your material, the body of your report is the most crucial component. Small
subheadings should be included in your report according to the point being made. This will make your
writing more presentable because the reader will be steered to the point you are discussing by the

4. Results and Discussions

This is the section where you will be expected to explain the outcomes of your tests. You should provide
a detailed explanation so that the reader does not have any doubts about your findings.

5. Conclusions/Summary
The conclusion section summarizes the main points of your discussion, the key elements of your design,
or the most important findings of your research. Because its purpose is to wrap up your project's story,
it should be written in a way that clearly relates to the project's goals, as described in the introduction.
Indicate the degree to which the objectives have been met.
Recommendations - The conclusion is frequently followed by the advice. You are expected to provide
solutions to the difficulties that exist in the body in the recommendation. This is where you may express

6. Acknowledgement
In this area, you should mention all of the people who assisted you in completing your report. Even
those who proofread your work to ensure that it is well written fall into this category. This is a way of
recognizing and acknowledging the efforts of others in your workplace.

7. Appendices
Other resources, such as graphs or diagrams, may have been utilized to illustrate your ideas in the
report, but they are not needed.

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