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My Church- Serve Me Not Money

"My people don't follow My will, My son. I called My Church to obey.

That's why they don't succeed. They fail in all they do. When I
come I will come for a victorious Church, not a failing Church. My
people depend on money, not on Me. They hardly ever pray. How can
they serve Me in all things if they don't bother to pray? I AM against
them. They won't allow My revival to come. I must punish them
all. That includes you. Depend on Me. I must allow money to fail
them. Then they will serve Me, My son. Depend on Me, not on money.
All must be punished. I will take their money away. Then they will
depend on Me, not on crass materialism. They won't serve Me, My
son. Depend on Me, not money. Do I not provide all? Depend on Me,
My son. My money will fail them. My son, My Church won't serve Me.
They want money. That's why everything is going to Hell in a
handbasket. My son, serve Me, not money. Pray. Pray hard. depend
on Me, not on wealth. Your LORD has spoken. Amen."

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