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Pollution at Chorcha Mangrove swamp

Hello, my name is Edgar Quintero, I live in Chiriquí Town, near to David. I am going to
analyze how pollution is affecting this region, how many types of pollution are here. Also, we will
see some of the possible solutions that can reduce the level of contamination.

This time, I am going to talk about land and water pollution. Let us see the contamination in
Chorcha Mangrove Swamp. This place is commonly used by tourist and inhabitants of the area,
they use this locale specially on weekends. Most of the times here is not trash can to throw
garbage and instead of taking the garbage to home they prefer to litter it into the sea and around
the port directly affecting marine and wildlife. However, we can find many solutions to reduce the
level of pollution, here are two examples:

1. Place more trash can: placing more trash can in different places of the port can reduce
pollution significantly if they are constantly maintained.
2. Set surveillance cameras: setting cameras in strategic places to fine offenders.

To conclude I hope people take conscience about how pollution is ending with environmental life.

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