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Nama : Daffa Prasetyo W

Kelas : 3DA01

NPM : 41218611

1. Economics (is, are) taught by Professor Gray. 

2. The news on the radio (was, were) encouraging. 

3. Ethics (is, are) a code of values. 

4. Politics (appeal, appeals) to some people. 

5. Civics (was, were) my dad's best subject. 

6. Measles (is, are) very contagious. 

7. Social Studies 101 (has, have) always been an interesting course. 

8. Aerobics (is, are) a fun activity for most youngsters. 

9. Gymnastics often (require, requires) the use of special apparatus. 

10. Acrobatics (involve, involves) skills in agility and balance.

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