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Dizon, Jose Nathaniel M.




1. Recognize the summary and nature of Justice Resolution at the Barangay level?

Answer: Based on my own understanding, the justice resolution on the barangay level involves the
“Punong Barangay” which is the head of authority in a barangay as a whole. He/she is the one who shall
perform such duties that requires leadership and enforce laws applicable within the barangay. There is
also the “Sangguniang Barangay” tasked with the regulation of affairs and the “Lupong Tagapamayapa
and Lupong Tagapagkasundo” a special body and a group of people who are the arbitrators as well as a
mediator in a dispute aiming to get an opportunity to find a peaceful solution, a win-win for everyone if
possible and to decrease escalation of further dispute.

2. Compare the pillars of Criminal Justice System?

Answer: Basically, the Phillipines has 5 pillars of its Criminal Justice System which consists of law
enforcement,prosection,court,correction and community. By comparison, the law enforcement or
(police) its duty is to conduct investigations to give justice to suspects, while prosecutors task is to check
the investigation conducted by the police and to dispose the case for the prosecution, following the due
process of the law to be presented in court which will determine if the suspect is guilty or innocent and
then will be decided if he/she shall be put in correction or community.

3. Explain Alternative Dispute Resolution?

Answer: Any method used to resolve disputes out of court which is inexpensive and immediate. The
avoidance of violence is the fundamental aspect of starting resolution. The next level is the agreement
that working within the law is preferable to the alternatives. Then, the parties identify common interests
and use those to restore peace within both parties.

4. What is your understanding about Indigenous Peoples Tribe?

Answer: As a Filipino I myself has no idea what the history of various indigenous people in the
Philippines are especially the true indigenous the Aetas. In some of our lessons during elementary and
highschool we were taught some of the histories of them but only a few. Indigenous people should be
given a chance to have some form of education and a chance to be employed. But they prefer I think to
live in a condition like what they did thousands of years ago. Some living their entire lives in forests and
rural settings, don’t have an urge to educate themselves, don’t belong to Christian groups like the
Roman Catholic Church, prefer to hunt than to till the land and raise livestock and poultry or become

5. Is the Indigenous People have also their Barangay Captain that function when there is dispute among
their people.

Answer: Yes they do however it is not your normal barangay captain nowadays and it was called their
“Chieftain” or “Datu”. Each barangay was governed by a datu, who gained position by inheritance,
wisdom, physical prowess or wealth. The datu exercised all functions of government. He was the
executive, legislative and the judge in times of peace and the commander in chief in times of war.

6. What is your understanding about barangay justice system in every barangay.

Answer: As I have stated in question 1, the barangay justice system provides for resolution of disputes
at a barangay level to get peace and order within the barangay. The barangay justice system provides
jurisdiction of disputes resolved through arbitration, mediation and conciliation by the Lupong
tagapamayapa and Lupong tagapagkasundo of which the Punong Barangay is the chairman.

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