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In values, neoclassicism show order and solemnity while during romanticism it shows intuition, emotion

and imagination.

When it comes to inspiration, Neoclassicism was inspired by classical Rome patriotism, courage and
honor. On the other hand, Romanticism was inspired by Medieval and Baroque eras, Middle and Far

Most of the artworks from neoclassicism was calm and rational, compared to Romanticism which are
subjective, spontaneous and non-conformist.

The usual subjects of neoclassical are from Greek and Roman history while romanticism was all about
legends, exotica, nature and violence.

In techniques, neoclassical uses stressed drawing with lines, not color and has no trace of brushstroke.
Romanticism artists uses unrestrained, rich color and visible brushstrokes.

The role of art during neoclassical was to inspire and uplift the morals of the viewers, while during
romanticism artworks was dramatically made so that the viewers will be carried away by the emotion of
the artworks.

When it comes to composition, during neoclassical most figures are in foreground, while romanticism
uses diagonal and crowded composition.

And for lines and texture, neoclassical artists uses linear styles which are smooth and has no
brushstrokes, on the other hand, romantic artists uses painterly styles and has visible brushstrokes.

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