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Assignment #1

1. What are your most visited website?

The persons I asked what their most visited websites are my sisters and their answers
are Google, YouTube, Facebook and Spotify.
2. Reasons:
The reasons why Google, YouTube, Facebook and Spotify are their most visited
website are the following:
1. They visit Google not only to search for answers to questions they don’t know about
but also to search for sources of books, lessons or for their research.
2. They visit YouTube all the time to listen and watch to their favorite music, music
videos and other variety of video content that YouTube users upload online.
3. They visit Facebook most of the time particularly when the pandemic has started
because they want entertainment and when the schools opened for online classes, they
also spend a big portion of their time in messenger for school purposes.
4. They visit Spotify to stream their favorite artists and to discover more music.

Assignment #2
1. How does ICT help ease the lives of Filipino in terms of education, entertainment,
telecommunications and business?
2. What are the benefits and inconveniences of current state of IC in the new normal?

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