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PPT 12

Being grateful to Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) does wonders. When you
acknowledge His Hand in your life, miracles happen. You may be in the middle of a problem and not
have the least bit of knowledge about what would happen next, then suddenly the solution will dawn
upon you. It is like when someone would return you an old loan that you completely forgot about, when
you are in dire need of money; or when you are thinking about your loved ones and they give you a call
right then. And when something you are longing to happen, finally happens.

PPT 13
You have just increased your positivity and now you are able to attract more happiness, abundance and
prosperity in your life.
Appreciate the little things too: Start looking for everything you can be grateful for in life and start
talking about it all the time, no matter how insignificant it is. If you find a Dollar from your old shirt’s
pocket, celebrate. Go around and tell everyone how grateful you are for that. That is how you are tuning
your mind to show gratitude for tiniest blessing in your life.

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