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Method of Securing the Direct Body

Ballistocardiogram by Means of a Microscope,

Giving a Record Readily Calibrated
We describe a simple method of recording the direct body ballistocardiogram by means of a micro-
scopeand a powerful light source. The beam passes through a slit attached to the body, and the
image of this moving slit is magnified by the microscope and focused on moving photographic
paper. When a static force is applied to the body, the base line of the record is permanently dis-
placed and so the amplitude of the ballistocardiogram can be calibrated. By superimposing a
ballistocardiogram obtained by means of the electrocardiogram on the same film, accurate com-
parisons of the two records and a calibration of the electrical instrument can be obtained.
B ALLSTOCARDIOGRAPHS of the record from a blow does not arise from the
portable or direct body type were base line but is superimposed on that part of
first designed by Dock and Taubman.' the subject's ballistocardiogram that is taking
Several types of these instruments now exist; place at that instant, and the correction for
they all record the motion of a bar placed on the this is not readily applied. Also some subjects
shins of a subject lying on a rigid surface, by cannot avoid tensing muscles in anticipation
one of the several kinds of simple electrical of the blow and this affects the tracing re-
pick-up units, and all use a standard form of corded. So the majority of doctors employing
electrocardiograph for recording the record. portable ballistocardiographs have proceeded
In these instruments the saving of expense with their clinical work without attempting
over the table type of apparatus has been very to calibrate their records at all. Needless to
great and, available commercially in several say, the shift of the record caused by the
types, they are now widely used. Unhappily, introduction of the 1 mv. does not standardize
unlike the table types of ballistocardiographs,2'3 ballistocardiograms recording through electro-
a calibration of the static type cannot be ap- cardiographic equipment, although it is neces-
plied to records secured from these portable sary to standardize the amplification intro-
instruments, for when a constantly acting duced by the electrical apparatus itself.
deflecting force is applied to the body, because Ballistocardiograms can become abnormal in
of the nature of the electrical circuits, the three ways: because they are abnormally
base line of the record returns to the original large; because they are abnormally small; or
base line immediately. To meet this situation, because the contour of the record is abnormal.
attempts have been made to calibrate by Without a method of calibrating for sensi-
means of a blow of short duration, but this tivity the operator is limited to detecting
method has been found unsatisfactory. Exact gross abnormalities of the last type. This is
duplication of results is difficult, probably for an important field, but certainly the utility
several reasons. The spike produced on the of the simple portable ballistocardiographs
would be greatly enhanced by devising a type
From the Department of Therapeutic Research of of apparatus which could be easily calibrated,
the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. and which would thus permit a quantitative
This work was supported by a research grant from approach to many fundamental problems
the National Heart Institute of the National In- which cannot be attacked effectively from a
stitutes of Health, the U. S. Public Health Service.
Dr. C. B. Henderson is a Nuffield Foundation purely descriptive viewpoint.
Fellow in Medicine. In this communication we will describe a
578 Circulation, Volume VIII, October, 1953

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type of portable apparatus so simple that it rated Metal Film Co. of Ithaca, New York,
can be constructed of parts already available but a back surface mirror could be used with
in all hospitals and to many doctors, and so but little loss. This mirror was mounted on a
at little or no expense. And, as our preliminary brass support attached to the frame of the
report indicates,4 it can be readily calibrated electrocardiograph so that the beam was
for sensitivity by the same static method now turned into the camera without parallax to
in use for the table types. No attempt will the beam of the electrocardiograph.
be made at this time to present abnormal 5. A light beam slit. This we made our-
records, or to discuss the more complex theo- selves from a strip of brass plate perforated
retic problems; we shall content ourselves with by a long slit. The upper part of this slit was
a detailed description of the method, its used to bolt the plate at right angles to the end
calibration and other advantages. Publication of the shin bar. The lower part of the slit
is made at this stage of the work because the
opportunity for further collaboration has
been denied us. GALVANOM A 1PHOTO:

We first set up the method4 with a light
beam system and photokymograph which shi n bar
had been gathered together for another in-
vestigation, but we soon found that equally
good records could be secured by using equip- microscope
stage -.
ment available in most hospitals and to many
doctors, so only the latter will be described.
One needs:
1. A compound microscope of any standard itSLIT
type. It is convenient to have one with a
hinge above the stand, which permits the
barrel to be placed in the horizontal position. ror
The lower power, a lens of 10 mm., was used FIG. 1. Diagram of the setup for obtaining a
with oculars of 10, 15 or 25 power, the choice ballistocardiogram from the shins of the subject by
means of a microscope, using a standard form of
depending on the distance from ocular to electrocardiograph as the recording device. In the
camera. instance shown a Cambridge electrocardiograph was
2. A light source with a powerful bulb. used.
We have been using a 200 watt General Elec-
tric precision lamp for optical devices in a was narrowed by two razor blades cemented
Bausch and Lomb lamp housing type 31-33- to the brass edge and adjusted to give a slit
75. This housing was supplied with a dia- of satisfactory width through which the beam
phragm and a lens. was passed. In place of the slit it has recently
3. A standard electrocardiograph with a been found convenient to use a glass slide
photographic recording camera. We have ruled with parallel black lines 60 to the inch
secured good records with both Cambridge and sold under the name of Ronchi rulings
and Sanborn types. When using a Sanborn by the Edmund Scientific Corp. of Barrington,
electrocardiograph the wooden case had to be N. J. The multiple lines can be focused satis-
removed to admit the beam and to mount the factorily, the image appearing as alternating
mirror, but when using the Cambridge in- light bands and dark shadows with a similar
strument this was not necessary. ballistocardiogram on every edge. Before one
4. A mirror for deflecting the beam into record goes off the film another appears from
the camera. We used a front surface mirror the opposite side, so it is never necessary to
made on a piece of plate glass by the Evapo- center the slit.

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6. A well made pulley, which could be To set up the apparatus as shown in figure
clamped to an upright iron rod at any desired 1, after the microscope's condenser had been
height, the rod being clamped in turn to the removed, the various parts were adjusted until

'I m.I c

FIG. 2. Tracing secured by the microscope ballistocardiograph, compared with the electrocardio-
gram, heart sounds, and with records from several types of electrical ballistocardiographs. "T"
indicates a test for alignment; at "W" the calibrating weight of 390 Gm. was applied or lifted off. "R"
indicates the position of the electrocardiograph R wave. Time is indicated by the vertical lines; the
smallest interval is 0.04 second.
I. The tracing of the microscope method is on each edge of the heavy black line. The moving white
line is the ballistocardiogram taken by the Sanborn photoelectric instrument. The horizontal white
line is an artifact which appears when one form of Sanborn electrocardiograph is used as recording
apparatus. Note the base line shift in the microscope record, and its absence in the electrical record
when the calibrating weight is applied and removed in this and the later records.
II. The tracing of the microscope method with a simultaneous record of heart sounds, both taken
by a Sanborn electrocardiograph equipped for sound recording. "IS" and "2S" are placed under the
corresponding sounds of the last systole shown.
III. (A) The tracing of the microscope method with the electrocardiogram. (B) The tracing of the
microscope method superimposed on the ballistocardiogram taken from an electromagnetic ballisto-
cardiograph of the type introduced by Dock.' The electrocardiogram has been thrown into the latter
record causing the "pip" seen over the letter "R." (C) The tracing of the microscope method with
an electrocardiogram both taken through a Cambridge electrocardiograph.
IV. Comparison of microscope record with a velocity tracing obtained by a coil and magnet
method (white line), R, T and W as above; at E expiration begins, at I inspiration begins.

table edge; a strap to go around the ankles; a bright beam was centered on the camera
a cord; a set of weights and a pan to hold aperture. The diaphragms, both in the lamp
them. These were required for the calibration. and in the microscope, were narrowed to cut
7. A bar to be placed across the shins of out extraneous light until they began to
the subject. diminish the intensity of the beam. Then, all

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being in adjustment, the lamp, microscope and either lifted off and reapplied, or applied and
electrocardiograph were tightly clamped to a then lifted off, while the record was running.
wooden board so that they could be moved as Calculating the calibration from the record
a unit without disturbing the adjustment. was not as easy as in records secured by table
ballistocardiographs because respiratory arch-
SECURING THE RECORD ing is always present unless the breath is
The subject lay on a strong laboratory held, and in some subjects it is of considerable
bench and the apparatus was placed on a magnitude; therefore, during breathing the
table beside. A roller was placed under his base line is never straight. But in quiet breath-
heels. The shin bar was placed across his ing it is not hard to estimate the deflection with
shins at a distance from the heels varying an accuracy sufficient for most types of clinical
from 15 to 35 cm., and the slit was adjusted to work and, if necessary, accuracy can be further
lie just beyond the stage of the microscope.
The image of the moving edge was focused on 50-
the camera aperture by the coarse and fine BASE LINE U

adjustments of the microscope and the record DEFLECTION

was taken. 40.IN MM.
Reading the Record
Typical records are shown in figure 2. 30-
Identical ballistocardiograms are written by
both sides of the slit and either can be used.
Because the respiratory weaving sometimes 20-
throws the beam off the film, we found it
advantageous to use a wide slit. When the
edges were kept several centimeters apart on
the record the danger of both going off the I0- at
film was greatly reduced. Eventually the
substitution of the Ronchi rulings eliminated v

this problem. 0/ 200

400 600 800
The individual waves can be readily recog- WEIGHT ADDED IN GRAMS
nized and, if this proves difficult, a simul- FIG. 3. Calibrations of the microscope ballisto-
taneous electrocardiogram can be taken to cardiogram, displacement of the record base line
aid in their identification; for the recording of caused by the application of graded forces to a single
the ballistocardiogram through the electro- subj ect.
cardiograph's camera in no way interferes
with the taking of an electrocardiogram in the improved by calibrating while the patient
usual manner through the same instrument. stops breathing. But in either event, no cali-
bration should be accepted unless the base
Calibration line returns to its original position after the
The pulley was firmly attached to the up- distorting change of force has been removed.
right iron rod clamped to the footward edge This precaution provides a safeguard from
of the table. The calibrating weight was sus- errors due to slipping of the subject along the
pended by a string which, after traveling over table, failure to hold the breath steady and
this pulley, was tied to a strap placed firmly the like.
arouni the ankles of the subject. The height Figure 3 shows repeated calibration with dif-
of the pulley was adjusted so that the course ferent weights on one of our subjects which is
of the string from pulley to subject was hori- typical of many such estimations made while
zontal and parallel with the long axis of the the subject was breathing normally. Ob-
body. To calibrate the record the weightowas viously, when heavier weights are employed

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the deflection is larger and the effect of the resisted tables there are noteworthy differences.
error of reading the base line on the estimate The waves tend to be a little broader in time,
is correspondingly diminished. But weights as are those recorded by the Nickerson3 type
causing deflections larger than the ballisto- of table ballistocardiograph. This seems nat-
cardiogram could be properly used to calibrate ural enough because of the restoring force of
the latter only if the calibration were linear. the body's spring, as the steel spring in Nicker-
The data in figure 3 support the belief that son's instrument, is much weaker than the
the body's spring has a linear calibration over heavy spring used in the resisted table types.
the range in which we are interested, although The magnification in the original table used
our accuracy and the number of cases studied by Starr and his associates, the instrument used
is probably not yet great enough to rule out for these comparisons, is about 500 times;
a small curvature. The scatter of the data the magnification of our direct photographic
in figure 3 permit a judgment of the accuracy instrument need be only about 250 times to
we were able to secure in a blind test as the secure records of approximately similar size,
records were read without knowledge of how so the actual body movement recorded is
much weight had been applied. When the much larger in the conditions under which our
weight applied was 200 Gm. or under, the instrument is used.
error of reading the base line usually prevents Our experience with the use of the micro-
a satisfactory calibration. When weights of scope method to calibrate electrical methods
over 1 Kg. were applied large artefacts often wmill be briefly described. The slit of the micro-
appeared, sometimes obviously due to slipping scope method was attached to the same shin
of the subject on the table, but at other times bar which carried the light source or pick up
perhaps due to changes in the characteristics unit of the electrical instrument. The bal-
of the body's spring. Weights of from 300 to listocardiograms of both instruments were
500 Gm. proved most satisfactory; it would recorded on the same film and, after align-
appear that one point is all that need be ment, one was adjusted until the records were
established and that the line joining this identical in size. Then the calibration of the
point with the origin will define the relation microscope method can be applied to the
of any ballistic amplitude to force with an record of the electrical instrument. Thus a
accuracy sufficient for most clinical work. magnification of 177 X by the microscope
produced a record identical with that of our
DISCUSSION Sanborn photoelectric ballistocardiograph when
Good examples of the types of records se- the electrocardiograph was standardized so
cured are given in the figures. Unlike records that 1 mv. displaced the base line 15 mm.;
obtained with the resisted table types of ap- a magnification of 118 X by microscope
paratus, respiratory weaving of the base line equalled a standardization of 1 mv. = 10 mm.
is a prominent feature of all records made A magnification of 245X is about the upper
during normal breathing. While this makes the limit of our present microscope ballistocardio-
base line harder to identify, it has certain graph. This gives a record much similar in
advantages; the amplitude of the systolic size to that of the ballistic table used in this
complexes varies with their position in the laboratory. Higher magnification would require
respiratory cycle, as is well known. Any more light than our present source provides
variation from the usual pattern could be and it becomes more difficult to maintain
detected in most ballistic records only by focus. A great many of our records were
taking a simultaneous record of respiration. taken with a magnification of 177X and this
But in our record, the position of each systolic was very satisfactory.
complex in the respiratory cycle can be seen In a study of the relationship between cor-
at a glance. responding wave areas of the two records,
While the general character of the cardiac cardiac output was estimated by Tanner's
waves resembles closely that recorded by formula' 12 times on 10 subjects; first from

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records secured on the rigid table by the is applied to the body the twvo records behave
microscope method and then from records very differently. The base line of the micro-
secured on subjects lying at rest on the re- scope record is deflected at once, and it remains
sisted moving table. The cardiac output esti- at its new level as long as the force is applied.
mated from the former records was calculated In records from the electrical devices, however,
to average 80 per cent of the value estimated if the weight is applied or lifted off suddenly
from records secured on Starr's table. We a spike is seen, but if the distorting force is
conclude, therefore, that in the records of the applied gradually the record is affected little
direct photographic instrument the I and J if at all.
waves are not only somewhat broader in time The microscope method can be used to
but also of less amplitude and of a little smaller calibrate the electrical methods indirectly.
area than similar waves recorded by resisted Thus in any subject, after ascertaining the
table instruments. Because the body's spring amplitude of the record obtained through
is weaker than the strong steel spring of the the microscope, in terms of force, by our
resisted table, the record of the microscope method of calibration, one can adjust the
method is less highly differentiated, and for amplitude of the electrical method to the same
this same reason respiratory weaving of the value. It is also planned to investigate how
base line appears in one and not in the other. closely the strength of the body's spring can be
It should be pointed out finally that contour related to body size and build; if this relation
of the waves in the direct photographic record is found to be consistent, a table of the values
is very similar to that secured on Starr's re- found would help one predict the normal val-
sisted table when the subject's heels are not ues in records difficult or impossible to cali-
in firm contact with the footplate. brate accurately at every run.
The relation of our records to those secured Our experience in taking records from a
from three types of portable electrical instru- bar laid across the shins both Adith and without
ments can be summed up by the statement being fastened to them has disclosed a diffi-
that they are practically identical. Examples culty which we believe has not been previously
of simultaneous recordings secured from several emphasized enough. The exact position of the
types of these instruments are given in figure bar on the shins may make considerable
2. The manufacturers are to be congratulated, difference in the amplitude and form of the
for had there been a discrepancy there is no record. We have demonstrated in a number
doubt where the truth would lie; the micro- of our subjects that the amplitude of the tracing
scope has the last word in the estimation of increases as the shin bar is moved from just
small movements. It is also to be noted that in above the ankles towards the knee; in some
the electrical instruments, when respiratory subjects the difference is large. Changes in
weaving has been taken out by electrical the contour of the diastolic waves may also
means, this has been accomplished without appear. We have not as yet investigated the
noteworthy damage to the recording of the cause of these differences, but we believe that,
cardiac complexes. But we are by no means as direct body ballistocardiographs become
confident that every one of the multiplicity more quantitative, knowledge of such incon-
of electrical devices now made and sold for sistencies will become increasingly important.
recording the ballistocardiogram would pass Finally it should be pointed out that by
the test so well, and we believe that the direct means of a pointer attached to the shin bar
microscopic method will be useful in estimating and brought into focus over the stage of any
the degree of distortion produced when new microscope, the ballistocardiogram can be
devices are introduced. directly viewed by any doctor. By our technic
Despite this agreement in contour between the record can be focused on any screen, wall
records of the movement recorded through or ceiling. Unfortunately, the movements are
the microscope and those picked up and ampli- too quick for the eye to appreciate in detail;
fied electrically, when the calibrating weight one cannot separate with confideree one wave

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from. another of similar direction; and so one The authors also wish to thank many confreres
cannot distinguish the characteristics of single for their cooperation in consenting to be subjects;
particularly Mrs. Ruth Besser and Mrs. June Silver-
waves. But the over-all amplitude can be man.
readily seen and, indeed, roughly measured
by an ;ocular micrometer if viewed through SUMARIO ESPAROL
the microscope, by a ruler if thrown against Describimos un metodo sencillo de registrar
the wall. The respiratory variation is also seen el balistocardiograma de cuerpo directo por
clearly, and the extent of base line shift caused medio de un microscopio y una fuente de luz
by the application of the calibrating weight is fuerte. El rayo pasa atraves de una ranura
readily ascertained. A crude test of this kind pegada al cuerpo, y la imagen de esta ranura
leaves much to be desired, but it is within movible se magnifica por el microscopio y se
the reach of every doctor practicing medicine, enfoca en papel fotografico en movimiento.
and it might well provide better evidence of Cuando una fuerza estatica se aplica al cuerpo,
the forcefulness of cardiac action than does any la linea basica del trazado se desplaza perma-
part of the routine history or physical exami- nentemente y de esta manera la amplitud del
nation in use today. balistocardiograma se puede calibrar. Sobre-
poniendo el balistocardiograma obtenido por
medio del electrocardiograma en la misma peli-
1. A simple form of ballistocardiograph is cula, comparaciones exactas de los dos trazados
described in which the movement of a bar y la calibracion del instrumento ele'(trico se
across the shins is magnified by a microscope pueden obtener.
and recorded in the camera of a standard
electrocardiograph. REFERENCES
2. This method gives an accurate record of 1DOCK, WN., AND TAUBMAN, F.: Some technics for
displacement and it can be calibrated readily recording the ballistocardiogram directly from
the body. Am. J. MIed. 7: 751, 1949.
by applying a known force to the patient's 2 STARR, I.: The Ballistocardiograph An Instru-
body which causes a permanent displacement ment for Clinical Research and for Routine
of the base line of the record. Clinical Diagnosis. The Harvey Lecture Series.
3. Examples of tracings secured by the 42: 194, 1946-1947.
3 NICKERSON, J. L., AND CURTIS, H. J.: The design
microscope method are shown. Simultaneous of the ballistocardiograph. Am. J. Physiol. 142:
tracings secured by several types of electrical 1, 1944.
methods were almost identical, but electrical 4HENDERSON, C. B., AND BIXBY, E. W.: A simple
records cannot be so calibrated because the method of both seeing and recording the direct
application of a static force to the subject body ballistocardiogram through the ordinary
does not cause a permanent displacement compound microscope, giving a record easily
standardized. (In Proceedings of the Phila.
of the base line of the electrical records. Physiol. Society) Am. J. MI. Sc. 225: 107, 1953.
5TANNER, J. MI.: The construction of normal stand-
ards for cardiac output in man. J. Clin. Investi-
The authors wish to express their sincere gratitude gation 28: 567, 1949.
to Dr. Isaac Starr for the basic idea which led to 6PAINE, R. M., AND SHOCK, N. W.: The variability
this work and for his stimulation, great interest, of cardiac output estimation made with the
and valuable assistance in both preparing the ex- high-frequency undamped ballistocardiograph.
periments and presenting the material. Circulation 1: 1026, 1950.

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A Method of Securing the Direct Body Ballistocardiogram by Means of a Microscope,
Giving a Record Readily Calibrated

Circulation. 1953;8:578-584
doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.8.4.578
Circulation is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231
Copyright © 1953 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
Print ISSN: 0009-7322. Online ISSN: 1524-4539

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