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Ein Comicstrip
Languages Online
German Section 09

Instructions Questions/greetings Responses

- This activity requires two students. Hallo! Guten Morgen!
- Complete the comic by writing in the greetings,
questions and answers into the speech bubbles. Ich heiße Nina. Wie heißt du?
- Student A should begin by writing in the first bubble, Mir geht's gut. Wie geht's dir?
Student B then continues by writing in the second
bubble. Continue until all bubbles have been completed. Ich bin zehn Jahre alt. Wie alt bist du?
- Students should then roleplay the conversation. Swap Ich wohne in Bentleigh. Wo wohnst du?
roles and repeat the conversation.
Tschüss! Tschüss!
Name: _____________________

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