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Which command deletes an at job with an ID of 3?

A. atq
B. at -l
C. atrm 3
D. rmat 3

Which of the following is used as a system-wide cron file?

A. /etc/cron.d
B. /etc/cron.sys
C. /etc/crontab
D. /etc/

Within which directory will you find scripts that are scheduled to run through cron
every 24 hours?
A. /etc/cron.daily
B. /etc/cron.weekly
C. /etc/cron.hourly24
D. /etc/crontab

When running useradd, which option needs to be specified in order for the user’s home
directory to be created?
A. -h
B. -m
C. -x
D. -a

Which of the following commands locks out password-based login for a user but does
not prevent other forms of login?
A. usermod -L
B. userdel -r
C. useradd -h
D. userlock

Which of the following will run a command called /usr/local/bin/ as

the www-data user when placed in /etc/crontab?
A. 1 1 * * * www-data /usr/local/bin/
B. www-data
C. */1 www-data
D. * * */www-data /usr/local/bin/

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