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Statistical Experience

My experience use statistics at work is only limited to working on assignments within

the scope of learning at college. One of them is a work camp (Kemah Kerja) course that was
held in the last 6th semester. In our last work camp course, we got a big assignment which was
divided into several groups. In one group we divide the tasks to each member to complete the
task quickly and share each work on the task.
Statistics related to the main task of the work camp, namely GPS measurements. To
determine the quality of this GPS observation is through the standard deviation. Where the
standard deviation has been integrated into the Topcon Tools software algorithm, which then
immediately produces the results. Then to get the variance-covariance matrix need manual
calculations on Ms. Excel using the following formula :

In the calculation process, we found results to test the quality of GPS observations
and the results are as follows:

It’s all related with this course, statistical and probability application, which at the
previous meeting discussed variance and standard deviation

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