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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH ~ teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-106

August 23, 1997 (1) Inasmuch as ye seek the living word of prophetic knowledge, ye seek the fullness of everlasting
knowledge and comfort given through the prophetic medium of the pure heart. Ye do find comfort in the eternal world and
seek the living well of righteousness even that the fullness of living water accompanies the righteous even as they are
brought to an eternal remembrance of the manna of living fire which brings forth the long- suffering quality to rely upon the
word of the Lord in accomplished sequence to fulfill the measure of new creation in the pure heart of righteousness. So be it
written to bring forth the knowledge of eternal life to thy remembrance even that seeing into the elements of new- creation
bringeth the fastidious acceleration of living comfort into the heart of man which has sought for the renewing capacity of the
Holy Ghost who was promised would bring forth eternal righteousness. So be it written to give thee comfort this day as ye
prepare thy heart to respond to the call to arise from the dust and place before thine eyes the new robes of eternal knowledge
and understanding even as the spirit is clothed with the remembrance of eternal precepts of happiness and joy. Bring forth
the knowledge of the eternal heart and find the wellspring of eternal life flowing unto thee in covenantal righteousness. So
be it written to give thee peace in the knowledge of eternal remembrance quickened upon thy brow. So be it written to thy
remembrance in the name of Jesus Christ. [August 23, 1997 (1)]
August 23, 1997(2)
August 23, 1997 (2) Blessed art thou as ye feast upon the new manna of righteousness. Blessed art thou this day to season a
personal commitment to the words of eternal life through faith placed in the name of Jesus Christ. Blessed art thou even as
ye find the knowledge of eternal life brought forth to reestablish the covenant of eternal life in the heart to view the expanse
and dominion of perfect righteousness even as the way and season of righteousness is a way of remembered encounters
which bring a fullness to thy remembrance of holy dominion and extended circumference inhabiting the purified heart unto
righteousness. Peace be unto thy soul as thy desires are schooled in the revelatory sequence of perfected righteousness.
Blessed art thou because of thy willingness to endure all things in the name of Jesus Christ even that ye would be bound to
the station of receiving the mind and will of the Lord for thee even that thy bowels are filled with compassion and long-
suffering that ye would be found in renewal even as thy strength is secured unto the ordering of thy countenance in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ. So be it written to grant unto thee peace in the remembrance capacity of perfected righteousness
even that thy bowels are filled with compassion unto the filling of thy heart with the water and seed of eternal life granted
thee in thy peaceful acceptance of the manna of everlasting dominion and righteousness. So be it written to enlarge thine
understanding of the way and season of love inhabiting the dominion granted unto thee in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So be it written to bring thee forth to a position of the further light and knowledge granted the prayerful of heart and mind.
So be it written to give thee peace and eternal- life remembrance in a kingdom of glorified structure and dominion. So be it
granted unto thee to understand the manna of perfected righteousness in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. So be it written
to give thee call upon thy premortal stature and knowledge that ye do find comfort in the formula of progression unto a
happiness reinstated in thee through faith placed upon the name of Jesus Christ unto a greater facility to rely upon the
mercies of the atonement of the Son of God even that the transfigured element brought forth abides within thy heart and
mind to deem thee well and good in the knowledge brought forth to strengthen life and remembrance in a tabernacled
element of holy dominion whereby the right to the everlasting priesthood is acquired through the reawakened promises
made before the world began which was a full knowledge of eternal covenants and assignments given to prepare the
children of light for the way of righteousness and eternal- life dominion. So be it granted thee to participate in the gathering
of the knowledge of eternal life and the stewardship to bring forth the latent remembrance of the Son of Man within thy
spirit unto a refreshed combination of righteous element inhabiting the desire to be true to God and stand in the cause of
righteousness. So be it written that ye would endure in righteousness and be found willing to be persecuted in the name of
the Lord Jesus Christ. So be it given to thee to fulfill the commitment that ye do come forth to a covenant heritage of
righteousness in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. [August 23, 1997 (2)]
September 1, 1997 (1)
September 1, 1997 (1) Write in the name of the Lord that ye do find peace in the walk toward righteous fulfillment of the
voice seen upon thy countenance to the overcoming of the world and the desire of unrighteousness. Hearken to the voice of
living discipleship that ye be brought forth to new understanding that ye be feasted upon in the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ that ye might be found prepared to suffer the withholding of the understanding of those who see thee with eyes of
disdain, for ye shall come to understanding and peace with the things of righteousness that ye be feasted upon with the
knowledge of eternal life even that the words of eternal life would brighten thy countenance hi the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ. [September 1,1997 (1)]
September 3, 1997 (1)
September 3, 1997 (1) Be at peace, for I have granted unto thee the knowledge of the pure symbolism of the covenant heart
which is made pure and holy according to the long- suffering of the noble and great ones who overcome the world. Ye are
blessed to come forth to new understanding even that ye do find thy peace amidst the things of everlasting life even that ye
do find thy heart comforted by pure knowledge and the sweet- reverent peace of the plans and purposes of God revealed

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-106

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