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1. What are the two options for identifying students with learning disabilities?

Briefly summarize each.

The two options for identifying students with learning disabilities are the IQ-

Achievement Discrepancy Model and Response to Intervention or RTI. The IQ

Discrepancy Model looks at the child’s IQ and compares it to the standard of 100. If a

child falls below two standard deviations from the average they are labeled as needing

special services. In RTI students are monitored in their schooling and teachers are

asked to provide the highest quality of education until students display more need.

2. List at least four benefits of using an RTI approach with struggling


RTI can help catch students before they fall too far behind in school. By stepping

in earlier it also helps identify students with learning disabilities and offers them the

necessary help to succeed in school. In turn it ensures that students are given the

highest quality of education they can possibly get and hopefully prevents substantial

reading difficulties from developing in children.

3. Compton is a first-grade student at Rosa Parks Elementary School. His

teacher, having administered a universal screening measure, has identified

Compton as a struggling reader. Name and explain the first step in the RTI

approach that she should consider when trying to help Compton. Keep in

mind that Rosa Parks uses the standard approach protocol.

The first step in RTI would be entering into Tier 1. This would mean the teacher

will change their approach to reading for the entire class and everyone will receive Tier

1 instruction. Seeing as Rosa Parks Elementary School follows the standard approach

protocol this will likely be preselected by the school and the teacher will need to

administer the intervention based on what the school has deemed to be a validated and

successful strategy.

4. Assume that your recommendation for Question 3 was implemented;

however, Compton’s progress continues to be insufficient. Name and

explain the next step in the RTI approach.

Considering that Compton’s progress is still insufficient the teacher will likely

need to enter Tier 2 of the RTI approach. Tier 2 involves taking the student aside for

more personalized interventions and will likely include another professional coming into

the class in order to make sure that the strategies are being implemented to the best of

their abilities. The professional will likely be with the student or students in a small group

and provide extra intervention to ensure the student is able to read at grade level.

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