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Immigration is defined as the movement of people or animals from one area to another.

There are
many reasons for why immigration takes place, for example, some people find that immigrating to
other countries allow them to have better opportunities within raising families or work
opportunities. Others may say that immigrating allows them to flee a difficult situation within their
countries, thus allowing them to be able to survive.

Immigration has seen both positive and negative outcomes. Some positive consequences may
include being able to live and work in a country, without which, one would not be able to survive.
Countries are able to benefit also, as many skilled, trained and professional people are able to better
their societies though the use of their taxable expertise. On the other hand, there are negatives to
immigration also. For example, many people, who could be using their strengths to work and give
back to the country, fall short of this by simply staying at home, and claiming state benefit.

In my opinion, I believe that Immigration is a very necessary resource, without which, countries
wouldn’t be able to thrive.

The passion that some have for seeking better opportunities in countries away from their own is one
that many would feel morally inclined to support. Many people from Asian and African continents
will readily fly to more western countries, seeking for a better livelihood for they and their families.
These people are willing to do whatever it may take to elevate.

The flee some may make from toil and war in war-tourn countries is a necessary reason for
immigration also. Governments in Palestine and Syria are at war and many civilians, children and
families perish every day at the bombs and bullets released on a daily basis. These families, in need
of places to stay, hurry to seek refuge in western countries.

Some might argue that immigration as a concept has saved many people’s lives as many have fled
from war and troubles within their own nations. Others might add that countries should be thankful
as the economies and healthcare systems of these western countries have been bettered by the
presence of these foreigners, not to mention the benefit the countries make on their taxable
income. In contrast, many may argue that immigration is not a good concept as it causes for an
increase in unemployment via the fact that there are more people in the country who may not be
adding to the economy or health of the country because they are seen to just claim state benefit.

Personally, I believe though immigration may see an increase in people who aren’t employed, I feel
countries wouldn’t be able to thrive and be better if left without them.

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