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RITEC mI TEC DS, ML, DL, NLP & Al With PYTHON — Classroom Notes RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC ‘#883 Level 07 of 08 : Basic Python Hit. 1. Introduction. 2 Data Types and Variables 3 List, 14 4. Operators 7 5. Control Flows, 19 5a if..elif..elif.. else 19 52 While Loop: 20 53. Fortoop: a #HHt Level 02 of 08: Advanced python ###t 25 6. Functions, Methods, Modules & Packages 25 6. Functions 25 6.21.1 System defined Functions 25 6.1.2 User Detined Functions (UDF) 26 613° Tuple 28 6.14 Scope af objects in functions 2» 6.15 Scope of objects in functions / Nested Functions 29 6.16 Defaultand flexible arguments 32 62 Methods 33 63 Modules 35 64 Packages. 37 6.4.1 User Defined Packapes 37 64.2 System defined Packages 79 7 Dictionary 3 & Lambda functions 46 9. Syntax étrorsand Exceptions 10. Iterables & Iterators St 14. _ List comprehensions 57 412, Generators. 59 #t# Level 03 of 08: Python Packages for Data Science ### 63 ———— 2 RRITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC 13. NumPy package. 63 14. Pandas (powerful Python data analysis toolkit) 67 141 Introduction ”7 142 Slicing Dataframe. 67 343 Filtering Dataframe 69 144 Transforming Dataframe 70 145 Advanced indexing, n JA.8 Stackand unstack ™ 147 Groupby and aggregations 16 15. Matplotlib data visualization 78 16. — Seaborn data visualization 86 17. Bokeh data visualization. a7 19. Import Doto from Flat Files. 89 20. Import Data from Excel Files, 94 21. Import SAS and STATA Files: 22. Import HDFS Files 98 23. Inoport from Relational Database (Ex: SQLite). 99 24, Import web data 104 (25. — Import using urilib and requests pockoges = 106 26. Read HTML with Beautifulsoup package. 107 27. Import JSON File 109 (28. Mavie and Wikipedia APIs 110 29. Twitter API 42 30. Cleaning Data (ETL) 114 30.1 Melt() data 35 30.2 Pivot (un-melting data) 36 303° Concatenating 30.4 Merge/toins ——___ —_____ 0 22 30.5 Data Types Conversion, ——— 3 wu RR ITEC #209, Nilagieé Block, Adithya Encfave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 87 RITEC 30.6 Regular expression operations 324 307 Dropping duplicate data 325 30.8 Filling missing data, 126 30.9 Testing with asserts, a7 31. Time Series Analysis 128 #888 Level 04 of 08: Machine Learning Models ### 338 32. Machine learning 134 32.1 Supervised learning 135 32.1.1 —_knearest neighbours algorithm 138 32:11. Introduction 138 32.112. Measuring model performance. 140 32.113. Hyper parameter tuning with GridsearchCv 140 32.12 Unear Models__ 143 3212.1. Logistic regression 143 32.2.2. Understanding Classifition Reports, 32.123. Confusion matrix and ROC Curve 14s 3212.6 AUC computation, 17 32.125. Myperparameter tuning with GrdSearexV_— na Linear regression 19 32.127. Ridge and lasso regression 160 32.1.3 Support vector Machines (SVM) 161 : 322.31. Introduction at 32.3.2. Support Vectors Classification (SVE) 162 > 32.133, Tune parameters of SVM(SVC) 32.134. Support Vectors Regression(SVR} } 32.14 Precprocessing of machine learning data 164 g2aaa, Outs y Working with categorical features 166 2 Regression with categorical features using ridge algorithms 167 32.144. — Handling missing data 169 32.1.1 MLPipeline (Putting it all together). wm 32:12 Tree Based Models as 3212.1. Decision Tree for Classification 173 5 _LogisticRegression Vs Decision Tree Classification, 175, 3 32.123, Information Gain (16) 176 . 32.12.31, Entropy and Information Gain ww _ 321232. Gini index 178 32.13 Decision Tree For Regression 181 J 32.14 Lingar regression vs regression tree 183 32.2 Unsupervised Leaning, 14 J 322.1 kemeans dustering 185, 3 we RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 t fs RITEC sft Level 05 of 08: Deep Learning ### 189 33. Deeplearning 189 33.1 Introduction 189 33.2 Forward propagation 190 33.3 Activation functions. 191 334 Deeper networks 193 33.5 Need for optimization 195 336 Gradient descent 19 33.7 Backpropagation 202, 32.8 Creating keras Regression Model 208 33.9 Creating keras Classification Models 208 33.10 Using models 208 33.11 Understanding Model Optimization 210 33.12 Model validation 212 32:13 Model capacity 27 #04 Level 06 of 06: Project on Deop Learning ##it 2139 34. Project using keras and tensorflow 219 35. — Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN). (226 ‘tiHt Level 07 of 03: NLU/ NLP/ Text Analytics/ Text Mining ###__ 230 36. Natural Language Understanding/Processing (NLU/P} 230 36.1 Introduction 230 36.2 Regular Expressions 2a 363. Tokenization 233 36.4 Advanced tokenization with regex 234 36.5 Charting word length with nltk 237 36.6 Word counts with bag of words 238 36.7 Text pre-processing 239 36.8 Gensim 2a 36.9 Tha with gensim. 243 36.10 Named Entity Recogrition. 246 EE es 5 IRR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @82 9186, 8790998182 RITEC 36.11 Introduction to SpaCy 246 36.12 Multilingual NER with polyglot 248 36.13 Building a “fake news" classifier — 249 36.14 Dialog Flow, 255 36.15 RASANLU 256 #88 Level 08 of 08: Projects on NLU/NLP Hi 257 37. ° Introduction, 257 38. EchoBot 257 39. ChitChat Bot. 258 40. Text Munging with regular expressions. 260 41. Understanding intents and entities. 262 42. Word vectors. 267 43, Intents and classification _. 270 44, Entity Extraction 21 45, Robust MLU with Rass. 274 46, Building a virtual assistant. 276 46.1 Access data from salite with parameters 26 46.2 Exploring a DB with natural language. 9 46.3 Incremental slot filing and negation 282 47. Dialogue, 289 47.1. srateful bots 289 47.2 _ asking questions & queuing answers 298 48. Heading 294 49. Heading 294 RRITEC #206, Nilagir Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC ‘##H# Level 01 of 08 : Basic Python ### o uido van Rossum is a Dutch(Europe) programmer who is best known as the ‘author of the Python programming language 2. Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively. 3. Use python General Purpose: build anything Q se Python for. Web Development: (janz2, Pyramid. Gomle , Tecra, Hask. webapy GUI Development: thine: . PyGO% + PHQE, Prside Kivy, wsPython Gcientific and Numeric. =, Software Development: 2uilbot , irc, Roundup ‘System Administration: Ansible , Sait , Openstack 4. Python is open Source! Free! Free! Free! 5. Python mainly has two version python 2.x and python 3.x. For more information refer htt thon ora/downloads/ 6. Download anaconda software https://www.anaconda com/downloads and install it a. Anaconda software = python software + around 1400 python packages of data Science 7. Spyder is a powerful interactive development enwvironment(IDE) for python programing language, 8. Observe spyder tour a. Start > anaconda > spyder > help > Interactive tours > wedhicion tous 9. Observe Jupyter IDE rn 7 RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, . ..cerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC a. Start > anaconda >Jupyter i. It is aweb based IDE,usefully to develop nutebooks i. Observe it more we will see in next lessons RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 2. Data Types and Variables 4. Exercise 1: Python as calculator RITEC a. Open Start > All Programs > Anaconda3 > Jupyter Notebook > Right side of the browser > dick on new > under notebook elick on python3 a Upteae [News Python 3 In [2]: 243 in [4]: 17/3 out[a}: 5.66sss6se66s6667 In [5]: 17//3 ourls}: 5 am [6]: 17%3 outte}: 2 In [7]: 582 — ourl7}: 28 2. We can access previous step result using underscore" _" RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC In [7]: 5 #82 our(7}: 25 In (8]: _+3 our[s]: 28 3. Save Jupyter notebook 4, Saved notebooks are available in the path Isers\Hi\ 5. Let us see some Basic data types a. Numbers (int, float and complex) b. Strings . Bool 4. Lists e. Tuples f. Dictionary 2: Define some datatypes a. Use type() function to know the variable data type # Define some sample data types # 01.Defining integor savings = 1000 print(savings) # 02, Defining float interest = 4.5 Print(interest) # 03. Defining complex a_complex = 1+2J a_complex 10 RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC ‘#04. Defining String dese = “compound interest” print(desc) #05. Defining Boolean ‘am_j_good=True print(am_i_good) # 06. How to know data type of a given object? Print(type(savings}) print{ype(interest)) Print(type(a_complex)) Print(type(dese)) Printtype(am_i_good)) 7. Exercise 3: Convert one data type into other datatype a. Convert one data type into other using functions int(),str()float(),complex() and bool) #01. Convert i a=10 ‘ype(a) at = sta) type(at) #02. Convert float into str b=10.5 type(b) bt = stb) type(bt) uw RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 87909 © .37 ; RI TEC #03,Use cas calculating simple interest savings = 100 interest=12 total_amount = savings + 100 * interest * 2/100 # convert total amount as sting and print user friendly info print("l started with $+ str(savings) + " and now have $" + str(total_amount) + *. ‘Awesome!") # 04, Convert string into float pi_string = "3.1415926" print{type(pi_string)) #05. Convert pi_string into float: pi_float pi_float = float(pi_string) print(type(pi_fioat)) @. Exercise 4: Read characters from string [# 01. Create a string #03. print h word[3} #04, print slice pyth ‘word[0:4} #05. print slice starting to t word{:3] # 06. Fancy reading RRITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 for tin {0,3,5) Printwordi) 9. Mutable vs Immutable Objects: A mutable object can be changed after it's created, and an immutable object can't 10. String is immutable In (44}: worde! THON In [22]: word ouea2):syTHoN ye [13]: weraf Typetrrer Feacebeck (most recent all last) ‘python input-12-bsa7a2se6eb9> fa o sty a woraid= PP Typetrror: 'sen" object does not support item assignment 11. Refer https://docs. /3/tutorial/introduction. htm! 12. More about numbers refer hitps:/idocs.python,ora/itutoriaVintroduction htmifnumbers, 13, More about Strings refer hitps:/ ca/3Mtutoriali p.himniéstrings ° 1B RRITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374P. > 66, 8790998182 RITEC 3. List Python List fa, b, ¢] 2. The most versatile (flexible) is the list, which can be written as a list of comma-separated values (items) between square brackets. 3. Lists might contain items of diferent types, but usually the items all have the same type. 4. Exercise 1: lefine a list with same/different data types # Define alist with same data types rritec_emp_sal={1000,2000,3000,4000] print(ritec_emp_sal) print(type(tritec_emp_sal)) # Define a list with different data types rritec_emp_name_s: 'ram*,1000,"nancy",2000,”robert",3000,"rabson”, 4000] print(ritec_emp_name_sal) # A list may contain other list (nested list) rritec_emp_name_sal1='ram*,1000),{"nancy",2000},;‘robert",3000),["rabson".4000]} print(rritec_emp_name_salt) printtype(ritec_emp_name_salt)) : 5. Exercise {ead list elements(Slicing and dicing) ‘# Read list values (Slicing and dicing) print(rritec_emp_name_sal[0)) print(rritec_emp_name_sal[-1]) - print(rritec_emp_name_sal[0:4]) ~ print(rritec_emp_name_sall:4]) i print(ritec_emp_name_s™4:}) print(eritec_emp_name_sal{0}(0)) 14 : RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 ‘ RITEC print(rritec_emp_name_sali[Ol-1]) 6. Exercise 3: Manipulating lists a. Modify elements ,Add elements and Delete elements of list bb. List is mutable # Changing list value rritec_emp_name_sal[0}="Ram Reddy’ rritec_emp_name_sall2:4]=[.wilis’,2100] print(ritec_emp_name_sal) # Adding Elements rritec_emp_name_sal=ritec_emp_name_sal + ['Helen’.5000] print(ritec_emp_name_sal) # Deleting Elements del(rritec_emp_name_sal[2:4]) print{rritec_emp_name_sal) 7. Exercise 4: Observe list assignments memory allocations i# Nood to observe 1 x = [1000,2000,3000} y 2 = list(x) vyfo]=1001 print(y);print(x) # Need to observe 2 }000,2000,3000}, 2 list(x) 2{1] = 2001 15 RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ame ....c w#374899166, 8790998182 RITEC prini(z)printgx) 8. Refer 1 of 2; https:fdocs python ora/SitutoriaVintroduction.htmidlists 9. time permits ,refer 2 of 2: httes:/idocs,python.ora/3utorialidatastructures. html 16 RRITEC #209, Nuagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC 4. Operators 4. Operators 1 of 3: Comparison Operators are (<, >, >I) ‘8 Py22_1_Compasison, Operators 1 print("ex. Comparison of escteans") 2 print(True == False) 3 print(True I= False) 4 5 print("@2. Comparison of in 6 print(-5 * 15 l= 75) 7 prine(2 <= (1 + 1)) 3 9 3. Comparison of str 1 t= "python") u Python” te python") voce 2 |. carital print("2s. print (True print("e5. Conpare ~unpy U2 import nunpy as_np arks = np.array( {10,28, 38,49,50,68, print(marks>50) print (marks[marks>50]) 2. Operators 2 of 3: Boolean Operators (and, or, not) © °Py22_2 Boolean, Operators 4 print("@2. AND Boolean operscon") 2 x=6 3 print(x > 5 and x < 15) 4 print("@2. Of Bootean opers: 5 ys5 S print(y <7 or y > 33) 8 8 2 i vy print("es. NOT Boolean operszor) Print (not True) print (not False) print ("ed. working with ns import nunpy as np . 12 marks = np.array({10,20,30, 48,58, 60,70,58, 585 120}) 13 print (marks>5@ and marks<80) 2, amray is it sorking") 7 RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya C....ave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 : RITEC 3. Operators 3 of 3: Numpy Boolean Operators (logical_and(), logical_or(), logical_not()) 1B *Py22_3 Numpy Boolean Operators : print("e1. Logicat_and() Boolean operator") inport nunpy as np marks = np.array([10,20,30,40,50,60,78,88,9¢, print (np. logical_andjnarks>5,marks<80) ) print("@2. Logical_or() Boclean operator") marks = np.array([18,28,30,48,50,60, 78, 80,90, print (np. logical_or(marks==50,marks>76) ) print("e3. Logical_not() Boolean operator") marks{18,20,38,40,50, 60, 76;2%/39,200]) print(np.1ogical_not(marks==50)) 4, Filtering data frame using operators. © y22.5 Filtering Dataframe = print("a1. Import csv file as pandas datazrane import pandas as pd brics = pd.read_esv("trics.csv", index_col = @) print (brics) priat("22. observe area column") print(bries["area"]) > nea"] 08 9 print(“e3, filter data area 28“) 19 print(brics[brics[*crec"} > 8]) 12 print("ed. filter data using boctean operator") 13 import nuwpy as np 14 print(brics[np.logical_and(brics[“area'f] > 8, brics{"area"] < 10)}) | - ——— 18 RRITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 - RITEC 5. Control Flows. 54 if... elif... elif... else 1. Conditional Statements (If, elif, else), observe below two examples. int(input(*Please enter an integer: *)) ifx<0: print(‘Negative Number’) elif x a mine | ase | | print(Positive Number’) Py22_4. Conditional Statements E bees if2%2 i 5 print( elifz %3 5 print( 6 else: by 2") is divisible by 3") print(“z is neither divisible by FHP my 3°) emeeaa2 1) 2. Anif «+ elif ... sequence is a substitute for the switch or case statements found in other languages. (example switch in R language) eee 19 RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri P asdithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC 1. The while loop is like a repeated if statement. The code is executed over and over again, as long as the condition is true. 5.2 While Loop: 2. Exercise 1: What is the output of below code? x Inttial Value whilex<4: Condition rint(x) EXPresstory Reis ialpomentads 3. Exer ise 2: write Fibonacci series up to 1000 a b= 07 while b < 1000: print(b, end=",") a, b= b, asd - eee 4, Exercise 3: Understand Break Statement a. With the break statement we can stop the loop even if the while condition is tue W Exit the loop when i is 3 isa while i < 6: print (4) 7 if ies break itea 5. Exercise 4: Understand Continue Statement a. With the continue statement we the next iteration 1 stop the current iteration, and continue with # Continue to the next iteration iis 3: — ize while i < 6: | deed ifa RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 L print) 5.3 ForLoop: =| Python's for statement iterates over the items of any sequence (a list / a string /a dictionary ), in the order that they appear in the sequence For each value in objectilist, Dictionary...etc) , execute expression Exercise 2: Read list of items? Fawity hedghes = (3.73, 1:68, 2 for height in family_heights : 5 print(heggnt) Exercise 3: Read list of items with indexes? y23_3 For Loop with index and,vokies = family_heights = (2.73, 1.68, 1.71, 2.89] for index height in enunerate(fanily heights) print(“ingex “+ sen(index) +“: " Meerqheight)) Exercise 4: Read list of lst items? [B *by23.a Far Loop _Ust of ats Exercise 5: For loop on dictionary? 1. The items() method is useful to loop over a dictionary RRITEC #” ©, Nuagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @9374899166, 8790998182 2 [B--Py23 5 For Loop.on Dictionary 4 for key,value in world. items() : print("The Population of + str(key) + * is + ste(value)) 5 6 2 Exercise 6: For loop on numpy array? 1. 1D Numpy array, looping over all elements can be as simple as list looping 1B *Py23_6 For Loop on NumPy_artay 1Dimension pert racuinat mogsles import numpy as np he in np_fanily_heights print (height) | 2. A2D array is built up of multiple 1D arrays. To explicitly iterate over all separate ‘elements of a multi-dimensional array, you'll need the syntax: for x in np.nditer(my_array} = 1 2 3 cee ty catber 4 np_family_heights = np.array([1.73, 1.68, 1.71, 1.89]) 5 5 7 18 323.7. For.Loop_on NumPy oy 2 Deensons a reae: import nunpy as np np_fanily heights = np-array({1.73, 1.68, 1.72, 1.89]) np_famity_weights = np.array([78,-60, 65, 80}) 2 3 4 5 é 7 8 8 ht. in np-nditer(np_tanily. heights weights) : '3__print (height) Le ——————— 22 RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC Exercise 7: For loop on pandas dataframe? 13 -Fy23.8 For Loop. on pandas dataiame * 1 import pandas as pd 2 bries = pd.read_cev("brics.csv", in 3 print("rerer* 21. Column Names’ *>™ 4 for val in bries : 5 print(val) 6 print ("rete @2 ALL rows TeTNTT+") 7 3 r print(row) print(*7=t root" 93 Selected Columns **>e=77"=") 33 For lab, row in beics.iterrows() # 42 print (lab +“: " + rowf"capital")) 3B print("**=*7*** 98 ddd Column ta result *srt=ere=") 44 for ab, row in brics.iterrows() iS _bri¢s.loc[lab, "nome_Lengt”] = len(row[ “country” ] ) 16 print(brics) 7 print("™ ther methaa to add Coluan to <: 48 brics[ "none, brics{ “country”}. apply (len) 43 prine(brics Refer document: hi Cs. 1 rialcontrolflow.htmlit 23 "EC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899 166, 8790998182 RITEC 24 RRITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC ‘#8 Level 02 of 08: Advanced python ### 6. Functions, Methods, Modules & Packages 61 Functions 61.1 System defined Functions 1. Piece of reusable code ,Solves particular task 2. Exercise 1: understanding predefined functions (str, type, len, max...etc) Function {18, 20, 30, 49) 3 True 3 datatype of var1 is :’ + str(type(vara))) 7 Length of the voriasie is “+ ste(2en(vard))) 3 Takes of 8 out2 = int(var2) eITEO 18 print(‘The moximue the List elerents is : ‘+ SeA(max(Var1))) 3. Exercise 2: understanding sorted functions rv! full = first + second full_sorted sorted(full, revers tout Full print(ful1_sorted) 4, Refer standard document of python s:lidocs. python.or¢ i .htmiitdefining-tunctions ——— 25 RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 6.1.2 User Defined Functions (UDFs) RI TEC 1. Though we have lot of built-in functions sometimes, we need to write user defined functions Exercise 1: Function without arguments thout arguments 1h tetane 44 2 def welcome(): Deri: Function with one arguments I ¥y24_2 Fanction_with_one argument 1 We Funsiies Meath def square(value): 4 6 square(16) Exercise 3: Function with one arguments and return vaiue 2 -Py24 3, Function, with one_argument.with tum valve 1 2 func 2-def square(value) 3 3 return value ** 2 5 = call the furction and assign va? 6 nua = square(3) 7 print(num) Exercise 4: Function with Docstrings 1.Doestrings describe what your function does 2.Serve as documentation for your function 3.Placed in the immediate line after the function header 4.1n between triple double quotes “™ or single quotes EY 26 RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC 2 py24_4 Function with doestings "print the square of a given vatue 3 a metine 5 print(value ** 2) 7 square(1@) - nial Exercise 5: Function with multiple arguments ng fu der 2-def square (valued, value2): v"Raise valuei to the power of value2"** new_value = valuel ** value2 return nex_value ————— 27 RR ITEC #209, Nifagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 rRITEC 61.3 Tuple Exe © 6: working with tuple 1.Tuples needed to return multiple values by a function 2.Tuples are Like a list - can contain multiple values ‘3.Tuples are immutable - can't modify values! ‘even_nlms = (2,4,6,8) even_funs[1]=9. = "988 4-Tuples Constructed using parentheses () 2B Py24.6.tuple # print("s9s¥9 ai Define tuple print (even_nuns[o}) 2 even_nums = (2,4,6,8) 3 print(""=*=~ 22. know the Dato tice 3 even_nums)) 5 Map tuple items to voriaetes *-*+") 6 nuns 7 print( + str(a)) ‘8 print("b = "+ str(b)) 5 prine("e = "+ str(e)) 18 print("d = "+ str(d)) na AL print( * @4. Access tuple elements Like you do with siste Exercise 7: Function with multiple return values [3 py24_7 Function, with multiple, return valves p define fonction non Ydet sth(valuel,value2): 3 “"Raise valuet to the power of value 2 ond vice versa."" 5 new_valuel = value ** valuez 6 —newivalue2 = value? ** valued 7 new_tuple = (new_valuet,new_value2) 3 return new_tuple 9s cell the Suresie 19 rs = raise both(10,2) BEL 2 print(rs) ° RRITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC 6.1.4 Scope of objects in functions 6.1.5 Scope of objects in functions / Nested Ful 1. Variable values are searched in the order LEGB i 2. Local scope > Defined inside a funtion 3, Enclosed Scope > If a function is wrapped inside another function 4. Globat scope > Defined in the main body of a script scope > Names in the pre-defined buil-ins module (ex: len, max, min, ... etc) 6. Exercise 1: cannot access local variable globally 1 2 3 newvalue = value ** 20 § (o0u3 Vo 3 print(new_value) 5 A z square (10) Pint (new value) 7. Exercise 2: we can use same name for local and global and assign different values 18 Py25,2 Scape. of functions, ule? = 1 newvelue = 10 ¢ G.crai Variséls Bee metus sssger 4 def square(value): 5 new.value = value ** 2 wd 5 print(nen_value) 2 square(3) prine(new_vatue) | 29 RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 - RITEC 8. Exercise 3: searches for local variable ,if not find then searches for globally 1 Py25_3. Scope of functions, rule} = i power = 2 28 lefine 3 def square(value): new_value = value ** power print (new value) a 5 é ? square(3) 9. Exercise 4: can override global variables within the function new_value = 10 = print (new_value) def square(value): global new_value new_value = value ** 2 print (new value) square(3) print(new_value) 10. Exercise lested functions 1B +Py25_5, Nested Functicnsl * 1 def modzpluss(x1, x2, x3): 2 "™"Beturns the renainder plus 5 of three values 3 def inner(x 4 “enpeturns the renainder plus 5 of « velue 5 return xX 2+5 é 7 3 return (inner(x1), inmer(x2), inner(x3)) print moapauss(2,3,4)) 11. Exercise 6: Nested function |B Py25.6 Nested Functions2 i-def ratse_val(a): “ngezurn the inner function." def inner(x): wuRaise x to the power of n.™ raised = x "0 return raised return inner square = raise _val(2) - print(square(3)) ee 30 RRITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 12. Exercise 7: Nested Functions =Py25,7_Nested Functions3 ade outer(): 2 Prints the value of 2. 3 net 4 deF inner(): 5 nonlocal n 6 n=2 7 print(n) 8 inner() 9 print(n) 20 outer() iFEC uf 1. Exercise 8: Builtin understanding ‘global variable’ “def len(in_var): print(called my len() function’) 1=0 for jin in_var: les return I" def a_func(in_var): en_in_var = ien(in_var) # builtin print(Input variable is of length’, len_i \_var) a_func(Hello, World!’) RITEC 31 RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC 61.6 Default and flexible arguments Exercise 1: Default arguments B *Py25.8 Default Arguments © Js a-deF power(nunber, pons: poxer of parameter pow.” pow Exercise 2: Flexible arguments: “args 8 -Py25.9 Flexible Arguments strorgs © 4 def add_all("args): “Sum all values in “args togecher.” sumall = @ for num in args: sumall += num return sum_all 38 print(add_al1(1,2,3)) 11 print(add_all(1@,20, 3¢,40,50)) x Exercise 3: Flexible arguments: “*kwargs fb Py25.10_Feible Arguments large = Andef print_al1(**kwargs) “print cut Rey-volue pairs in “*kwargs." 2 3 ¢ " 4 for key, value in iwargs.itens(): 5s 6 print(key +": "+ value) y print all (studenti="Rateon”, student2="Robert”, student? ="Ram Roddy” Ets 32 RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 mITEC 6.2 Methods 1. Methods are Funetions that belong to particular objact 2. Based on object data type different methads available 3. Exercise 1: List object methods # Define list alist = {10,20,30,10,30,40,50,10,60,10} # Count how many times 10 repeated 2 _[istcount(10) #add 100 to list a list-append(100) a_list # add 200 In 3rd position a_list.insert(2,200) alist # remove 20 from the list 2 list remove(20) # sort items a List-sort() alist # reverse items a lstreverse() alist 4. Exercise 2: String object methods RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 1" str = "Data Science” # Convert into uppercase a_str.upper() ‘# count number of times “ e" repeated _ a str.count("e") ——————_ 34 RRITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC 63 Modules 1. A module is a file containing Python definitions and statements. 2. The file name is the module name with the suffix py appended. 3. Spyder working directory available in tool bar mo pGBCs we 4, Create a module and save into Spyder working directory as “" os =>e BX Fee # Define anumber a_num = 10 # define astring acstr “python # define alist a_fist =[10,20,30,40} | # define afloat eon | # define function square def square(x): : return x""2 # define function fibo def nbo{n): a,b=0,1 while b NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python(example array) 2. Scipy > Scientific Python distributions 3. Sympy + Python library for symbolic mathematics 4. Matpiotlib > Python plotting package 5. Scikittearn > machine learning 6. Math -> Mathematical function (example pi. sin, cos ...etc) 7. xird > to work with excels, 8. keras > Deep Learning /neural networks 9. nitk > natural language too! kit (NLP,NLU) 10. rasa_nlu -> NLP,NLU 11. TensorFlow > programming environment £2.08 way Selby Worry vaplats boce endo snarl ray compere 20 sraypacage torso compute | Pion sympy pandas TP OX: cranes nba maunewes Pytron ea Serb as trative Conte mothers se 13. As we knew anaconda software = python software + basic packages required for data science 14. To see list of packages already installed in anaconda > start > all programs > ‘anaconda folder -> right click on Anaconda Prompt -> run as administrator 39 RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Arr .. yes 28374999166, 8790998182 rITEC 1 Anaconda (64-bit) {) Anaconda Navigator lupyter Notebook Reset Spyde Settings 8 Spyder 15, Type conda list, 16. Too see particular package type conda list (example see matplotlib) 17. To install package not avaitable in work area i. Right click on anaconda prompt > run as administrator ji, Cond instai -or get command from google ii, Zxample xird not came with instalation of anaconda 18. To install package not available in work area and in anaconda, 4. Right click on anaconda prompt > run as administrator ii pip install or get command from google li, Example rasa_nlu not available in anaconda 19. To see functions of a module \. Open spyder ii. Run below code in dir(math) print (x) 2. Exercise 4: lmport Package and calculate circumference and area of the circle od 40. RRITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC 71 Import Ppackage = C22" r* math.pi By 1 2 3 4 5 é 7 a As math.pi* rt 2 93 Bulle cesttout 1e print("circumference of circle: "+ ste{c)) Li print(“areo of circle: “+ str(ay) <7 3. Exercise 2: Import one function from Package and calculate circumference and area of the circle 3 Py7_2_ImportOne function from Ppackage > 6 = 0.82 from math import pi are pi oo c Aspitett2 — + str(a)) 12 print(“circunfere 11 print("area of circl 4. Exercise 3: Import Package function using alias name and calculate circumference and area of the circie rele: " est) print(‘area of circle: “+ str(A)) 5. Create project using spyder 1. In spyder go to project menu -> new Project > provide name as spy_project > click on create 41 RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adith; ._..ciave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC 2. Right click on the project > new > package > provide name as spy_package > click on ok 3, Right click on the package > click on new ~ click on module > name it as spy_module 4, Rest of the process like importing is same as above 42 RR ITEC #209, Nilagiri Block, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182 RITEC 7. Dictionary 4. Why we need dictionary datatypes? Exercise 1: Get India population using list? I convenient? (1.38,1.34,0.32) *, "USAT 5 index(“indio") print(india_pop) 2 3 4 t 5 Indie pop = countries. é pies 8 print {pop_bi22ionstindie_por]) Exercise 2: reate simple dictionary? 2 pas ‘eco Simple Dietonary world = {"ching"s1.38,"India":1,34,"uSa":0.32) print(type(world)) print (world. keys()) | 8 print(world. va2ues()) 9 Slat wre Beivs 32 print (world{fingia") 2. Observations of dictionary. a. Each key is separated from its value by a colon (:), the items/ elements are separated by commas and the whole thing is enclosed in curly braces. b. An emply dictionary without any items is written with just two curly braces, like this: 0. ©. Keys are unique within a dictionary while values may not be. 4. Syntax of dictionary: my_dict = { Skey1""valuet”, key" e. Refer:! —— 43 RRITEC #209, Nilag: . ..0cx, Adithya Enclave, Ameerpet @8374899166, 8790998182

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