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Kosmacki 1

Sam Kosmacki

Mrs. Bowman

Exercise Leadership

3 December 2019

Final Practical Reflection

Overall, I thought I did very well being a group instructor. It was something I was

uncomfortable with at the start but found that it got easier as I went. Throughout all of my

performances, I improved on my confidence in front of groups of individuals. This was reflected

through the tone and volume of my voice, as well as my body language. Some new strengths I

developed are not looking off of the computer or board as much and consistently talking with the

class. These improvements allowed my class to flow more smoothly and made me look more

prepared. There were a few concepts and actions I successfully did throughout all of the classes

I taught. I always asked if anyone was new to the class or needed accommodations, I provided

modifications to various exercises, and reminded the class to go at their own pace. Additionally,

I followed the basic guidelines of providing rules, objectives, and cues. As a whole, I thought

my performance and instructions were clear and concise.

One weakness I could try to work on is being more aware of the time. This will decrease

the number of times I am looking at the stopwatch and will therefore allow me to keep a better

eye on the individuals in the class. Another weakness I had instructing the class today was that I

did not use the cues enough. I demonstrated them at the start of the class, but do not think I used

them enough throughout the workout. This is something that can be easily fixed by being more

cognizant of my instructing habits. I am content with my instructing improvement over the

course of each class and hope to continue the growth in the future.

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