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“Time is money” or we can say that time is valuable. Because one today will cost you 2 tomorrows.

second wasted is equivalent to money flying away. We must learn how to make use of time because
money can't buy you everything especially time. Time is something we need to catch up with as time is
always running. Time is free of cost but neither we can buy it nor sell it. Money is very valuable but time
is even more. Money is something a person tirelessly strives for. We have to manage time properly and
make use of it in a wise way so it benefits us. In this way we can earn money. Our success or failure
depends upon the judicious use of our time. Every second of time we waste, we are depriving ourselves
of money. We cannot waste time on frivolous pursuits. Procrastination is just as bad as being sedentary
because one today will take you more than two tomorrows to catch up. If we utilise our time and money
properly we will be showered by opportunities. So to sum up every thing, We shouldn't waste our time,
because time is money and time is always running.

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