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John: Para empezar, la gente se siente atraída por las subculturas por la necesidad de encontrar

una identidad, algo que nos caracterice y así poder ser parte de algo de un grupo. Y como dicen en
el texto, el internet ayuda esto, pues claro por ejemplo con la virtualidad estamos en esta clase,
permite la comunicación a cualquier parte del mundo y con el uso de redes sociales es fácil
encontrar algo que te guste y que te una a otras personas. Facebook por ejemplo que tiene la
facilidad de realizar grupos, unirte a ellos o invitar a mas personas, permite que nosotros y el resto
de las personas hagan parte de lo que quieran.

John: Good morning, first we will guide this conversation with the first
question, which says: Why do you think people are drawn to subcultures?
To begin, people are attracted to subcultures because of the need to find an
identity, something that characterizes us and thus be part of something of a
group. And as they say in the text, the internet helps this, for example with
virtuality we are in this class, it allows communication anywhere in the world
and with the use of social networks it is easy to find something that you like
and that connects you to other people. Facebook for example which has the
facility to make groups, join them or invite more people, allows us and the
rest of the people to be part of what they want.

Jose: I am agree with jhon, the subcultures are necessary and we can see them in everything. For
example if i like a videogame, in internet I could find a subculture of people who like that
videogame too. So, we could play toguether, talk about the game, make jokes, we can do many
things. tha is something really fun about the subcultures and the internet. But in my oppinion we
have to be careful with who are we talking. In the world are many good people, but there are
some people with bad inttentions in internet.

The truth is that the subcultures exists before the internet and are necessary. In the world are a lot
of people with the same tastes in sports, movies, music. And interacting with people with the
same tastes around the world is something really pleasurable.


Si totalmente, ser parte de algo que te guste, es ser libre, sentirte comodo, estas con tu gente.

John: Yes totally, to be part of something you like, is to be free, to feel

comfortable, you are with your people.

Jose: 4. the internet has had a very important role in propagating the subcultures. Without
internet in would be complicated to know other subcultures in other countries. this would cause
the world to be less globalized. A good example is the otaku culture.

It could be difficult for this subculture to spread around the world without internet.


John: Correcto, yo pienso que hay que tener cuidado o mejor saber utilizar y manejar el internet,
debido a que hay casos donde estos individuos de algunas subculturas se toman esto como su
todo, ese niño que hace parte de la subcultura otaku y vive todo el día concentrado en eso,
muchas horas en una computadora, sin vivir la vida real.

John: Correct, I think that you must be careful or better know how to use and
manage the internet, because there are cases where these individuals of
some subcultures take this as their everything, that child who is part of the
otaku subculture and lives all day focused on that, many hours on a
computer, without living real life.


John: ok chicos, cuentenme en que subculturas han estado?

En mi caso, yo no se si tienen un estilo de vestir o algo asi, pero yo siente que he hecho parte de la
danza subcultura porque he estado en todos los grupos artisticos de la universidad, salsa, hip hop,
folclorica, y me gusta, comparto la pasion por el arte con mis compañeros, donde disfruto, me
relajo de los trabajos, conozco a personas, salimos a bailar por ahi, es muy chevere.

John: ok guys, tell me what subcultures have you been to?

In my case, I don't know if they have a style of dress or something like that,
but I feel that I have been part of the dance subculture because I have been
in all the artistic groups of the university, salsa, hip hop, folkloric, and I like it,
I share the passion for art with my classmates, where I enjoy, I relax from
work, I meet people, we go out to dance around, it's very cool.

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