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You must get_______________________points to get ungrounded!! These chores must be done

A) correctly, completely, and NEATLY

B)without whining or complaining about it, or about how much work (or how difficult) it is to do.

C)when finished, the work must be approved by Mom or Dad to earn the corresponding points.

If you don’t complete the chores in accordance with these conditions, no points will be awarded for
those chores in which the conditions were not met.


Date __________________________

List of chores and points values

Load of Laundry (wash, dry, fold, and put away)=100 points

2 full racks of dishes= 50 points

Clean and organize kitchen Cabinets= 25 points per cabinet

Take out trash (& rebag trashcans) =15 points per trash can.

Clean the Bathroom (sink, toilet, and floor swept)=50 points

Clean out the bathtub= 50 points

Sweep and mop the kitchen floor= 40 points

Clean and vacuum living room=50 points

Clean and Vacuum your own bedroom=40 points

Clean off kitchen counters (& wipe them off with cleaner)=50 ppoints

Sweep off the front steps= 10 points

Helping out Nanno at his house= 150 points

Helping out Nana at her house=150 points

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