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Born Wednesday 19 September 1984 12:30 AM

Rome, Italy

Born Sunday 14 February 1971 6:45 PM
Rome, Italy

Soul Mates

Produced by

©2020 Stardm Ltd Patrick Arundell

Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra
Born Wednesday 19 September 1984 Local Time 12:30 AM Universal Time +14334:00
Rome, Italy Long:12°28'E Lat:41°54'N
Planet/Point Glyph Sign Glyph Position House
Sun Virgo 26°10' 4th
a 6
Moon Cancer 2°40' 12th
s 4
Mercury Virgo 9°35' 3rd
d 6
Venus Libra 21°45' 4th
f 7
Mars Sagittarius 19°05' 6th
g 9
Jupiter Capricorn 0 3°45' 6th
Saturn Scorpio 8 13°09' 5th
Sagittarius 9 9°58' 6th
Sagittarius 9 28°41' 6th
; Scorpio 8 0°40' 5th
_ Cancer 4 9°39' ~
+ Pisces = 16°57' ~
North Node
. Taurus 2 29°38' n 11th
c Gemini 3 8°32' n 12th

Born Sunday 14 February 1971 Local Time 06:45 PM Universal Time 05:45 PM
Rome, Italy Long:12°28'E Lat:41°54'N
Planet/Point Glyph Sign Glyph Position House
Sun Aquarius 25°23' 6th
a -
Moon Libra 13°16' 2nd
s 7
Mercury Aquarius 10°35' 5th
d -
Venus Capricorn 10°07' 5th
f 0
Mars Sagittarius 14°12' 4th
g 9
Jupiter Sagittarius 9 4°26' 3rd
Saturn Taurus 2 16°26' 9th
Libra 7 13°13' n 2nd
Sagittarius 9 2°58' 3rd
; Virgo 6 29°12' n 1st
_ Virgo 6 8°44' ~
+ Gemini 3 4°47' ~
North Node
. Aquarius - 23°37' n 6th
c Aries 1 7°21' n 8th 2 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

Soul Mates
Above is the astrological data for Gianluca and Alessandra. The Relationship interpretation that follows defines
the synastry or Inter-Aspects between the planets in Gianluca's birth chart and the planets in Alessandra's
birth chart. Please check that the birth data is correct in both cases.

The Inter-Aspects - or 'chemistry - between Gianluca and Alessandra' is divided into four general types:

1. Instant Attractions - These are usually the most powerful and dynamic points of interaction between you,
and are what create that immediate sense of attraction and significance. But do not be put off if you find little
or none, as other interactions will provide strong connections. They can be either harmonious, difficult or a bit
of both - depending on the planets involved.

2. Relationship Strengths - To varying degrees, these are the harmonious interactions that create pleasure,
reward and fruitfulness - as well as providing you with the love, compatibility and understanding to manage
and transform the Relationship Challenges.

3. Relationship Challenges - These are the interactions that are most likely to produce friction and
disagreement - some more than others as the interpretations point out. In fact, they often explain why you
were attracted in the first place because they define the deeper reasons for your coming together in that they
force both of you to become more self-aware and improve your relating skills or ability to love and be loved.

4. Socio-Cultural Interactions -These Inter-Aspects go beyond the individual and have more to do with similar
or different generations and the shaping of cultures and civilization itself. So they show how two people
interact at these levels.

As you read them, the following should also be noted:

Close One
'Close One' - A group of 5 stars denotes the closeness of the Inter-Aspect. The more stars the closer the
interaction. Whenever an Inter-Aspect is a 'Close One' with four or five black stars, it forms a tight bond and
these make up the core of your relationship, be it good or bad. And it tends to be the number of 'Close Ones'
that ensure how much a relationship will last, be it because there is such a positive bond between you both,
or because there are issues that need working out, or a combination of these two reasons. As a general but
not absolute rule, for a relationship to be called 'close', around a third of all the Inter-Aspects between
Gianluca and Alessandra should be 'Close Ones'.

Birth Time
The interactions will be technically correct only when the birth times are accurate to within fifteen minutes.
Also, if a birth time is only to within several hours, then any interactions involving the Moon, Ascendant or
Midheaven of that person should be regarded as possibly being unreliable.

Double Whammy
When any Inter-Aspect, along with its interpretation, is repeated - because that Inter-Aspect goes both ways,
for example if 'Gianluca's Moon is Conjunct Alessandra's Pluto' followed by 'Gianluca's Pluto Conjunct
Alessandra's Moon' – then it affects the relationship very strongly.

With any Inter-Aspect, Gianluca and Alessandra can swap roles, due to psychological projection, cultural and
gender roles, individual status and inclination, etc.. That is, Gianluca can be seen to be playing the part of what
appears to be Alessandra's role, and vice versa. 3 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

The One Golden Rule

No one interaction or Inter-Aspect can make or break Gianluca and Alessandra's relationship. In a healthy
relationship you will find the strength to deal with a stress or a strain. Through time and love, challenges,
when met, can always be overcome. Needless to say, many relationships do not turn out to be long-lasting or
permanent, but they are there for a reason – and the Inter-Aspects will tell you what that reason is. 4 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

Instant Attractions
These are usually the most powerful and dynamic points of interaction between you, and are what create that
immediate sense of attraction and significance. But do not be put off if you find little or none, as other
interactions will provide strong connections. They can be either harmonious, difficult or a bit of both -
depending on the planets involved.

Darkness and light - 'Close One' aaaas a q ;

Gianluca's Sun Conjuncts Alessandra's Pluto
Gianluca relates intensely with Alessandra
This is a journey into the Underworld - with or without a torch! Alessandra takes Gianluca down to levels of
experience he wouldn't have agreed to visiting had heseen a brochure first. Alessandra sees Gianluca as the
light she wants in her life, but all too often that means she tries to convert and remake him in the image of
what she feels his hero/heroine ought to be.

Psychologically speaking, the hero/heroine may be what Alessandra feels her father is, or ought to have been
like. So, depending upon what her father was/is actually like, she could also resent (and even despise)
Gianluca - especially if he is forced to brandish his torch in order to maintain his individuality.

However, if such psychological complexes don't loom, or they're suitably dealt with, then this interaction can
take on the form of a mutually empowering and regenerative relationship. But it has to be said that some sort
of purging has to take place first as your respective ego protection systems are given the once over - the
reason being that they get in the way of the vibrant intimacy that is the true and deep intention of this
interaction. Whether this happens or not you're each bound to become somewhat closer to your real selves,
if not each other.

In the fullness of time, you'll understand how deeply affected you've been by the experience of being involved
- or even nearly involved - with one another.

Food for thought - 'Close One' aaaaa d q_

Gianluca's Mercury Conjuncts Alessandra's Ascendant
Gianluca relates intensely with Alessandra
Alessandra will act as a sounding board to Gianluca who, in turn, will give her back food for thought. In fact,
'food for thought' describes well what you both are to one another; in direct proportion, however, to your
current states of mind as individuals.

You put one another in touch not only with ideas and ways of translating the meaning of things, but also
introduce one another to interesting people. You also stimulate each other's wits, and joking can be a strong
component to your interaction.

Together you can bring alive the phrase 'body language' since you connect so well through word and physical
expression. However, this doesn't mean to say that what's communicated is always pleasant - you may even
get on each other's nerves - a case of the media being good, but not necessarily the message. 5 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

Hot! Hot! Hot! aasss g qg

Gianluca's Mars Conjuncts Alessandra's Mars
Gianluca relates intensely with Alessandra
Hot! Hot! Hot! This interaction had better be sexual, sporting or very active in some way - because otherwise
it could degenerate into interminable battles as the raw or competitive energy created by the two of you being
together finds nowhere positive to go.

This is not to say that it ought to be sexual or physical in some way, but that it has a hard time expressing itself
through other channels! One way or the other though, you do test each other's mettle quite frequently; a bit
like a game of arm wrestling. If one or the other of you is not very assertive or sure of your act, this
interaction should teach you to be so - or you'll get knocked down or pushed around.

You over-stimulate one another, which can give rise to the kitchen being too hot to stay in for long. This is
more of a bout or match than it is a relationship - because you react rather than relate to one another. If you
do both manage to harness this drive, this internal combustion engine of an interaction, then you could
achieve a great deal together.

The joy of love aasss h q f

Gianluca's Jupiter Conjuncts Alessandra's Venus
Gianluca relates intensely with Alessandra
This is a particularly pleasant interaction because it ensures a benevolent and good-hearted feeling between
the two of you. You tend to see the best in each other and this furthers positive development for both of you
as individuals and as a couple. This can mean a number of things, from attracting wealth to helping you
through hard or tense times together.

There's an enthusiasm for life and each other which ultimately leads to a quite religious or spiritual
understanding and expression of what your relationship means. Along the way, however, there can be quite a
strong indulgent streak that had best be curbed if your life together is to be more than just a feast of eating,
drinking and social rounds.

Alessandra can help give Gianluca a social direction and context to his visions of a better life, while Gianluca
encourages Alessandra to make more of her talents. Through, or apart from, any storms that your relationship
may have to endure, this interaction will maintain a constant flow of joy and optimism.

The transformer aaass K qg

Gianluca's Uranus Conjuncts Alessandra's Mars
Gianluca relates intensely with Alessandra
Here we have a mutual, and probably sexual, attraction that comes about in a very immediate manner and
which seems to overlook, or bypass, what could be regarded as more practical, or even moral, considerations.
This is because the energy of this interaction is in aid of freeing up both of your respective senses of who you
each are as unique individuals, and as such, forces you uncompromisingly to exercise your right to assert your
unique desires and feelings.

This may, for example, involve unusual bursts of anger or sexual activity - or simply ongoing or periodic
irritation. Of necessity, all this probably includes disrupting the status quo of one or both of you - and even
those connected with you. So, this is an interaction that has a sort of electrifying urgency about it, since its
dynamic is that of pushing each of you on towards the next step in your personal evolution.

After the initial catalytic interaction has taken place, there's no guarantee that the relationship will be
long-lasting, but its effects certainly will be. However, if there are other interactions which do indicate
durability, as a couple you could, in an ongoing way, be involved in reforming or overthrowing certain existing
norms, be they in your personal lives or in society as a whole. 6 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

The bomb in the basement aasss K w+

Gianluca's Uranus Opposes Alessandra's Midheaven
Gianluca has a difference of opinion with Alessandra
Gianluca brings disruption to Alessandra's home and inner life, but this is only because, unconsciously, she
needed to clear out the cobwebs in that area. The trouble is that the home and private interior is usually the
very place where one wants peace and stability - so Gianluca may eventually get 'expelled' - or not admitted in
the first place.

However, it's also the place where habits can cause one to stagnate, so, if Alessandra can accept this seeming
'disruption' in this spirit, then she could be renewed and liberated. In return, Alessandra could provide
Gianluca with a place to comprehend his uniqueness and accept what is unusual about his nature, and make
something of it.

Generally, the home and what goes on inside of it are out of the ordinary, shocking even.

Home beautiful - 'Close One' aaaaa _w f

Gianluca's Ascendant Opposes Alessandra's Venus
Gianluca has a difference of opinion with Alessandra
Whether it's in the home in the literal sense, or in the sense of one's inner or private world, this interaction
confers upon one (or both) of you an aura of beauty and social grace. You feel happy and comfortable with
one another, as if you were harmonious family members - and indeed you may actually be so. 7 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

Relationship Strengths
To varying degrees, these are the harmonious interactions that create pleasure, reward and fruitfulness - as
well as providing you with the love, compatibility and understanding to manage and transform the
Relationship Challenges.

Sober and industrious assss aej

Gianluca's Sun Trines Alessandra's Saturn
Gianluca gets on well with Alessandra
This interaction lends itself well to any kind of administration. As a couple you can function in a businesslike
way, with each determining and knowing what roles to play or responsibilities to fulfil. This is by no means a
romantic connection since it stresses the importance of the mundane and material side of life, but because of
this, you can as a couple create stability and durability in so far as any more emotional contacts will allow or

In terms of what you do for each other, Gianluca can bring some light and play into the overly serious (or even
downcast) areas of Alessandra's life, while he is given a sense of order and tradition by her. If Alessandra is
the older of the two of you, then this coupling will accentuate these positive attributes, which means that the
sense of order provided by Alessandra is more likely to be quite real and substantial. In any event, the stability
and order, which is the hallmark of this interaction, can be attained if the two of you establish some rules and
limitations that you are both happy to keep to. Notwithstanding other interactions, this aspect does confer
mutual trust and reliability.

Mutual furtherance assss a e+

Gianluca's Sun Trines Alessandra's Midheaven
Gianluca gets on well with Alessandra
Each of you encourages and provides for the other with respect to career and domestic matters. As a result,
the one who does the giving is made to feel philanthropic, a reward in itself. If one of you has a position, or
contact, of any power or influence they will directly or indirectly be an agent of good fortune for the other.

Hand in glove aasss s ea

Gianluca's Moon Trines Alessandra's Sun
Gianluca gets on well with Alessandra
This is one of the most basically harmonious interactions, and facilitates any kind of relationship, be it
romantic, family, business or between friends. Alessandra is the 'leader' here, and Gianluca is quite happy to
follow that lead, but, because of traditional gender roles, it's more effective when Alessandra is a male and
Gianluca a female. Nevertheless, if the reverse, it may well be that Gianluca is in need of someone to show
the way, knows it, and therefore accepts it.

In return, Gianluca's instinctively positive response to Alessandra gives her a sense of being on the right course
in life. However, because this interaction has this 'basic' quality of harmony, it does not define, or take into
consideration, the more idiosyncratic qualities of the relationship, be they positive or negative. It simply
promises that, come what may, there will be an essential harmony between the two of you. 8 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

Friends and lovers - 'Close One' aaaaa d ef

Gianluca's Mercury Trines Alessandra's Venus
Gianluca gets on well with Alessandra
Both of you have a liking for the same people and pursuits, and have similar tastes. This goes a long way to
ensuring a lasting interest and harmony between the two of you, and you're well able to have fun and be
creative together. This interaction especially encourages any joint artistic efforts, either as a pair or with one
of you being in an advisory role. You're in tune with one another.

Most significantly though, the emotional and intellectual accord of this interaction enables you to see your
way through to harmony and agreement - even after the severest of conflicts. You mutually create an ongoing
sense of what's good and decent about being human; so co-operation leads to greater harmony, which in turn
leads to more co-operation, and so on. You both profit from the simple activity of discussing your likes and
dislikes, rather than expecting to either know them already, or assuming that they should be identical.

Mental efficiency assss d ej

Gianluca's Mercury Trines Alessandra's Saturn
Gianluca gets on well with Alessandra
If a practical, working relationship is what you have in mind, then having this excellent interaction of 'mental
efficiency' will ensure that commercial details, information and accounts, will be kept in excellent order. Also,
relationships that necessitate one person being in authority over the other like teacher/student or
parent/child, are facilitated by this aspect.

In a romantic relationship, your serious mental approach to things will ensure that problems are dealt with - as
long as they're not too emotional or subtle. But day-to-day, mundane bumps are smoothed over and worked
through efficiently and easily. Alessandra will always make sure that Gianluca 'keeps on the case' in a practical
way, whereas he keeps her informed with the latest 'down on the street'.

Social desirability aaass f ea

Gianluca's Venus Trines Alessandra's Sun
Gianluca gets on well with Alessandra
Your being together brings out a heightened sense of fun and harmony. Not only that, but you find each other
attractive in an easy sort of way. There's a great deal that you readily agree upon, and so others like to be
around you - be they friends, children or business associates. There can even be a feeling of wealth about you
that may very well attract that very thing if other interactions support this.

Hopefully there are dynamic and challenging aspects between you that drive you to achieve something,
because this interaction can incline you to being a bit lazy, even complacent. But, apart from that, you have a
delightful and enjoyable chemistry that graces any situation, but especially at social gatherings such as parties.

Mutual furtherance aasss h e_

Gianluca's Jupiter Trines Alessandra's Ascendant
Gianluca gets on well with Alessandra
You both blossom in the light and warmth of each other's attention. There may even be a 'master and
protégé' quality about your relationship, rather as if one of you has the wisdom while the other has the image,
or looks, to carry it off.

Metaphorically, or perhaps even literally, Gianluca is the cultured and socially experienced person who grooms
Alessandra, the naive youth. The creator and the created, the ultimate relationship; made possible because
you both have the grace to acknowledge each other's individual qualities. 9 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

Love and duty aasss j y f

Gianluca's Saturn Sextiles Alessandra's Venus
Gianluca gets on well with Alessandra
There's a definite layer of emotional responsibility and physical fidelity between the two of you. Any more
flighty or indulgent elements in one (or both) of you will be prevented - or at least brought to book by this
sense of social propriety.

Through highs and lows, this interaction acts as a steadying influence, returning you to some kind of balance.
The personal interchange behind this is one of Gianluca validating Alessandra's worth, but in a sober,
understated way that is ultimately more substantial than a more sensational display of appreciation.
Alessandra, in reciprocation, appreciates Gianluca's quiet, less sensational side, thereby establishing a very
personal bond.

Although this interaction is no more a guarantee of a sound and durable relationship than any other one
aspect, it is (or could be) the mainstay of a marriage, business partnership or parent/child relationship.

Emotional liberation assss K ys

Gianluca's Uranus Sextiles Alessandra's Moon
Gianluca gets on well with Alessandra
Emotional liberation is the keynote of this interaction. Notwithstanding the presence of any possessive, or
more passionate contacts between the two of you, both of you go to some lengths to help one another come
to terms with past influences, and if necessary, cut the ties with them. This is also a relationship where a
comfortable involvement with occult or esoteric subjects can take place. Practically speaking, unusual or
alternative pursuits are accommodated by one, or both of you.

All of this makes you quite relaxed with each other in the face of making psychological inroads into both
yourselves, and others. You both sort of 'caress' and 'poke' at the same time, with Alessandra being the
'caresser' or comforter, and Gianluca being the 'poker' or one who lays bare the truth of the matter. A slight
danger with this essentially very positive interaction is that you can become strangely detached from each
other as your respective feelings become kind of academic, and you fail to see the emotional wood for the
theoretical trees. Apart from that, you make a good team.

The problem solver - 'Close One' aaaaa K y d

Gianluca's Uranus Sextiles Alessandra's Mercury
Gianluca gets on well with Alessandra
Whatever else might be going on between you, this interaction provides you with a combined mental
awareness of new ways of seeing things and, consequently, new ways of being and doing too.

What's behind this mental awareness is a brilliant, almost telepathic, communication. It's been said that, if we
were telepathic as a race, then all our problems would cease to exist; for the simple reason that we would
always know what someone really meant, and also when someone was lying.

Such mental accord, of which you have some measure, can overcome or actually prevent disagreements and
misunderstandings. One could call this interaction 'The Problem Solver', as you free each other from whatever
veils have obscured your perception of how things really are. You may even extend this mental tool to help
others as well. 10 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

A mutual blessing assss l ya

Gianluca's Neptune Sextiles Alessandra's Sun
Gianluca gets on well with Alessandra
You have a quite spiritual or dreamy connection, and so flow together (or apart) as the current of life allows.
Notwithstanding any other more passionate or possessive interactions, you accept this gentle ebbing and
flowing. Imagination, dance, music and the 'otherworldly' can be elements that make up your relationship in
a positive and creative way.

One to one, Alessandra affirms and sheds light upon Gianluca's sensitive areas, thereby helping him to express
and deal with them better. Reciprocally, Gianluca treats Alessandra with the respect and sensitivity that
causes her to feel more sure of herself. There's a mutual blessing going on here, something which may not be
that obvious to others, simply because the process is patently subtle. However, because there is the psychic
link between you, others who are psychically attuned will pick up on it. This is not a robust connection by any
means, but it knows how to go around obstacles - if you let it take you.

Mutual empowerment aasss ; ea

Gianluca's Pluto Trines Alessandra's Sun
Gianluca gets on well with Alessandra
Alessandra benefits greatly from Gianluca's insights or resources, while he is given much needed confidence
by her convincing appreciation or admiration of those very things. Together you can be the new broom that
sweeps clean, clearing away obstacles to your progress and well-being, either individually or as a couple - or
even for the area of society in which you operate.

This is a mutually regenerative relationship, and other interactions considered, can make for a long standing
and self-renewing partnership. With the support of similar interactions, great wealth and/or power can be
attained. In any event, you will both be the better for knowing one another.

Seeing eye to eye - 'Close One' aaaas _y_

Gianluca's Ascendant Sextiles Alessandra's Ascendant
Gianluca gets on well with Alessandra
You see eye to eye and are physically at ease with each other, but this effect may only last long enough to get
you interested in one another. You may hit it off on the dance floor, or in bed; or there are simply plenty of
times when your paths cross, giving rise to opportunity.

Physical compatibility is what this aspect is all about. So much so, that even if you go for long periods apart
when the initial intimacy has worn off, you still feel that immediacy of 'physical connectedness'. Looked at
another way, even if there are storms on emotional or mental levels, this physical accord keeps you on
intimate terms, or gives you the feeling that you had when you first met.

Mutual advancement - 'Close One' aaaaa +y j

Gianluca's Midheaven Sextiles Alessandra's Saturn
Gianluca gets on well with Alessandra
The professional position (or status) of one of you is of substantial help to the other, and vice versa. Under
this influence both of you come to respect and be more aware of authority and its importance, either your
own or someone else's. Mutual advancement is the name of the game here. It favours all business
relationships. The domestic or private areas are also improved owing to this positive interaction. 11 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

Relationship Challenges
These are the interactions that are most likely to produce friction and disagreement - some more than others
as the interpretations point out. In fact, they often explain why you were attracted in the first place because
they define the deeper reasons for your coming together in that they force both of you to become more
self-aware and improve your relating skills or ability to love and be loved.

Just good friends? aasss s w f

Gianluca's Moon Opposes Alessandra's Venus
Gianluca has a difference of opinion with Alessandra
This interaction creates a soft and tender attraction for each other, but it has an inclination to find you not
quite knowing who's supposed to make a move towards anything more dynamic than simply liking and feeling
affectionate towards one another If, because of a more intense feeling between you, things become more
intimate, this interaction can cause one of you to want to back out.

If you are both fairly emotionally aware, then you will probably both understand you were mistaken in your
intentions. If not, however, in the same way that making the move initially towards one another was
awkward, it can be equally awkward trying to pull apart which, in turn, can wind up with one of you feeling
upset and unwanted. Underlying all of this is the probability that Gianluca is motivated by security needs, but
Alessandra by pleasure or social ones. Another expression of this combination of such conflicting needs is that
you both become rather indulgent and hedonistic, maybe by way of compensation. When all is said and done,
this interaction has really only the makings of 'just good friends', and very sociable and lively ones at that!

Susceptibility versus manipulation - 'Close One' aaaas s r;

Gianluca's Moon Squares Alessandra's Pluto
Gianluca clashes with Alessandra
Gianluca is likely to feel held in a kind of psychological arm-lock by Alessandra, but will probably not let on, or
even believe, that this is the case, and this makes it all the more incapacitating. The probable reason behind
this is that Alessandra's attitude to Gianluca can be one of disdain, because she sees him as being weak or
pathetic in some way.

It is also likely that Alessandra is projecting her own emotional vulnerability here, something which she denies.
And so, Gianluca will instinctively retaliate in an indirect or passive way. But in both, and all, cases, it would
not be too obvious what was going on, or why. Possessiveness and jealousy are also likely to raise their
gnarled little heads, sooner or later. Again, suspicious looks and subtle sneers, or jibes, would be the only
signs - initially at least.

This interaction makes for more or less constant erosion of whatever your emotional links are, but with a view
to renewing them in the process. This obviously necessitates some pretty good mental and emotional rapport
supplied from elsewhere. If this is so, then neither of you will allow the grass to grow under the feet of your
relationship, and it will consequently last and last, yet probably with occasional 'black-outs' of communication.
The mean alternative is, unfortunately, stagnation. 12 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

Thought versus action aaass d rg

Gianluca's Mercury Squares Alessandra's Mars
Gianluca clashes with Alessandra
This is an argumentative and disagreeable influence. Hardly a day goes by without one of you finding
something which the other person says or does objectionable. You irritate each other far too easily for any
kind of peace or harmony to exist for long. The reasons for such battles will have their origin in the other hard
interactions that you have.

This aspect is not the source of conflict itself, it's simply a means (arguing) that you have of expressing
discontent with yourselves, each other, and life in general. It's almost as if you don't want to communicate
properly in case you discover something that really needs seeing to.

This mutual irritation, and the bickering that it generates, are not something others like to be around much -
so don't expect many invitations to social occasions unless you both have dangerously convincing social masks,
or have your heads stuck in the sand in the way just described.

This interaction is 'thought' versus 'action'. So, Alessandra gets annoyed with Gianluca because she sees him
as being permanently at the ideas or planning stage, while Gianluca regards Alessandra as an impulsive fool.
You probably both have a point here, but sheer annoyance prevents you both from seeing it!

The general versus the particular aasss d rh

Gianluca's Mercury Squares Alessandra's Jupiter
Gianluca clashes with Alessandra
There can be a lot of talk and not much achieved between the two of you because Gianluca is concerned with
details, whereas Alessandra is more interested in an overall view of things. Alessandra's philosophical or
religious concepts frustrate and annoy Gianluca's more practical, logical approach.

Alessandra's great plans confuse Gianluca's work and everyday concerns - which to Alessandra seem piffling
and short-sighted. If you could both appreciate that you are each seeing opposite sides of the same coin, then
something useful, and inspiring too, could be the result.

Alessandra could help Gianluca to see the bigger picture and gain a better understanding of how his thoughts
and ideas could fit into a greater whole, while Gianluca in turn could assist Alessandra in practically, technically
and verbally expressing her grand ideas. Other interactions that you have could indicate whether or not you
have the emotional harmony to come to this sort of mental agreement. 13 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

A need to re-attune assss d rl

Gianluca's Mercury Squares Alessandra's Neptune
Gianluca clashes with Alessandra
This can be a bit like trying to plug the telephone into the television. Both are wonderful
transmitter/receivers, but without some radical rewiring (profound change in the perception of how you view
life and one another) they are not going to communicate very well with each other.

Gianluca's logical approach to things is annoyed or baffled by Alessandra's more sensitive and holistic view of
life. Gianluca wants to see everything and everyone as separate classified entities, whereas Alessandra feels
everything and everyone to be totally interconnected. What this does for your perception of one another is
that Gianluca holds Alessandra to be an unrealistic dreamer - and therefore unreliable, possibly deceptive,
even mentally unbalanced.

Conversely, Alessandra sees Gianluca as not seeing the whole picture, over-simplifying what is complex but
beautiful, and generally enchained by intellectual tyranny. Gianluca's tunnel-vision of Alessandra as a person
is what can be really troublesome for her, because she seems to be seen only as someone who must fit, or will
not fit, into Gianluca's linear landscape.

Eventually, rather than argue the point, Alessandra will, possibly unconsciously, go along with Gianluca's idea
of her, which ironically means that she becomes the very shape shifter that Gianluca cannot handle. This is
because Gianluca is putting out myriad expectations that his rational perception overlooks. All the while
though, he thinks he's the one with a firm grip on reality. The point is that he well may be, but he will have to
prove it in the face of Alessandra's possibly neurotic and evasive antics.

The reality is not that either of you are right or wrong, but that the telephone and the television are vaguely
similar but quite different, and very unlikely ever to make lasting or meaningful contact - unless that 'radical
rewiring' is done.

The reason why you experience this interaction at all is so that you can, hopefully, appreciate the existence of
both these modes of perception/communication, and not simply become alienated by getting stuck on the
illusory fence between correct and incorrect, real and unreal.

Incidentally, the crossed lines that this interaction produces can also manifest as the two of you having some
kind of breakdown of communication with others, like local residents, friends or colleagues. Overall, and
basically, this interaction causes a misconception of what one of you is to the other, and the glitches in
communication that follow upon this.

Out of sync aasss d r+

Gianluca's Mercury Squares Alessandra's Midheaven
Gianluca clashes with Alessandra
To Gianluca's way of thinking and working, Alessandra abuses her position; whereas Alessandra sees Gianluca
as speaking out of turn. It could go the other way, but overall you have conflicting ways of working and

If one of you is obviously subordinate to the other, like employee to employer, or pupil to teacher, then this
may not be too much of a problem, but in any event it means that your working together, or simply being
together, can only go so far. This may simply manifest itself as being hard to find time together in the first
place. 14 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

A communication block - 'Close One' aaaas j r d

Gianluca's Saturn Squares Alessandra's Mercury
Gianluca clashes with Alessandra
You have here a communication block. Often, when putting forth her thoughts or ideas, Alessandra seems to
have to go through an examination under Gianluca. Literally, or metaphorically, this is a pupil/teacher
relationship and in an emotional relationship of any kind, it can obviously give rise to an inferior/superior
set-up, with all the resentments and disdain that accompany it.

However, if Alessandra can appreciate that her ideas probably do need to be made more practical, or put into
practice, and that Gianluca does have a point, then this could turn a potentially negative interaction into one
which was quite fruitful. Additionally, or alternatively, Gianluca may need to take on board the necessity of
using his intellect less and his feelings more.

Gianluca, on the other hand, like any good teacher, has to find a way of saying what he has to say in a way that
doesn't make Alessandra feel stupid, or inferior. Ironically, Alessandra can see Gianluca as being stupid
because he appears dull and slow, unimaginative and overly conservative.

Gianluca should seriously consider (his forte, after all) whether Alessandra has a point here, because one day
she might get so fed up with having her ideas squashed that she finds a new teacher! If both of you can take
these points on board, you can have an intellectually serious and mutual learning relationship, rather than a
cold and dry one.

Disruption - 'Close One' aaaaa K r_

Gianluca's Uranus Squares Alessandra's Ascendant
Gianluca clashes with Alessandra
Gianluca will attempt to change Alessandra's outlook in some way or other, but she may well resist this.
Gianluca may do this unconsciously, by being unpredictable or unreliable, or he may actually cause Alessandra
to move away from her previous environment, thereby forcing her to adopt a more flexible attitude, or simply
become more aware that how she looks at things is inappropriate and needs changing anyway.

For example, Gianluca would not take kindly to Alessandra impinging on his freedom in any way, and so
Alessandra would have to adapt to this if she wanted to maintain the relationship. Alternatively, Alessandra's
actions could put Gianluca through a few shocks and changes. All the same, it has to be said, that this is not
an interaction that brings about a stable and long-lasting bond.

In fact, it's actually in aid of shaking off any idea that such a thing is possible with the current state of one, or
both, of your personalities and abilities to relate. So in any event, this interaction should find you both
somewhat the wiser with regard to appreciating the place (and space) that freedom of expression demands in
a relationship.

Habit versus manner aaass _r s

Gianluca's Ascendant Squares Alessandra's Moon
Gianluca clashes with Alessandra
Gianluca's manner of self-expression rubs Alessandra's emotional sensibilities up the wrong way. In return,
Alessandra's reaction to this invites more of same. Alessandra's habits and routines are also somewhat
annoying to Gianluca This vicious circle needs to be broken by at least one of you to prevent such disharmony
developing into an outright breakdown of any kind of positive interaction. In other words, self-control and
some compromises are called for in both your conduct. Failure to do this can, additionally, preclude your
doing anything together that caters to others, or the public. This interaction is hardly ideal for domestic
co-existence! 15 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

Disruption aaass _r K
Gianluca's Ascendant Squares Alessandra's Uranus
Gianluca clashes with Alessandra
Alessandra will attempt to change Gianluca's outlook in some way or other, but Gianluca may resist this.
Alessandra may do this unconsciously, by being unpredictable or unreliable, or may actually cause Gianluca to
move away from his previous environment, thereby forcing him to adopt a more flexible attitude, or simply
become more aware that how he looks at things is inappropriate and needs changing anyway.

For example, Alessandra would not take kindly to Gianluca impinging on her freedom in any way, and so
Gianluca would have to adapt to this if he wanted to maintain the relationship. Alternatively, Gianluca's
conduct could put Alessandra through a few shocks and changes. All the same, it has to be said that, this is
not an interaction that engenders a stable and long lasting bond.

In fact, it's actually in aid of shaking off any idea that such a thing is possible with the current state of one or
both of your personalities and abilities to relate. So in any event, this interaction should find you somewhat
the wiser with regard to appreciating the place and space that freedom of expression demands in a

Independence versus status - 'Close One' aaaas +r g

Gianluca's Midheaven Squares Alessandra's Mars
Gianluca clashes with Alessandra
Alessandra can be felt as a thorn in Gianluca's side, particularly with respect to his professional or domestic
position. Alessandra may be tolerated, or even enjoyed, as a loose cannon, but only so far. For her part,
Alessandra can see Gianluca as part of the 'establishment' in that he appears superior, or has more material or
emotional might. But, Alessandra is actually more of a free agent, whereas Gianluca is tied to certain
procedures and responsibilities that she finds heavy and stuffy. Alessandra may have a point, but this could
simply conceal feelings of powerlessness. 16 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

Socio-Cultural Interactions
These Inter-Aspects consist only of the slower-moving Planets. These are Jupiter and Saturn, sometimes
called the Social Planets, and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the so-called Transpersonal Planets as they go
beyond the individual and have more to do with generations and the shaping of cultures and civilization itself.
So they show how two people interact at these levels.

In some cases these interactions are hardly noticeable for they are absorbed into one's social and cultural
milieu and not experienced as anything that 'personal'. However, by being made aware of them one is able to
see advantages and setbacks that were previously 'invisible' and can thereby increase or reduce them.

In other cases, especially when one of the Planets involved figures strongly in other interactions, or is a Close
One or a Double Whammy (see Introduction above), such Inter-Aspects can be felt to be very significant.

Judge not lest we be judged aaass h r;

Gianluca's Jupiter Squares Alessandra's Pluto
Gianluca clashes with Alessandra
Any excesses or incautious activities may lead to some kind of crisis. Should this happen, you will be
confronted with some sort of moral dilemma. Alessandra will attempt to steamroller Gianluca's thoughts or
feelings on the matter, whereas he will resist this with ethical or religious justifications.

But the fact is that both of you have been, or are in danger of being, remiss in some matter of reasoning or
conduct. So, this interaction is all about bringing to the surface some quite profound or taboo-ridden issue,
possibly one that involves the law, be it made by man or God - or sex.

Apart from being wise before the event, (whatever that might be), the two of you would do best to avoid bad
feelings as much as possible by accepting that you are only human. But then, the trouble with this interaction
is that difficulties can arise simply because you forgot that human is all you really are.

Accepting this fact, and that neither of you will really have the last word, is probably the only way of resolving
the conflict. "Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord" or "Judge not, lest ye be judged".

Begging to differ aaass j wj

Gianluca's Saturn Opposes Alessandra's Saturn
Gianluca has a difference of opinion with Alessandra
What's needed here is a kind of division of responsibilities, where each of you deals with your respective
duties and objectives - without falling into the mistake of insisting the other person have the same duties and
objectives or ways of achieving them. Emotionally, we often have a need to feel 'together' with someone in
more ways than is possible considering the different life circumstances of each individual, such as this
interaction indicates.

Saturn as a planetary energy is not interested in such personal inclinations, and this interaction makes that
very clear. However, if it's not clear to both of you that you do have different paths and disciplines in certain
areas, then this simple material difference can grow into what seems a great block to emotional harmony.

Much of the difficulty may simply arise because one of you is fourteen to fifteen years older than the other,
and their responsibilities are simply greater, their perspective more world-wise or world-weary. Ultimately,
this interaction could indeed spell out a difference between the two of you that does make an ongoing
relationship of any kind untenable.

It could be rather as if you pass one another by, test each other's standpoint and objective, and move on -
hopefully leaving you both a little wiser as to what is hard, but necessary, in each of your lives, as opposed to
what is easy and pleasurable. 17 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

A marriage of minds aasss K qh

Gianluca's Uranus Conjuncts Alessandra's Jupiter
Gianluca relates intensely with Alessandra
This is primarily an interaction that suits, or indicates, friendship and a 'marriage of minds' - at least, in one
area of your relationship. As such it tends to by-pass or rise above physical, sexual, or even emotional

Yet, because you tend to fire one another up with respect to subjects like metaphysics, religion, education,
new age thinking, etc., you could be forgiven for feeling that the fire is a bit lower down than it is!

Any forays into the sensual are probably isolated incidents, or are just titillating prospects that hover around.
When such misconceptions of your interest in one another are put behind you, or if they never arose in the
first place, this interaction can enable you to discover together very unusual and encouraging insights into life,
the Universe and everything.

So, what can start out as a very lively interaction that promises all manner of exciting and unlikely things, can
evolve into something quite cerebral. However, there will probably always be that frisson of ''what if?"
whenever you're in each other's company. None of the above is to say that yours cannot be an ongoing

If it is, then this interaction would help to keep it refreshed, not least because your individual opinions cannot
resist good naturedly vying with one another, thereby upgrading your respective viewpoints and ideas of one
another - and life itself.

An unusual understanding assss K yK

Gianluca's Uranus Sextiles Alessandra's Uranus
Gianluca gets on well with Alessandra
What makes this interaction so distinctive is that, although you're one or two whole generations apart in age,
there's an intuitive understanding that seems to go beyond such normal considerations. The unusual quality
of rapport that you enjoy is, however, something which few others will be able to tune into. You may even
disturb others because of your unique connection.

If there are constructive or creative interactions between you, then you could be instrumental in making
others aware of facets to life and human nature they never knew existed.

Mutual awakening assss K ql

Gianluca's Uranus Conjuncts Alessandra's Neptune
Gianluca relates intensely with Alessandra
If one (or both) of you was not interested in the metaphysical or mysterious side of life before, then this
interaction should herald experience and involvement with it, somehow or other. It may even have had
something to do with the way you actually met. Gianluca is instrumental in making Alessandra far more aware
of her psychic or compassionate nature - and of her weaknesses and blind spots too.

Alessandra, on the other hand, can suggest a gentler, and more collectively appealing, way of giving
expression to what's unusual, valuable or even brilliant about him to Gianluca. But, Alessandra will also show
Gianluca how hurtful and inappropriate he can be when insensitively, although truthfully, pointing out the
frailties of anyone, especially herself.

Although this interaction can be quite far reaching in its effect upon the lives and personalities of each of you -
because it quickens your awareness of the subtler side to 'being' and 'relating' - it can also be quite easily
resisted and reasoned away if one (or both) of you is of a particularly conventional and scientific bent. If this is
the case, then shocking and apparently unwarranted events could dog the relationship. 18 of 20
Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra

Intensity versus sensitivity - 'Close One' aaaaa l r;

Gianluca's Neptune Squares Alessandra's Pluto
Gianluca clashes with Alessandra
Alessandra, in her urge to impress, or get what she desires, may overlook the subtleties and protective veils
that Gianluca has around his being. So, what can happen is that, in looking for strength in Gianluca,
Alessandra finds what she sees as weakness or evasiveness, overlooking the fact that her emotional missile
was misguided at the outset.

To make things more confusing, Gianluca just might become quite addicted to these shows of power, yet at
the same time try to avoid such invasions. If Gianluca was given the chance, he could show Alessandra how to
'go more gently into the night' - that is, into the unknown of someone's emotional interior.

However, unless this aspect is a Close One, it will probably just amount to a general conflict created by the
individual differences in your respective world views as established by your formative years occurring at
different times in social history.

Written by Lyn Birkbeck ©2020, Program Copyright ©2020 Stardm Ltd



How to improve your relationship! - Identifies the positive qualities you share in order to achieve more
happiness together.


Secrets of a better relationship - How you feel about each other, the way to make a success of being together.


How you behave towards each other - What you need to know and understand about how you attract your
partner and keep them.


The connection you have created together - Find out the reality of becoming a couple as you grow into a long
term relationship.


Improve your love-making styles - Gain confidence in your ability to improve your love-making - creating special
moments of pleasure together.


Upcoming goals and objectives - Qualities that influence your professional working life and potential success.


Gaining confidence for the future! Understand and track development of talent in a self-assured way.

Soul Mates between Gianluca & Alessandra
Reaching full potential - How you instinctively behave and react to important situations. Understand and track
development of talent in a self-assured way.


All about attitude and commitment - Gain a deeper understanding of motivations, challenges and strengths.


Revealing life's purpose - Single-mindedness, desire, talent, sensitivity and future possibilities.


Monthly interpretations describe your personal thoughts, feelings and desires. Long-term interpretations
indicate important life changing events.


Discover when you are most likely to find love, if a relationship will stand the test of time or an existing
relationship can deepen, be strengthened or revived.


Identify when to make decisions - Important opportunities, a changing relationship, job or home. Learn to rely
on your choices.


How you change, grow and develop - Make use of your most positive characteristics during the promising time
periods indicated.


Personal development - Make the most of events and encounters. Discover what triggers your powers of
persuasion and progress?



A guide to successful dating - Important dates for romantic or social activity, details the best times for love
during the coming year.


How you behave as a partner - What you need to know and understand about how to attract a partner and keep


Improve your love-making style - Gain confidence in your ability to improve your love-making - creating special
moments of pleasure.

All reports delivered instantly on-screen & emailed. 20 of 20

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