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William Arends

U.S. History

9 September 2021

U.S. History pg. 87 - 94

Staple crops were profitable market crops, such as cotton, tobacco, and rice, that predominate in a

given region.

Triangular trade is a network of trade in which exports from one region were sold to a second

region; the second sent its exports to a third region that exported its own goods back to the first country or


1. 90% of the African slaves were sent to the southern colonies.

2. South Carolina had a black majority through the 18th century.

3. The Sale Witch Trials occurred in the 1690s.

4. Cod was the staple of the New England fishing industry.

5. The Scots-Irish are Scottishfrom the south of Scotland.

6. Germans.

7. America gave Europe raw materials, Europe made raw materials into manufactured goods,

Europe traded manufactured goods to America for more money, Europe traded manufactured

goods with Africa for slaves, European ships took slaves to America, the ships then went to

Europe for more manufactured goods, and went back down to Africa, repeating the cycle.

8. Cotton Mather was a prominent Boston minister who also played a role in writing about the

Salem Witch trial cases.

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