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1. a. Maggie often shop at macy’s
b. Did they rode a camel in Egypt ?
c. She cannot visit you last week
d. I will have a drink
e. Will you go to Bali next year
f. He buys some snack at the supermarket ?
g. Were Dany bought the fruits ?
h. Is she going to write a letter for me ?
2. a. Some clothes bought by Tiki at the store
b. The article on Genesis read then last night
c. Lions in cages bring fed by zookepers
d. The meeting has been canceled without any notification from then
e. Today an email must be sent you
f. Flower have been sent by his student
g. Can studying politics be easy with you ?
h. Didn’t he actually say ?
3. i. The company is normally deliver cars within s month
j. The authorities are opening the town health center next week
k. They must had left the document
l. The organizers will be offers drink during the break
m. My mother have washed my uniforms
n. you would have being told her
o. How word is written

4. a. Already
b. Sleep
c. Slept
d. Met
e. Saw
f. Learned
g. Will be

5. Nanas : Oh, look at this picture! It is amazing!
Fatur : Exactly! The artist must have worked really hard.
Nanas : Yeah, anyway I’m so thirsty. There’s no money left to buy drink since the ticket
price is so high. This is too much.
Fatur : I disagree. It’s the worth price for the artists. We have to appreciate them, and I think
the price is still reasonable
Nanas : I see
Fatur : Let’s go buy drinks. I’ll buy it for you!
Nanas : Really? You’re the best Fatur!

6. a. Corona virus (covid-19) is an infectious disease caused by the recently discovered corona
Most of those infected with covid-19 will suffer moderate to moderate symptoms, and they
will recover without special treatment.
b. Most common symptoms:
- fever
- Dry cough
- fatigue
-Slightly unusual symptoms:
- Discomfort and pain
- Throat pain
- diarrhea
- Conjunctivitis (red eyes)
- headache
-Loss of taste or smell
Skin rash, or discoloration on the fingers or toes
Serious symptoms:
-Difficulty breathing or asphyxiation
- Chest pain or chest distress
- Loss of ability to speak or move
c. Complying with health protocol by wearing a mask, washing your hands, avoiding the
crowd, staying home
d. No, because many people still do not adhere to health protocols, such as wearing masks
and swarming, they are still very often found in communities. Penalties given also appear to
be less effective in getting people to abide by health protocol. With regard to the vaccine
arriving in Indonesia, hopefully it can be a new solution to the covid-19 quickly end
e. When corona's over I will takea walk around Indonesia, I'll first head back to Lombok and
then bandung on again. Anyway, I would like to explore the destination of travel in
Indonesia, and I would also like to study in England'shometown, togain new experiences, and
my friend ohiya, after that I would meet up with my old friends. In the wake of yesterday's
reunion plans, no need to wear masks, it's tight, no need to keep your distance, we don't need
to think anymore about health protocol, Anyway Iwant to do a lot of fun with my friends,
picnics in the park, hanging out in cafes, et cetera.

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