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William Arends

Mr. Hickey
January 5, 2021
Hebrew Studies

Genesis Chapter one Outline

● On the first day God created light/day and darkness/night.

● On the second day God separated and arranged the waters
● On the third day God put water in one basin so there could be dry land. God brought
forth vegetation on the land.
● On the fourth day God made the sun and the moon. He wanted these lights in the
sky to mark the seasons, the days and the years and to light the skies. The greater
light, the sun, to govern the day and the lesser one to govern the night.
● On the fifth day God created the fish and the birds of the water.
● On the sixth day God created animals, both tame and wild and he finally created
man and woman
● God said the humans have dominion over the birds, fish, animals and everything that
crawls on the earth.
● God gave mankind seed bearing plants and trees so that they could eat
● God created mankind in his image and likeness.
● God looked at all he made and found it very good.

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