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Python ( 80 hrs Content )

Sr.No Topic Contents Duration

Python Introduction
Environment Setup
Introduction to Jupyter Notebook
Introduction PyCharm
1 Introduction 4
Virtual Environemt
Start programming on interactive shell.
Using Variables, Keywords
Interactive and Programming techniques

What are conditional statements?

How to use the indentations for defining if, else, elif block
What are loops?
How to control the loops
2 Basics of Programming 6
How to iterate through the various object
Sequence and iterable objects
Basic operations using Data structures
Demos using Loops

Python Core Objects

Variables and their types
Variables - String Variables
Variables - Numeric Types
Variables - Boolean Variables
Boolean Object and None Object
Tuple Object and Operations
Dictionary Object and Operations
3 Data Types Types of Variables - Dictionary 6
Comparision of Variables
Dictionary Methods and Manipulations
Operators and Logical Operators
Data Structures and Data Processing
Arithmetic Operations on Numeric Values
Operators and Keywords for Sequences
Iterators, Iterables, and Generators
Objectives of Functions
Types of Functions
Creating UDF Functions
Function Parameters
Unnamed and Named Parameters
Creating and Calling Functions
Python user Defined Functions
4 Functions Python packages Functions 6
Anonymous Lambda Function
Understanding String Object Functions
List and Tuple Object Functions
Studying Dictionary Object Functions
Understanding Decorators
Creating Decorators.

Defining Python Inbuilt Modules

Types of Modules
Module Aliases and reloading modules
os module
5 Modules 4
sys module
date time, random, datetime, zip modules
How to Create Python User Defined Modules?
Understanding Pythonpath
Overview of Object Oriented Programming
Defining Classes, Objects, and Initializers
Attributes - Built-In Class
Destroying Objects
Methods - Instance, Class, Static, Private methods, and
Data Hiding
6 OOP using Python 16
Overloading Operators
magic methods
globals() and locals(),
Multiple inheritances,
Properties, Special methods,
Emulating built-in types
Python Exceptions Handling
What is Exception?
Handling various exceptions using try....except...else
Try-finally clause
Argument of an Exception and create self exception class
7 Exception Handling & Debugging 4
Python Standard Exceptions
Raising an exceptions, User-Defined Exceptions
Debug Python programs using pdb debugger
Pycharm Debugger
Assert statement for debugging
Testing with Python using UnitTest Framework

Understanding Regular Expressions

Match Function, Search Function, and the Comparision
Compile and Match, Match and Search
Search and Replace
Regular Expression and Process text files using Python
8 6
File Handling Read/write and Append file object
File object functions
File pointer and seek the pointer
Truncate the file content and append data
File test operations using os.path

The threading module,

Thread synchronization
Sharing variables
9 Multithreading 4
The queue module
The multiprocessing module
Creating pools, About async programming
Connecting to Database using Modules
MySQL connectivity using pymysql
10 Database Connectivity 4
Performing CRUD Operations using Python

Introduction to ML
11 ML 20
Introduction to DeepLearning
Introduction to Tensorflow

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