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Helping a woman finish is usually more about rhythm than force.

If you struggle with rhythm, try

putting on music with decent bass.
If she starts breathing hard, twisting around, or especially says "I'm close", change nothing!
Changing things at this point can be very effective, but it's also complicated, and usually requires a
good amount of communication. If you are looking for sex tips, start there: change nothing when she
is close.
Try to focus on your partner, exclusively. Many people are hyper aware during sex. They can tell if
you aren't really paying attention. It's not a good feeling.
If you are self-conscious about finishing fast, find out what you need to get to round 2 (protein
shake? Cuddling?) And talk about this with your partner. Many women like the idea that they can
make their partner finish fast. They also like to finish as well. The simplest solution here is to have
sex twice. If you struggle to have sex twice in a short time period, keep in mind that penis-in-vagina
sex is often the worst way to help a woman finish. Learn to give good head.
Stop being self-conscious about your dick. There really are cons to a big dick, and pros to a small
one. And the only reason to really care about it's size is because of how it affects your partner. Your
pleasure has nothing to do with your size. Even if you have a micro-dick, seriously, stop worrying.
Your best bets to helping a woman finish are, in order, your words, your tongue, your hands, then
your dick. You can learn to use all four better. You can't make your dick bigger. If none of that can
help you stop fussing about it, consider that confidence is itself attractive. Even being self-
depricating about your dick (which is still healthier than most people's relationship with their dick) is
not confident behavior.
A lot of this read as "chase your partners pleasure more than your own". Keep in mind that they
should be doing the same thing! If you feel like your partner doesn't care about your pleasure, talk
about it! Guys can also have bad sex.
The single best tip for sex is often the hardest, due to how we tend to treat sex: communicate!
Men of reddit, what is a great sex tip you have to share with other men of reddit? : AskReddit

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