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Питання 1 ‘Is advertising an art?

In my opinion, advertising is really art. It is very difficult in our time to create interesting and attractive
advertising. It should be such as to attract the viewer to buy a product. Creating high-quality advertising is a
true art. On the other hand, advertising can not be called art, because it is of a purely commercial nature, it
is created only for earnings. One of the most important features of advertising is functionality, which is
why we can not call it an art. We create works of art from a true heart. But advertising pursues many
different aims.

Питання 2. ‘Have u ever read a book that had a big effect on your life?’

I’ve always loved reading books. There are many books in my life,which had a great influence on me. One of
these books os ‘Prise and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen. I really like this masterpiece. I was my first book of
classics of the 19 century. It changed my outlook and showed how people loved at past. It gave me
understending of how ladies should behaive. mind ,all people should read this fascinated book.

Питання 3.

Parents are those people who give us the first idea of life. In my opinion, every mother or father should
teach their child to love oneself. There are a lot of problems for teens about their appearance. Because of
this there are many disputes and conflicts with peers. I believe that every person should love himself,
regardless of anything. This love should be taught by parents.

Питання 4.

My favorite movie is "At Home". It tells about the adventures of the little boy Kevin, who knows how to
protect himself. This movie is very funny, and also shows it at the best in the year-time for Christmas. That's
why it's very interesting to watch this movie, flashing completely into the festive Christmas atmosphere.
This film is on the one hand and instructive because it teaches us to forgive, love and appreciate the most
expensive people-seven, as well as protect the home. Therefore, I also advise you to watch this movie, I'm
quite sure you will enjoy it!

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