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INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 11463 Fist ecition 1995-12-15 Corrosion of metals and alloys — Evaluation of pitting corrosion Corrosion des métaux er aliages — Evaluation de le cerrosion par pigties Reference umber 180114831 995/5) Copright bythe International Grganiztion For Standardization Sal fou D4 1b54-54 200 ISO 11463:1995(E) Foreword ISO tthe Intemational Organization for Standardization} is a worldvide federation of national standards bodies {ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is nowmeally catried cut through [SO tochnisal comrriticos, Each rambar body inorested na subject for which a technical committes has been established has tha right to be represented on that commitize. interrational organizations, governmental and non-governmertal, In liaison with ISO, also fake part in the work. [SC sollaborotes closely with t2e Intemational Elestrotechnical Commission EC) en all matters of electrovechnical standardization Dratt Intemational Standards adopted by the technical committess are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Pubjization as on International Standard requires approval by at lesst 75 % af the member bodiss casting a vote. International Standard ISO 11463 wes prepered by Technical Committee ISC/TC 188, Carosion af metals and alloys. Annexes A and B of this Internatonal Standard are for information only. © 180 1895 All fights reserved. Unless otherwise specified. no part of

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