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06 Psychotherapy
I am choosing client A to diagnose. He has been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder in
the past and has actually not experienced any sort of depression until he just lost his job. After
that happened his mental state got really bad and is now diagnosed with Major Depressive
Episode. This mental illness is very similar to major Depressive Disorder, but instead Client A’s
depression only comes in episodes or instances.
Biomedical: I think in this case the client would really benefit from taking antidepressants.
These can help regulate his mood. However, they will not “cure” him, but they will definitely
help in suppressing the depression symptoms. Another thing these antidepressants will do is
help make him feel less tired.
Modality: I really feel like the patient will tremendously benefit from either group and/or
individual therapy. Individual therapy is more of a humanistic approach and will help him be
able to speak on a more personal level than if he were to talk about his feelings in front of a
group. However, group speaking is also very good mentally because you can relate to other
people. It will make you feel like you aren’t going through this battle alone and there are people
there to support you who are experiencing the same kind of situation. I also think it would be a
good idea for their whole family to get therapy. That way they can all help each other and start
feeling better and more connected with each other.
Since his family has had a history with depression, I would definitely recommend that he comes
in regularly so we can check on him and see how he is doing. I would also monitor the amount
of alcohol that he is consuming because of his history with alcohol abuse.

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