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About Me Artwork/Project Project 2 of 3

I made this project with my 3 weeks of learning SwiftUI. There are text field in the login screen that you can fill and on the password
field, your password will not seen, you can click the "forget password?" if you forget your password,, and I used "navigation view" on
sign in button to move to the next page. You can see my name and bunch of grid picture on home page. you can scroll it down and
click the picture to see what's inside. the tab bar on the bottom is where you currently landing, the icon color will be change in where
you are. You can swipe left and right to move to the different page. It's not completed yet because of my lack of knowledge and skill.
And I don't have any idea what will I put on. Actually this app is about my self to prof that I am possible to join Apple Developer
Academy, but unfortunately I can't finish it.


Publication Link:

Narindra Putra Public Portfolio Submission for
Apple Developer Academy @
UC 2022

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