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Lab Assignment #1

1) WAP in Python to print your name, branch, and interest on the screen.
2) WAP in Python to print “Hi Welcome to BU username” where username is entered
by the user.
3) WAP in Python to input an integer number and display its square.
4) WAP in Python to input a floating number and display its cube.
5) WAP in Python to input a string variable and print its type.
6) WAP in Python to input length and breadth of a rectangle and print the area and
7) WAP in Python to calculate and display area of a circle.
8) WAP in Python to find the product of two integer numbers.
9) WAP in Python to find the sum of two floating numbers.
10) A student gets 92, 80, 75 and 95 in English, Physics, Maths and Biology. Write a
program in Python to calculate the average marks obtained by the student.
11) WAP in Python which takes a person's age to print the number of years left for
retirement (A person retires at 65).
12) WAP in Python that takes Celsius temps from the user and convert it into Fahrenheit
and displays the result.
13) WAP in Python to evaluate the expression: x2 + 3x+7.
14) WAP in Python to find the square root of a given number.
15) WAP in Python to find m raised to power n.
16) WAP in Python to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
17) WAP in Python which converts 8 hours and 32 minutes into seconds
18) WAP in Python that asks the user for his/her amount of money, then reports how
many items the person can buy, and how much more money he/she will need to
afford an additional item (cost of each item is=500)
19) WAP in Python to swap two integer variables using a third variable.
20) WAP in Python to swap two integer variables without using a third variable.

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