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Kyiv National Linguistic University

Interpreters’/Translators’ Department
Chair of English Philology and Translation




Group Па13-14

Research Supervisor
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

Kyiv 2017


Київський національний лінгвістичний університет
Кафедра англійської філології і перекладу

Представлено на кафедру__________________________
(дата, підпис секретаря кафедри)
Рецензування ___________________________________
(кількість балів, «до захисту» («на доопрацювання»),
дата, підпис керівника курсової роботи)
(кількість балів, дата, підпис викладача)
Підсумкова оцінка______________________________
(кількість балів, оцінка за 4-х бальною
системою, дата, підпис викладача)



студент групи Па13-14

Керівник курсової роботи__________

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент


Київ – 2017

Київський національний лінгвістичний університет

Кафедра англійської філології і перекладу
Завідувач кафедри ______________________
д.ф.н., проф. Ніконова В.Г.
“___” __________2017 р.
на курсову роботу для студентів IV курсу
Студент_____________ курсу________________ групи, факультету перекладачів КНЛУ

(ПІБ студента)
Напряму підготовки 6.020303 Філологія (Переклад (англійська)) _________
Тема роботи ______________________________________________________________
Науковий керівник _______________________________________________________
Дата видачі завдання 10 вересня 2017 р.

Графік виконання курсової роботи

№ Найменування частин Терміни звіту про Відмітка про

п/п та план курсової роботи виконання виконання
1. Аналіз наукових першоджерел і написання 23-30 жовтня
теоретичної частини курсової роботи (розділ 1)
2017 р.
2. Написання практичної частини курсової роботи 27-30 листопада
(розділ 2), а саме:
2017 р.
- аналіз дискурсу, який досліджується, на
матеріалі фрагмента тексту і написання першого
параграфу розділу 2;
- проведення перекладацького аналізу матеріалу
дослідження і написання другого параграфу
розділу 2
3. Написання вступу і висновків дослідження, 04-08 грудня
оформлення курсової роботи і подача завершеної
2017 р
курсової роботи науковому керівнику для
попереднього перегляду
4. Оцінювання курсових робіт науковими 11–13 грудня
керівниками, підготовка студентами
2017 р.
презентацій до захисту курсової роботи
5. Захист курсових робіт 14 грудня 2017 р.

Науковий керівник _____________________________ (підпис)

Студент _______________________________________ (підпис)

студента(ки) ________ курсу групи _______________________ факультету перекладачів

за напрямом підготовки 6.020303 Філологія (Переклад (англійська))

(ПІБ студента)
за темою_____________________________________________________________________

Оцінка в
1. Наявність основних компонентів структури роботи — загалом 5 балів
(усі компоненти присутні – 5, один або декілька компонентів відсутні – 0)
2. Відповідність оформлення роботи, посилань і списку використаних
джерел нормативним вимогам до курсової роботи — загалом 10 балів
(повна відповідність – 10, незначні помилки в оформленні – 8, значні
помилки в оформленні – 4, оформлення переважно невірне – 0)
3. Відповідність побудови вступу нормативним вимогам —
загалом 10 балів
(повна відповідність – 10, відповідність неповна – 8, відповідність
часткова – 4, не відповідає вимогам – 0)
4. Відповідність огляду наукової літератури нормативним вимогам —
загалом 15 балів
(повна відповідність – 15, відповідність неповна – 10, відповідність
часткова – 5, не відповідає вимогам – 0)
5. Відповідність практичної частини дослідження нормативним
вимогам — загалом 20 балів
(повна відповідність – 20, відповідність неповна – 15, відповідність
часткова – 10, не відповідає вимогам – 0)
6. Відповідність висновків результатам теоретичної та практичної складових
дослідження — загалом 10 балів
(повна відповідність – 10, відповідність неповна – 8, відповідність часткова – 4,
не відповідає вимогам – 0)

Усього набрано балів: _____


«До захисту» ___________ __________________________

( 42-70 балів) (підпис керівника)

«На доопрацювання» ___________ __________________________

(0-41 балів) (підпис керівника)

”____” ______________ 2017





ENGLISH AND UKRAINIAN VOCABULARY........................................................6-17

1.1. The characteristics of subject field terms in English language............................6

1.2. Specific features of subject field terms in Ukrainian language.........................10

1.3. The notion of translation and its peculiar features......................................14



2.1. Specifics of the bank text analysis......................................................................18

2.2. Options in the translation of bank terms from English into Ukrainian

2.2.1. Lexical transformations that appear in the process of translation bank


2.2.2. Grammatical transformations that appear in the process of translation bank


LIST OF REFERENCE SOURCES......................................................................33
LIST OF DATA SOURCES...................................................................................34
ANNEX A................................................................................................................35
ANNEX B.......................................................................................................37


English language is a well known language all over the world. Moreover, it is an
official language of the politics, business, economics, medicine, sport etc. English
language is often used for communication and helps to exchange the experience, ideas,

thoughts etc. That is why the importance of studying English constantly growth. It should
be said that English language has rather long and at the same time difficult history of
formation and that is why it has a rich vocabulary. Speaking about the quick development
of various spheres we have also to say about the rice of term words that have very narrow
but important meaning.

The term's paper is focused on the peculiar features of translation English bank
terms into Ukrainian language. We have decided to pay attention to the translational
process and to analyze whether the meaning was saved or not in the process of rendering
the English term into Ukrainian language.

The theoretical background of the term's paper is based on the works of British
and American authors such as: Tim Smith ("Terminology English language"), Leon
Markus ("The role of terms in English language"), Nick Devidson ("Methods of
translation term words"), Kaila Kim ("Analysis of bank terms in English language") and
many others.

The rational for the study is based on the importance of the definition the
characteristic features of the translational process various types of bank terms that are
often used in the bank documents. Taking to the consideration the rise of various bank's
operations and the importance of bank system itself we have to analyze the rise of bank
lexics. There appeared a lot of various term units and they influence English language
much. That is why the question of their translation is very important, because bank system
is spread all over the world and Ukrainian banks also cooperate with European and there
must be clear translation of the main terminology that is used in professional

The aim of the term paper is to study and analyze the main peculiarities of
translation bank terms of various bank documents into Ukrainian language.

To reach the aim of the investigation we have to do the following tasks:

 to study the characteristics of subject field terms in English language;


 to investigate the specific features of subject field terms in Ukrainian

 to study the notion of translation and its peculiar features;
 to analyze the specifics of the bank text analysis;
 to discover the options in the translation of bank terms from English into
Ukrainian language;
 to analyze transformations that appear in the process of translation bank
 to analyze grammatical transformations that appear in the process of
translation bank terms.
The subject of the investigation is the process of translation English bank terms
into Ukrainian language.

The object of the investigation is British and the USA bank documents.

Data sources: The Oxford Dictionary of Bank Terminology, The Dictionary of

Bank Terminology.

The methods of the research: deductive method, comparative method, analysis,

statistical method.

The theoretical value of the investigation is based on the study the notion of
translation and its peculiar features, the analysis on the notion terminology and term, their
main types and meaning in the English language. The data of the research can be used by
students in the process of preparation to the seminars of English lexicology or as a
theoretical background for further researches, also it can be used by students of translation
departments as a theoretical material for seminars' preparation.

The practical value of the investigation is based on the practical analysis of the
ways of translation bank terms in the discourse of bank documents. The results of the
investigation can be used as a background for further researches or as a practical material
on the seminars of theory and practice of translation.

The structure of the term paper is the following: Introduction, Chapter 1

(theoretical), Chapter 2 (practical), Conclusions, Bibliography, List of Reference Sources,
List of Data Sources, Annex A, Annex B.

The term paper is written on 39 pages.



1.1. The characteristics of subject field terms in the English language


English language is one of the most popular languages in the whole world. With its
help people communicate easily with eache other and even have some business. English
language is also reach on different terms that sometimes are difficult to understand.To get
the clear picture of the term’s role, we have to study their linguaistic and stylistic field.
The term “ορολογία” (terminology)2 has two meanings:
1. the scientific field pertaining to the study of relations between concepts and their
designations (terms, names and symbols) and the formulation of principles and methods
governing these relations in any given subject field; and the task of collecting, processing,
managing and presenting terminological data in one or more languages, as well as
2. the set of terms belonging to the special language of a specific subject field.[24,
p. 76]

Fundamental for the theory of terminology is the distinction between objects, i.e.
entities in the external world, concepts, which are the units of knowledge that constitute
the mental representations of objects, and designations of concepts, which can be terms,
names and symbols. Concepts are further determined by means of the relations they have
to other concepts, as well as by definitions, which constitute the descriptive, metalinguistic
denotation of concepts.
Regardless of disagreements among researchers as to whether or not terminology is
an autonomous academic field (cf. Cabre [1999]) or rather a set of methodological tools
for processing terminological data (cf. Sager [2000], Dubuc [1985]), its interdisciplinary
character is recognized by all. Not only because terminology is the intersection of various
fields of knowledge, but mainly because it borrows the fundamental instruments and
concepts of several different disciplines (e.g. logic, ontology, linguistics, information
science, and others), adapting them accordingly in order to cover its own specific
requirements. [25, 77]The relation of terminology to these disciplines results from the
multi-dimensional character of terminological units as linguistic entities linguistics, as
concept entities ontology, cognitive sciences, and as communicative units in the more
restricted framework of scientific & technical discourse, but also in the wider context of
general language.

Consequently, the theory of terminology is defined with relation to three different

1. the cognitive dimension, which examines the concept relations and thereby how
the concepts constitute structured sets of knowledge units or concept systems in every area
of human knowledge, as well as the representation of concepts by definitions and terms,
2. the linguistic dimension, which examines existing linguistic forms as well as
potential linguistic forms that can be created in order to name new concepts, and
3. the communicative dimension, which examines the use of terms as a means of
transferring knowledge to different categories of recipients in a variety of communicative
situations and covers the activities of compilation, processing and dissemination of
terminological data in the form of specialized dictionaries, glossaries or terminological
databases, etc.[11, p. 74]
Recognizing the multidimensional character of terminological entities in the context
of conveying specialized knowledge significantly influences the character of
contemporary theory and practice of terminology and contributes to redefining the
relationship between terminology and contemporary linguistics as well as technological
and information sciences4. Some of the changes involved are the following:
 Standardization, commonly known from the technical and technological
fields, has been extended to engage the theory of terminology5 as well, providing
methodological tools for the systematization of terminology work and communication, in
the context of terminological activities.[10, p. 84]
 The cognitive dimension of terminology, i.e. the organization of knowledge
within a field of knowledge, is not regarded as an end in itself reserved for scientists or
subject field specialists, but rather as a means contributing to precision and systematicness
on transferring knowledge in various pragmatic situations.[18, p. 54]
 The linguistic dimension of terminological entities is not an exclusive subject
of study and proposals of subject field specialists, but also of terminologists, who are
recognized in their dual capacity of language consultant and terminological data
documentalist.[21, p. 65]

 The reduction of differences between terminology and linguistics can be

summarized on the one hand in the prescriptive approach of terminology with respect to
selecting one single correct linguistic form to represent a concept, and on the other hand in
the descriptive approach of linguistics with regard to the identification of all possible
linguistic variants of a single linguistic form. The current trend in the theory of
terminology allows for the existence of synonymic expressions and term variations, thus
rejecting its narrow prescriptive attitude of the past, which insisted on connecting one
concept to one term. It has now been recognized that one concept – above and beyond the
narrow context of standardization – can correspond to a variety of linguistic
representations, which can serve various communication needs.Terminology today has
adopted an approach to collecting lexical data that is based on corpora. According to Sager
[1990:58], “by being studied in the context of communicative situations, terms are no
longer seen as separate items in dictionaries or part of a semi-artificial language
deliberately devoid of any of the functions of other functional items. The increasing
tendency to analyse terminology in its communicative, i.e. linguistic context, leads to a
number of new theoretical assumptions and also to new methods of compilation and
representation.”[10, p. 93]
The linguistic dimension of the theory of terminology lies in the principles
governing the connection between a term and a concept6 and, mainly, in the linguistic
mechanisms of the term itself as a lexical unit. The linguistic aspects of term formation are
of interest not only to terminology specialists, terminologists and subject field specialists,
but also to translators and interpreters, in particular when the latter, due to a lack of
dictionaries and glossaries in less widely used languages, are obliged to go beyond the call
of duty as a translator and become namers and/or neologists.

Commonly speaking, terminology is a many-faceted subject being, it depends on the

perspective from which it is approached and the affiliations of the person discussing it:
 a set of methodologies and procedures to be used in creating this resource;
 a resource;
 a community of actors;

 a factor in communication;
 an academic discipline [19, p. 54].
Consulting with a dictionary, we have found that term is a word or expression that
has a precise meaning in some uses or is peculiar to a science, art, profession, or
subject [12, p. 65].
First of all, it is important to talk about some lexical peculiarities of English terms.
So, there is a big deal of syntactic and parenthetical words that commonly form logical
links between separate elements in the sentence and inseparable elements of logical
development (prepositions and conjunctions upon, besides, except (for), in regard to, in
accordance with, in order to, both...and, either...or, provided, providing; adverbs thus,
alternatively, also, again) [22, p. 75].
One more important thing is that certain terminology usage cannot be replaced or
explained with other words. In this way the term takes its place and no other word can
replace it. Moreover, the term shows its peculiar meaning and its meaningful value is
really high.
Also, we investigated that the necessity of macrocontext while rendering the terms
is very important. It is not easy to name the term, but also to explain it not changing the
context of the article or any other publication [13, p. 82].
So, we can say, that terms play a great role in English language communication. Of
course, some of them are unknown for many people (because each person works in
dofferent spheres) but still, it is of high importance to study them better.
1.2. Specific features of subject field terms in Ukrainian language
Ukrainian language has a long and interesting history. Still, it develops much and
according to the appearance of new technologies, matherials, medical equipment and other
progress things appear new words and great number of them is terms.
Terminological vocabulary has different aspects of functioning in Ukrainian
language. There are a lot of terms that came into our language from Greek, Latin (in
ancient times) and English (nowadays). A lot of terms were assimilated. The assimilation
of terms by literary language can be performed at different stages. One part of specialized

words has already been assimilated by the language while the other part is just entering
into assimilation process enriching the layer of common words [13, p. 82].
It should be mentioned that the problem of tems borrowings was very high in times
of quick development of technology and science in West contries. This question was
studied in the second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries by the following Ukrainian
scholars: T. R. Kyyak, V. V. Akulenko, L. O. Symonenko, T. I. Panko, A. S. Diakov, I. M.
Kochan, and many others. While the process of analysis of terms with international
components in the modern Ukrainian language, Professor I. M. Kochan paid attention to
the ratio of national and international in terminology. Generally, she claims that the
process of terminology internationalization, despite the fact that “is considered to be
objective and progressive” also has “negative features which lead to the denationalization
of terminological systems, suppression of national terms and terminological units” [12, p.
In present times, the question of the usage of borrowings in the terminology
becomes specially urgent because of the extremely negative phenomenon, which is topical
in the Ukrainian language, because of invasion of Anglicisms in the language of Ukrainian
science. In the process of our research, we found that borrowing are frequently met in
information technology field, finance, marketing, social and political life, medicine etc.
[20, p. 93]
In this way, it is important to pay attention to the borrowing process and analyzed it
deeply. So, borrowed terminological units, which are mostly morphemes of Latin and
Greek origin, are well suited for coinage of terms, as they correspond comply with the
basic features of terms (clarity, accuracy, lack of expressiveness and subjective evaluation,
stylistic neutrality, brevity etc.). This fact, basing on the researches of famous Ukrainian
scholars, who worked in this field (F. O. Tsytkina,T. I. Panko, I. M. Kochan etc) says that
the internationalization of terminological systems is natural and effective way, because it
helps to transfer the clear meaning of the term from one language to another [19, p. 93].
First of all, the Ukrainian scientific language shows the richness and uniqueness
through the existence of the term equivalents. That is why, the tendency of the frequent
usage of terminological words is quite justified. Terminologists are working hard on the

elaboration of scientific principles of coining Ukrainian equivalents of the terms

expressing new concepts, are trying to revive the terms forbidden in the 30s 20th century.
Still, we have to talk about the value and rightness of borrowing. For example,
famous Ukrainian linguist Yuriy Sherekh (Sheveliov), said: “In case of full equivalence in
the target and source languages, general preference should be given to a target language
word, for instance in the following pairs: відсоток – процент, поступ – прогрес, пішохід
– тротуар… But a source language word may remain as a secondary synonym enriching
lexicon. In time it can gain special meaning, narrower or wider, and then it will be
particularly useful. That happened to many entrancisms borrowed in our language. For
example, initially words in the pairs that follow were unambiguous: супровід і конвой,
жах і терор, прохід і пасаж, повідомлення і рапорт, справа і афера, but today foreign
words have gained a special, narrowed meaning: конвой means not any escort, but it
refers to the escort of prisoners, терор is not horror in general, but a series of horrific
political repressions, пасаж is not a passage in general, but a passage between shops in the
building, рапорт refers not to any message, but to an official notification to the higher
institution, афера is not a case in general, but an illegal deal, fraud” [16, p. 45].
These are the principles that exlain Ukrainian terminology that was common in last
two decades. At present times the situation has changed significantly. At first we would
like to study the main argument that weres put forward by proponents of this process. We
have singled out three major of them. Firstly, there is a thesis that the active use of words
of foreign origin, especially so-called internationalisms. Internationalisms are the words
with the same meaning and similar sounding which function in most modern European
languages, is useful and valid, because it simplifies international communication, makes
scientific text easier to translate into foreign languages [13, p. 18].
This view is believed to be fundamentally wrong, because creating a scientific text
in Ukrainian, we obviously target primarily Ukrainian readers. Any non-Ukrainian reader
in order to perceive scientific information in the Ukrainian language needs either to
translate it or to learn the Ukrainian language. The “easier” perception of borrowed terms
in scientific text does not help to understand a cohesive text. Second, some scholars boast
of their knowledge of the English language and use English barbarisms in the terminology

and lexis in general, referring to the lack of a word with the same meaning in the
Ukrainian lexicon, and the English term, in their opinion, renders the sense of the signified
concept the most accurately. We should state that the problem, of course, does not lie in a
lack of word formation potential of the Ukrainian language, according to such publications
as “Reference Dictionary. New in the Ukrainian lexis” (2002), “Dictionary of lexical and
word formation innovations” (2004, 2007). Thirdly, the idea is put forward that in modern
conditions there arises “willingness of the language contact participants to mutual
adaptation and simplification of language systems, which leads to the intensification of
borrowing processes in interacting languages” [4, p. 83]. However, it should be noted that
such “mutual adaptation” has not been observed in the English language so far.
Academician L. A. Bulakhovsky, examining in detail the effects of language contacts,
warned: “Usefulness of borrowings turns opposite, when due to the constant pressure of
numerous borrowings, language users are subjected to, own creative potential on the
language area is declining and the direct contact with language users does not develop
(lessens). The power of slave borrowing in certain socio-historical conditions may result in
the decay, harmful or dangerous to the integrity of nation or social group, and no wonder,
therefore, that some nations are fighting against it vigorously and find eloquent defenders
of the nation’s right to be themselves in this struggle” [17, p. 81].
Invasion of Anglicisms into the Ukrainian language, in our opinion, is caused by
psychological and mental features of the modern Ukrainian society, a low level of
language culture. Linguist P. O. Selihei remarked: “In the past Ukrainian scientific
language originality was hampered mostly by political obstacles and prohibitions, whereas
today it is blocked by some bias, callous disbelief of linguistic community in their creative
possibilities” [5, 163]. It should be noted that the fashion for the use of certain borrowings
from certain languages in different historical periods under influence of extra linguistic
factors appears and disappears. As a result, some borrowings get deeply ingrained in the
language, become its heritage, and others pass away. For example, at the beginning of 20th
century, the following words were commonly used парцеляція (“division of land into
small plots”), анахорет (“hermit”), атрамент (“ink”) and others. Today, they are
practically not used. As A. Sodomora noticed “fashionable” thankfully, is not the synonym

to “eternal", it is rather the antonym” [5, p. 95]. So, presumably, the fashion for English
borrowings will slowly die out as well. But today, the English invasion captured not only
academic style of the Ukrainian language, but also official business, journalistic and
colloquial spheres. As I. Farion rightly emphasizes: “English borrowings burst the dam of
our language not due to the processes of globalization or internationalization of the world,
but because of a frailer to find force in itself that is in the language” [5, p. 163]. That is
because of the psychological weakness of the Ukrainian language users, because of their
negligence of ecology of a Ukrainian word, modern scientific texts are burdened by an
excessive number of borrowed terms. In the field of information technology the following
terms are widely used: інтерфейс (a set of tools, methods and rules of interaction between
units of the system), кластер (several independent computers that are used together and
work as one system), драйвер (a computer program with the help of which operating
system gets access to control hardware), in the socio-political terminology such terms are
used: моніторинг (set of tools to monitor the status and trends of processes development)
екзит-пол (postelection survey), електорат (supporters of a certain political force),
імпічмент (early termination of the official’s power), the financial and banking industry is
filled with terms тайминг (the most favorable moment to buy or sell shares on the stock
exchange), такс-курс (estimated rate of securities), франчайзинг (a form of cooperation
of large and small enterprises), хайринг (middle term lease of vehicles), ф’ючерс (type of
transaction in the commodity and financial markets), хеджування (a form of price and
profit insurance in futures contracts), цесія (transfer to another person the right to claim
the obligation), чойс (completion of currency trading session with flat quotation of supply
and demand), шомаж (insurance of losses arising from suspension of production because
of natural disaster) [19, p. 54].
Assimilation influence Ukrainian terminology very much. Three groups of terms
can be distinguished according to the level of their assimilation by the common language.
They are:
 completely assimilated terms by the common language (device –
прилад, aerial – антена, valve – клапан, core – ядро, );

 terms which remain at the initial stage of determinologization process

and are used in scientific and technical texts and by experts in a particular field of
science and technology (sensor – рецептор,  detector – детектор, embryo –
ембріон );
 terms which are known only in a specific industry or peculiar field of
science (strippilaster – пілястр, aphasia – афазія, cavitation – кавітація) [22, p.
In this way, we can say that Ukrainian language is also rich on different terms that
have their specific meaning and features. The number of terms constantly grows and a lot
of them were borrowed from other languages. Still, we have to understand that even if the
meaning of terms id very narrow their contextual role is great.
1.3. The notion of translation and its peculiar features
In modern world we have free access to the internet, can travel much and exchange
with information, ideas, thoughts and tradition. In this way, we have to talk about such
notion as “translation”, because without it communication will be impossible. So,
translation is a process of rendering or conveying the content of source language into the
target language as well as the result of this process. We have to consider that there are two
main forms of translation:

 oral translation;
 written translation.
Translation conveys the meaning of phoneme, morpheme, word, word combination,
sentence, text. To get the clear picture of above mentioned we have to give more
information and to explain how translation cope with all elements of speech and language.

Speaking about the phoneme, we have to say, that it is a speech sound. It is the
smallest language unit and has a form but has no meaning. Phonemes are graphically
represented by letters. As a rule, phonemes do not take part in the process of translation,
but they are actively used in the process of translation geographical names, proper names,
neologisms, internationalisms and units of specific national lexicon.[1, p. 43]

In the process of our investigation, we have also talk about morpheme that is the
smallest indivisible 2-facet language unit (has both form and meaning). It is the smallest
sense unit.

Speaking about the phoneme and morpheme, we have also to say about the word,
that is the basic 2-facet language unit. It is the smallest independent sense unit.

In the process of translation we also deal with word combination, that is the largest
2-facet lexical unit comprising more that 1 word.

The next we have to talk about the sentence, that is a 2-facet unit of speech which
conveys a more or less complete thought.

The last point is the text that is the largest 2-facet language unit and consists of
sentences bound by the same idea.[5, p. 54]

To get the clear picture of the notion of translation, we have analyzed thoughts of
different scientists. For example, Fyodorov said that translation is an independent
linguistic discipline. He has also mentioned that translation has derived from observation
and provided some basis for future practice. At the same time Comissarov stressed that
translation theory moving in the following three directions:

 the denotative;
 the transformational;
 the semantic.[1, p. 109]
Translation studies has the elements of humanities and social science. Moreover it
deals with the description, the systemic study of the theory and the application of
translation, interpreting or both above mentioned activities.

In the process of our investigation, we have seen that two languages are involved
into translation: the Source language and the Target Language.

The Source language (SL) – is the language of the original / the language from
which the process of translation is performed.

The Target language (TL) – is the language of the translation / the language into
which the process of translation is performed.[18, p. 54-55]

Translation is very interesting notion in modern life. First of all, open borders and
the possibility to travel freely and to lead some business makes the process of translation
more and more important. We have to mention, that through the translation of different
books, articles, speeches etc we have exchange our traditions, emotions and ideas. Still, we
have to admit that it is a very difficult process because translator should be well educated
and intelligent. He/She should not only have a great vocabulary but understand nation's
traditions and other peculiar features.

In the process of our investigation, we have also seen that there are two types of
people who work with translation: translator and interpreter. Translator is a person who
usually makes written translation and interpreter is a person who makes oral translation.

To underline everything above mentioned we can say that translation is not only a
science, it is also an art and a skill. It is an interesting but very difficult notion that requires
special knowledge and deep understanding of culture, mentality and inner world of the
nation. At the same time, we should say that the richness of vocabulary, depth and
misunderstanding in culture can make the work of translator or interpreter difficult, but
still it is very important process that help to broad our mind.

In the process of our research, we have seen that it is very difficult to choose the
right method of translation and to make it clear for other people. Today we know a lot of
different ways of translation, they are the following:

 the exact or accurate translation;

 faithfulness of translation;
 realistic translation;
 equivalent translation;
 free translation;
 free adaption;

 rehash;
 rough translation;
 substitution;
 equivalent translation;
 lateral translation;
 word-for-word translation;
 verbal translation;
 literary translation;
 the interlinear translation.[15, p. 67-68]
In the process of the investigation we have seen that translation plays very important role
in the process of communication. There are a lot of methods and ways of translation and it
is up to the translator how to render the English word into Ukrainian one. To conclude, we
have to say that translator should also be well educated and know not only English
vocabulary but also cultural and traditional peculiarities of the nation.



2.1. Specifics of the bank text analysis

In the process of our investigation we have paid much attention to the specifics of
bank texts. We have seen that English language is rich not only on the phraseological
units, metaphord, ididoms etc. but also on terms. Each sphere has some range of terms that
are only used there and have very narrow meaning. While our research we have analyzed
the bank sphere and analyzed its language in general.

First of all, it should mentione that there are a lot of neologisms. They appear on the
basis of quick development of banking system. They are often used in order to explain
various bank operations and processes. Still, they can cause a lot of misunderstandings for
people who do not deal with this sphere.

Every subdivision of bank documants and general bank communication has its own
peculiar terms, phrases and expressions, which differ from the terms of correspondence,
phrases and expressions of other variants of this style.

The peculiar features common for all stylistic varieties of official bank documents
are the following:

 absence of emotiveness;
 the use of words in their logical dictionary meaning;
 the use of abbreviations, conventional symbols and contractions;
 general syntactical mode of combining several pronouncement into one
sentence.[8, p. 87]

In the process of our investigation, we have also paid much attention to the syntactic
side of bank documants. It also should be noted that the syntactical construction of this
style is as important as the vocabulary. The syntactical pattern of business correspondence
style is made up from compositional patterns of variants of this style which have their own
designs. The form of a document itself is informative, because it tells something about the
matter dealt with. From the point of view on its stylistic structure, the whole document is
one sentence. It looks like separate shaped clauses often divided by commas or
semicolons, and not by full stops, often numbered. Every predicative construction begins
with a capital letter in participle form or infinitive construction.

In general grammar rules of spoken sentences are rather simple and less constructed
than grammar of written sentences especially in agreements. It is more difficult to divide a
spoken conversation into separate sentences. The connections between one clause and the
other become less clear because the speaker relies more on the hearer's understanding of

the context and situation as well as on his ability to interrupt if he fails to understand. The
speaker is able to rely on features of intonation which tells us a great deal that cannot be
reflected in written punctuation.[17, p. 73]

From the linguistic point of view a contract is a type of a document due to any
agreement and a completed document fixing some information. As a type of text, contract
has its own specific characteristics. The stylistic peculiarities of all document texts are:

 high capacity of information;

 concreteness, conciseness, clearness of the stated idea;
 clear rhythm of sentences;
 strict logic;
 accenting on the main idea with the help of word repetitions;
 a special system of cliches and stamps;
 absence of connotational information;
 usage of abbreviations, conventional symbols and marks;
 division of a text into chapters, paragraphs, points, often numbered (clear
compositional structure of a document);
 usage of terms in their direct semantic meaning; preferential usage of
monosemantic words;
 usage of definite syntactic models;
 graphic decoration of a document: quality of paper, quantity and quality of
illustrations, size and kind of print.[13, p. 78-79]

In the process of our investigation we have also distinguished the main features of
the style of contract as a type of bank official document are:

 steady system of linguistic means in the text of contract;

 lack of emotional colouring;
 decoding character of language;
 usage of a special symbolic system;

 definite syntactic structure (the 12 above-enumerated items).[20, p. 54]

Speaking about the Tense peculiaritites, we have to say that in bank docunents often
occur Present Simple Tense, Present Perfect Tense, Future Simple Tense etc. At the same
time, heve we have seen a lot of modal verbs, Passive constructions and Conditionals. We
suppose that there peculiar features of bank documents can cause some problems in the
process of translation.

In general, we can say that bank documents have rather rich and complicated
vocabulary with great number of specific terms. Still, it have a strickt structure and clear
grammar. At the same time we suppose that there might appear some problems in the
process of translation that will be analyzed in the following question.

2.2. Options in the translation of bank terms from English into Ukrainian

In the process of our investigation we have paid attention to the peculiar features of
bank vocabulary still the rise of world economics and the exchange of experience caused
the rise of importance of the translation various bank documents, contracts, bank letters
etc. We have to say that translation itself is a difficult process of rendering the meaning
from the source language into a target one. There are various methods of translation that
can help to make the proper translation and to save the meaning of the source language
word, phrase of even sentence. Still, we have to talk about problems that may occur in the
process of translation and can cause the misunderstandings that should be solved in order
to make the document or some business communication clear.

Taking to the consideration the above mentioned information, we have to say that
translators often use such translational methods in the discourse of bank sphere: the exact
or accurate translation; faithfulness of translation; realistic translation; equivalent
translation; free translation; free adaption; rough translation; substitution; equivalent
translation; lateral translation; word-for-word translation.[4, p. 76]

At the same time, we have to point out that a lot depends of the translator's
experience and his knowledge in the banking sphere. So, in the process of translation
always should be taken to the consideration the variety of bank terms, the grammar
constructions and the knowledge of the translator.

2.2.1. Lexical transformations that appear in the process of translation bank


Lexical transformations describe formal and semantic relations. This group contains
transliteration, transcription, loan translation and lexico-semantic transformations such as
concretization, generalization and modulation. At the same time we have to pay attention
to the lexical substitution, differentiation, comprehension and specification. To get the
clear picture of above mentioned we have analyzed ten different sentences with great
number of bank terms and studied the most frequently used lexical transformations.

 "You can check your bank balance online in your own cabinet."[7] - "Ви
можете перевірити баланс свого банківського рахунку онлайн у своєму
персональному кабінеті." - in the following example we used the word for
word translation and saved the meaning of the source language sentence.
Speaking about the lexical transformations here we used the lexical
substitution that also has a positive influence into the target language text.
 "You can buy a car in credit with very low loan per cents."[9] - "Ви можете
купити це авто у кредит з досить низькою відсотковою ставкою." -
taking to the consideration this sentence, we have to admit that we used word
for word translation and lexical transformation too. It has happened because
there are certain words in Ukrainian language and that is why there appeared
a possibility to use them in the process of rendering English bank term's
meaning into Ukrainian.
 "With this credit card you can cash money in any cash machine all over the
world."[5] - "З цією кредитною карткою, ви можете знати грошу у
будь якому банкоматів у будь якому куточку планети." - in these

sentences we have used the word for word and literal translation. At the same
time here was also used a lexical transformation. In this way the meaning of
the English sentence was saved and transfered into Ukrainian language.
Moreover, terms also save their proper meanings.
 " The account was in debit at the end of the month."[9] - "Наприкінці
місяця на рахунку кількість грошей була значно більшою." - in the above
mentioned example, we have used the substitution and specification in order
to save the meaning of English bank terms. Still, we have to say that the word
"debit" also exist in Ukrainian language, but in context of this sentence it
would lost its essential meaning.
 "You can pay this tax in any bank you like." [10]- "Ви можете сплатити
цей податок у будь якому банку." - in the process of the investigation, we
have also analyzed the above mentioned sentence and while its translation, we
have used the equivalent translation with omission of the last members that
would make Ukrainian translation less literal. Still, we have to say, that we
also use the lexical transformation and saved the inner expression of the
 "The borrower can return money in parts."[6] - "Позичальник може
повертати гроші частинами." - lexical substitutions and word for word
translation were used in an above mentioned sentences. The meaning of the
English sentence was saved in Ukrainian variant too and did not cause any
 "The cashback will be made by the bank in 2 days."[8] - "Повернення
грошей буде виконано вашим банком за 2 дні." - in this example we also
have used the adequate translation with additional explanations of the term
"cashback". In informal bank communication in Ukraine we can often hear
this term, but it is not used in formal one, so we have to use the explanation.
Speaking about the lexical transformations, we have to say that here were
used: lexical transformation and modulation.

 "Commission is an extra amount of money that you have to pay to bank."[10]

- "Комісія - це додаткові гроші, які ти повинен сплатити банку." - here
we have used the adequate translation that was the most suitable for the above
mentioned sentence. Moreover, here we also decided to use the modulation
that has a positive influence into an Ukrainian variant.
 "The credit limit is the maximum amount of money that
a customer can borrow using a particular credit card account."[5] -
"Кредитний ліміт - це максимальна сума грошей, яку клієнт може
позичити використовуючи конкретну кредитну картку або рахунок." -
this example shows the usage of word for word translation and the lexical
substitutions. Here we can avoid the descriptive translation and any others
because in Ukrainian language we have the similar words with similar
Taking to the consideration above mentioned sentences with their Ukrainian
translation we can study the usage of various methods of translation and gather the
results in a table in order to get the clear picture of the most frequently used methods
and their peculiar features and role in the process of translation various bank terms.
We should say that the choice of the translational methods mostly depend on the
translator and his experience. It is up to him/her what method is better to choose in
order to get proper translation and do not lose the source language meaning. In this
way, we have analyzed the most and the less frequently used methods and showed
their usage in percentage correlation in Table 1.

Table 1. The usage of translational methods in the process of translation bank terms
into Ukrainian language on the basis of English and American bank documents

word for word translation -

adequate method - 10%
equivalent method - 10%
descriptive method - 10%
literal method -5%
other methods of translation -

In accordance to above mentioned data, we can say that the most frequently used
method of translation is word for word translation. After that comes adequate,
equivalent and descriptive methods. At the last place we have put literal method and
other methods of translation. Still, we have to say that each method is important in the
process of translation bank lexics from English into Ukrainian language.
At the same time, we think that it is important to analyze the usage of lexical
transformations in the process of translation bank terms from English into Ukrainian
language and we have got the following results:

Table 2 The usage of lexical transformations in the process of translation English

bank terms into Ukrainian language on the basis bank documents

lexical substitution -
generalization - 20%
specification - 10%
modulation - 5%
compensation - 5%

In this way, we have seen that the most frequently used is the lexical substitution -
that suits English terms very much. After that comes generalization and then specification.

On the last place we have found the modulation. Of course, we have to admit that they all
are very important in the process of translation bank terms from English into Ukrainian

To conclude, we can say that the process of translation bank terms from English into
Ukrainian language is difficult but interesting task that conveys a special knowledge of the
translator. With the help of various methods of translation and lexical transformation the
target language sentence or just a bank term will not lost its sense.

2.2.2. Grammatical transformations that appear in the process of

translation bank terms
In the process of our investigation we have seen that English and Ukrainian
languages except of various vocabulary also posess different grammat structures. That is
why, we also have to pay much attention to the diversity of grammatical problems that
may occur in the process of translation English bank terms. The difference in Tense
subdivision, the variety of irregular verbs, the existence of article and gerund can cause
certain misunderstanding that should be properly solved and helped to save the meaning.
There are the following grammatical transformations: transposition, omission, addition,

 "The bank system has changed much in recent two years."[6] - "За останні
два роки банківська система зазнала значних змін." - in accordance to this
example, we have to use the transposition in order to make the sentence equal
to the original one.
 "The credit system will help customers to buy things they like in a short
period of time with a little commission."[8] - "Кредитна система
допоможе клієнтам купити речі, які їм потрібні за короткий період
часу та за малий відсоток комісії." - in this sentence we have used the
transposition too, because it is the most suitable for formal bank documents
and helped to render the source language meaning.

 "Check book is very popular among businessman."[6] - "Чекова книжка

користується популярністю серед бізнесменів." - in this example we have
used such grammatical transformation as addition, because it helped to make
a proper translation.
 "With the help of new credit transfer our customers can send money easily
from one bank account into another just in few minutes."[10] - "За
допомогою нашого нового кредитного трансферу наші клієнти
матимуть змогу переказувати гроші легко з одного банківського
рахунку на інший лише за лічені хвилини. " - in the above mentioned
example, we have also used the addition, It is quite suitable in order to show
the full meaning of the sentence and make translation quite clear.
 "Direct deposite will help to save your salary."[5] - "Прямий депозит
допоможе вам зберегти вашу зарплатню." - in this example we have used
the transposition. In Ukrainian language we have such grammar structures
that are suitable for English one and help to make the cleat and adequate
translation of English bank terms.
 "Overdraft helps you to spend money when you have no money left on your
account."[8] - "Овердрафт допоможе вам витрачати гроші навіть
тоді, коли на вашому рахунку вони вже закінчилися." - in the above
mentioned sentence we see the change of Tense, but it did not have a negative
effect on the meaning of the sentence. Still, we should admit, that we have
used here the transposition.
 "In this strongroom our clients can save their valuable things."[9] - "У цій
камері схову наші клієнти можуть зберігати цінні речі." - taking to the
consideration this example, we have to mentioned that in the process of
translation we used the transposition that is the most suitable for this
 "The account access is not available."[10] - "Доступ до цього рахунку
неможливий." - in this example, we have seen the replacement that is proper
for Ukrainian syntax and helps to save the source language meaning.

 "The commission will be paid by your bank in 3 days time."[5] - "Ваш банк
оплатить комісію за 3 дні." - the above mentioned example demonstrated
the usage of replacement that is also quite suitable for certain sentence.
Moreover, the meaning is still the same in both sentences.
 "The compensation is not possible."[7] - "Компенсація є неможливою." -
here we can see the usage of the transposition. It helps to save the meaning,
but we have seen the shifting of the negative particle. Still, the English and
Ukrainian sentences are equal in grammar and meaning.

Taking to the consideration above mentioned examples with explenation, we can analyze
the usage of various granmmatical transformations in percentage correlation and get the
following results:
Table 3 The usage of grammatical transformations in the process of translation
English bank terms into Ukrainian language on the basis of bank documents

transposition - 60%
replacement - 20%
addition - 10%
ommission - 10%

In this way, we can stress that the most often used grammatical transformation is
transposition. We can say that this depends on some common grammatical features
between English and Ukrainian grammar. On the second place we see the replacement,
that mostly bases on some unlikeness of English and Ukrainian syntax. after that comes
addition - that is very suitable when we need to give more information about some
banking process and on the last place we put omission - that is also used in order to make
clear explanation of some bank term.

To conclude, we can say that even in the process of translation bank terms from
English into Ukrainian language occur some grammar problems but they can be solved
with the help of above mentioned grammatical transformations. So, we can say that

grammatical transformations are very important in the process of translation and should be
even deeply studied in the discourse of other lexico-grammatical spheres of English

In the process of our investigation we have seen that English language is very rich
on various term words because there are a lot of various spheres where professionalisms
and term words are common thing. Lexicology as a branch of linguistic science appeared
and developed and helped to explain the usage of various words, their meaning and usage
in the discourse of language. English as well as American linguists and scientists collect
different term words, word-groups, other units that has some peculiar interest. In
accordance to the theme of the term paper we have analyzed the role of bank terms in
English language and paid much attention to the usage of these special words in the
discourse of banking. We have also seen that today's banking system develops much and a

lot of new term appear. In this way they should be studied deeply in order to avoid
misunderstandings in the process of translation.

While our research, we have seen that English language has very rich vocabulary
and bank terms words frequently occur on various types and levels of communication. At
the same time, we have seen that the process of translation become nowadays even more
important because of the rise of its importance. Translation conveys the meaning of
phoneme, morpheme, word, word combination, sentence, text. To get the clear picture of
above mentioned we have to give more information and to explain how translation cope
with all elements of speech and language.

At the same time, we took to the consideration the peculiar features of bank
documents and have seen that all the variety of English words may occur there, especially
term words. Still, all those documents have strict rules and shape because they are formal.

In the process of our investigation we have reached the aim of the paper and study
and analyzed the main peculiarities of translation bank terms of various bank documents
into Ukrainian language.

To reach the aim of the investigation we have done the following tasks:

 studied the characteristics of subject field terms in English language;

 investigated the specific features of subject field terms in Ukrainian
 analyzed the specifics of the bank text analysis;
 discovered the options in the translation of bank terms from English into
Ukrainian language;
 analyzed transformations that appear in the process of translation bank terms;
 analyzed grammatical transformations that appear in the process of translation
bank terms.

So, we can say that translation of bank terms is a difficult task that needs a great
knowledge in a banking sphere as well as in general English vocabulary and grammar.

With the help of various methods of translation, lexical and grammatical transformations
the translation must be properly done. Still, we suppose that this theme should be further
developed and deeply studied in order to get a clear picture of the role of terms in English
language and ways of their translation into Ukrainian.

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A bank is a company that works with Банк - це компанія, яка працює з

the money that the people give it. грошима, що є вкладеннями людей.
Banks also lend money to other businesses Банки також дають позики на інший
and customers.
бізнес та іншим клієнтам.

Central banks manage the banking system Центральний банк керує банківською
in a country. системою країни.
They collect extra money called Назбирати більше грошей - це
banking fees with which they pay interest to називається отримати прибуток
savers as well as salaries for their workers. (відсоток) яким вони виплачують

відсоткову ставку вкладникам так само

як і зарплатні працівникам.
If you give your money to a bank, it not Якщо ви вкладаєте гроші в банк, він не
only protects it but pays you interest so that лише їх захищає, але і виплачує вам
it can work with the money. відсотки, таким чином гроші роблять
Banks make a profit because they collect Банки отримують прибуток, тому що
more interest than they pay to savers. вони заробляють більше, а вкладникам
платять менший відсоток.
Investment banks do not take or keep the Інвестиційні банки не приймають та не
money of individuals. зберігають грошей окремих вкладників.
This is one of the reasons why people save Це одна із причин чому люди зберігають
their money in a bank. свої гроші в банку.
They help organizations and large Вони допомагають організаціям і
companies raise money on the international великим компаніям заробляти гроші на
financial markets. міжнародних фінансових біржах.
Without banks the world’s economy would Без банків світова економіка не мала б
not be able to grow. змоги розвиватися.
The commission will be paid by bank. Банк сплатить коміцію.
Money may also be safer there than at Гроші у більшій безпеці в банку аніж
home. вдома.
You can rent a strongroom in any bank you Ти можеш орендувати камеру схову у
like. будь-якому банку.
Investors would not find the money they Інвестори не знайшли б грошей на свої
need for new projects.
нові проекти.
This type of banks do not give loans. Цей тип банків не дає позик.
Industries could not buy new machines and Компанії скориставшись банківськими
modern technology but use bank once. машинами та сучасними технологіями
можуть вже своїх не купувати.
Credit gives the possibility to solve money Кредит дає можливість вирішити
problems. грошову проблему.
Credit card is a useful thing. Кредитна картка - це корисна річ.
If you lose your credit card you have to call Якщо ви загубили кредитну карту, вам
to the bank. потрібно зателефонувати в банк.
Bank manager will help you to open an Менеджер банку допоможе вам відкрити

account. рахунок.
The account will be opened in 10 minutes. Рахунок буде відкрито через 10 хвилин.
The customers of the bank have to fill in Клієнти банку повинні заповнити
special form. спеціальну форму.
Check is an important document. Чек - це важливий документ.
You can order a cheque book in the bank. Ви можете замовити чекову книжку в
The account is activated. Рахунок активовано.


Онлайн банкінг - це новий крок у Online banking is a news step of banking

розвитку банківської системи. development.
Банківська система є занадто старою. This banking system is too old.
Кешбек буде через десять днів. The cashback will be done in ten days.
Перевірка банківського рахунку - це Checking accounts are a comfortable way
зручний метод для клієнтів керувати for customers to handle their money.
своїми грошима.
Менеджер банку допоможе вам відкрити The bank manager will help you to open a
депозит. deposite.
Депозит може бути закритим за два дні. Deposite can be closed in two days.
Ви можете забрати свої гроші після того You can take your money back after filling
як заповните заяву в банку. the form in the bank.
Вони також безготівково можуть They can also use them to pay without cash
розраховуватися в магазинах, заправках at shops, gas stations and other stores.
та інших крамницях.
Банк - це фінансова установа яка A bank is a financial institution that
приймає депозити від людей та видає accepts deposits from the public and
кредити. creates credit.
Ти можеш взяти кредит в будь якому You can take a credit in any bank.
Доступ до цього рахунку неможливий. The account access is not available.

Ти можеш зняти гроші в банкоматі. You can cash money in a cash maschine.
Вони сплатять кредит за декілька днів. They will pay the credit in a few days.
У вас на картці є кредитний ліміт. You have a credit limit on your card.
Ви можете сплатити свої рахунки у будь You can pay your bills in any bank.
якому банку.
На сьогодні все більше і більше людей Today, more and more people use
використовують інтернет, для the internet, also a banking service, to pay
банківського сервісу і щоб оплатити свої their bills.
Комерційні банки є найважливішими. Commercial banks are the most important
Це безлімітна картка. This card is unlimited.
За допомогою інтернет рахунка ви With a checking account you can pay your
можете оплатити квитанції. bills.
Кредитні картки надають можливість Credit cards are given to customers as
клієнтам безготівкової покупки товарів. a cash-free way of buying things.
Практично усі банки мають банкомати Almost all banks have automatic teller
звідки клієнти можуть знімати гроші. machines (ATM) at which customers
receive money from their account.
Чек - це шматок паперу який дає A check is a slip of paper that tells the bank
відомості банку про суму грошей яка how much money it should withdraw from
повинна буде знята з рахунка для оплати your account and pay to someone else.
комусь іншому.
Банк також дає своїм клієнтам Banks also give their customers plastic
пластикові картки, за допомогою яких cards with which they can get money from
вони можуть знімати гроші з свого their account everywhere and whenever
рахунка будь де. they want.
Вони завжди знімають відсоток від They must always keep back
отриманої готівки. a certain percentage in the form of cash.
Банк пропонує своїм клієнтам ряд Banks provide their customers with a
послуг. number of services.

У науковій роботі розглянуто особливості формуванння термінології в
англійській та українській мовах. Також вивчені особливості перекладу текстів
банківської тематики і визначено особливості використання лексичних та
граматичних трансформацій. Визначено особливості використання різних методів
перекладу та проаналізовано особливості їх використання. Також опираючись на
практичний аналіз у відсотковому відношенні досліджено активність використання
лексико-граматичних трансформацій.
Ключові слова: термін, термінологія, банківський термін, перекладацькі
методи, лексичні трансформації, граматичні трансформації.

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