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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart Draft__E-35

the vestiges of worldly cares and wounds as the heart of righteousness awakens out of sleeping in mortality's death
sarcophagus. The Spirit of the Lord attends to the calling and election of the pure of humbled countenance for the spirit of
brightness and renewal are as regenerating light- beams brighter than laser technology. The Spirit of the Lord allows a
remembrance to be remembered as the earth becomes an holy cocoon of protection; and regeneration is the result of
purified- heart communication through the monitored experience and light ingestion through the spoken word of the Lord
The Spirit of the Lord awakens the process of exaltation and the celestial formation as the spirit of eternal dominion and
understanding is quickened in the inner vessel of brilliance and cohesiveness; for the thoughts generated of righteousness
enable those of higher purpose to serve the Lord with singleness of mind and focus allowing a newness of love to attend the
selection of candidate for the sealing ordinances through the Holy Spirit of promise, even the spirit of revelation and of
prophecy which attend those of purified intent and calibrated purpose as given in the holy- covenant circle of temple- anew
awareness bringing forth the covenant blessings of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. The Spirit of the Lord attends the natural
conversion of element to function in a degree of exaltation as the spirit of repentance and restitution complete the daily
sacrifice of the vestiges of sin- related choice choosing that which would allow a constant communication with God in the
holy of holies within the mind and sanctuary of the Spirit of the Lord in the heart. The Spirit of the Lord attends the
glorification of element which is awakened by living glorious light descending to element which obeys the spoken
commandment and the spiritual retrieval of sacrificial- commitment clauses in the passage of knowledge from the celestial
depository where the knowledge of godliness is stored upon the retrieval of commandments which delineate a commission
of knowledge and understanding. The Spirit of the Lord awakens with new revelation those whose mission it is to minister
unto the chosen of God who sustain their own repentance in a daily- sacrificial offering of unholy attitudes which bind the
threat of destruction within their own understanding of the glory of the Lord sealing precepts and power upon those of
brightness and light sufficient to call forth the staying of the forces of evil and the forces of darkness. The Spirit of the Lord
brightens the capacity to ascend to heights of understanding and of elevation of heart to hand over the monitored Record
kept in the understanding of the precepts and principles of everlasting life found prepared to sacrifice in the presence of
God. So be it written and given unto thee as an endowment of strength that ye might be filled with light and understanding
and compassion to those of lesser striving and harnessed desire to find the glory in the mouth of pure revelation and
prophecy confounding the wicked of desire and application. [THE VESTIGES OF PURIFIED HEART- FELT GLORY;
August 28, 1995(2)]
August 31, 1995 (1) [NEW LIFE- ATONEMENT FOCUS IN THE HEART. Is the atonement sufficient to cover my
resentment and hurt feelings? I believe it is the only principle of salvation to swallow up negative attitudes which have
darkened my own perception of the way of eternal progression. The atonement- sacrifice process came to pass as the plan in
effect before the foundation of the world was made viable in the supreme sacrificial offering of the Son of God— the
Redeemer of element and heart to the point of purified sanctified expressions of greater godliness— the process of
redeeming one from sin and hurt feelings, and resentment and the effects of mortal relationships and frailty of heart to love
as Christ loved and to forgive as Christ forgave. The forgiveness element in partaking of the atonement reaches beyond what
was done to someone, but into the realm of how you feel about what was done to you. Your feelings change when the
atonement of Jesus Christ is allowed within the fiber of tenuous thought and the effect is forgiveness. As all who partake of
the love of Christ through a forgiving heart find they are no longer betrayed by their own heart— their resentment can no
longer sabotage their individual progression as a forked pathway looking ahead seeing two divergent directions and unable
to recognize the chosen path to go forward The effect of the atonement allows sorrow and resentment which encrust the
heart from receiving pure direction, to see as a compass showing the magnitude of power within to overcome the effects of
the fall of Adam which brought transgression and sin in our perception and recognition capacities as mortal challenge
presents alternative viewpoint differing from the viewpoint outlined by God in the pattern of the council in heaven where all
were instructed in the plan for happiness and progression through a mortality experience. The effect of mortal training
through succeeding generations darkens the view of man to see as God sees, or as God understands, the foundation upon
which all truth is circumscribed in one place to the bringing forth of knowledge held premortally in the spirit of man.
Through the learning process accompanying the effects of clearing the heart of resentment and faultfinding, mankind and
womankind allow the healing sentiments of Christlike attitude understanding that all evil can be overcome even as the
effects of worldly perspective can be overcome through faith in the name of Jesus Christ unto a sealing of the attributes of
an enlightened heart and mind which is capable of overcoming the carnal perception and attitudes of a fallen nature.
Through the sorrow for sin attitude, which accompanies the quest for a perfected heart, the atonement remedy is brought
forth to cleanse and sanctify the reception capacity to endure the light and knowledge received as the Holy Spirit of promise
descends upon the heart to seal life, eternal life, in subsequent degree to partake of love and mercy in the forefront as the
heart changes into an orb of perfect righteousness.] [NEW LIFE- ATONEMENT FOCUS IN THE HEART; August 31,
1995 (1)]

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. DraftJE-35

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