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Foods that need chilling

Foods that need chilling include:

 Milk, yoghurt, cream, butter, foods with cream filling, dairy-based

 desserts and certain cheeses.
 Many cooked products until ready to eat cold or heated. Most foods
 containing eggs, meat, fish, dairy products, cereals, rice, pulses or vegetables
 and sandwich fillings containing these ingredients.
 Most smoked or cured products like hams unless the curing method
 means the product is not perishable at room temperature.
 Prepared ready-to-eat meals including prepared vegetables, salad leaves,
 coleslaw and products containing mayonnaise.
 Pizzas with meat, fish or vegetables.
 Foods with 'use by' and 'keep refrigerated' labels

Foods that don't need chilling

These include:

 Some cured/smoked products.

 Bakery goods.
 Canned and dried foods like pickles, jams, sauces, though these do need
 chilling once opened.

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