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K: Greeting, everyone. We are about to discuss the pros and cons of online learning.

So, the question is,

which do you think is better, online learning or face-to-face classes? Anya, you could go first.

A: For me, I would rather study in a regular classroom. It’ll be easier to process the lessons and
understand the teacher.

N: But why? You know in online classes; we are given enough time to do our school works.

A: In face-to-face classes, we are also given enough time to do our tasks. Most schools implement 8
hours long regular school day.

M: I agree! School works are submitted the same day you receive it, and we’re required to get
everything done in a limited time.

L: Won’t that limited time pressure the students? At least in online classes, we have more control over
our time. We get to finish our tasks and even prepare better.

M: In my opinion, online learning is no help to us when it comes to time. Most students don’t prioritize
their studies and usually, they get distracted by other online activities such as Facebook and online

C: Yes, that is normal for students nowadays, but as of now, modular and online classes are the best way
for us to learn.

L: Also, if I may add, we should consider the health risks, especially during the COVID 19 pandemic.

A: Some measures are a

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