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1. What did you learn from Christopher Kelley's story?

I learn from the story was to never stop pursuing your dreams, if you really want something
never stop pursuing for it work hard and believe in yourself that someday you can achieve your
dream. Don’t let anyone stop you from pursuing your dream, lastly never stop dreaming even if
you achieve your dream.

2. In your opinion, do you think that success in entrepreneurship is sometimes based on

luck? Why or why not?
NO, if you want to be successful don’t wait for your luck instead make your own luck by working
hard and also always have plan. Before you enter in a business you always need to have plan on
how you will make your business grow and become successful, you have to know your target
market and conduct a research about the business that you want.

3. Give ways on what Bad Newz BBQ implement to promote sustainability.

They need to be concern about our environment:

For example, what do they need to do to stop their customer from littering the plate or
plastic that come from your food truck. They need to ensure that these left over foods
and plates are thrown into right garbage dumping bin or corners only so that vectors
can’t feed on them. They should also be able to manage all the food items so that
vegetarian and non-vegetarian items are fed equally and preferred by people. In this
way, there will be a balance and it will result into sustainability of animals.

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