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“Social Media Post

Covid-19, yeah covid-19. This fucking virus has been a bigger problem
all over the world. It destroys businesses, kills people, infect people, changes
the lifestyle people are used to, and many more undesirable things. Then it
hits badly the globalization system cause the growth was restrain of several
changes made by fucking covid-19.

Let the medical workers handle the crisis rather than the Philippine
government handle it. Cause we all knew since the start the government
couldn’t give great solutions. Leads Philippines has 2,490,858 cases, & 37,596
deaths that shouldn’t happen. Compared to other countries who manage to
contain the virus by letting medical workers takeover the situation.

And here we are, from actual to often virtual setup whether in class, or
other stuff. No certain date when to return to actual setup. No certain date
when to stop precautionary measurements. No certain date to feel safe

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