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Advanced Java

Module 1


Vey Short Questions:

1. What is Servlet?
2. What is Client request?
3. What are cookies?
4. What is session?
5. What is HTTP status Code?
6. What is session tracking?
7. What is Thread model Interface?
8. What is the full form of JDBC?
9. What is init()?
10. What is destroy()?
11. What is destroy()?
12. What is HTTPRequest?
13. What is HTTPResponse?

Short Questions:

1. Explain Servlet with is functionality.

2. What do you mean by client –server architecture?
3. What is Request Response Protocol?
4. Write down any three methods of Servlet ?
5. What are servlet APIs.
6. What does API consists of servlet?
7. Why we need servlet?
8. What is server side Programming?
9. How cookies used in session tracking?
10. How to create cookies?

Long Questions:

1. Explain about Servlet with its Lifecycle.

2. Explain about the different servlet packages with its interfaces and classes.
3. How Server generate Response? Explain in details.
4. What are the different methods used in Session tracking. Explain each of them.
5. Explain cookies. How to create and manage a cookie?
6. Explain about Single Thread Model Interface?
7. What are the HTML Building utilities?
8. Why we need JDBC in processing of any request?
9. Explain about HTTP Status Codes and HTTP Response Headers?

Module 2

Very Short Questions:

1. What is the full form of JSP?
2. What is the full form of CGI?
3. Write down the syntax of JSP.
4. What is Declaration Tag?
5. What is Java Scriplets?
6. How to write Java comments?
7. What is the instance of Request object?
8. What is the instance of Response object?
9. What is javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter?
10. What is out.flush()?

Short Questions:
1. Explain the concept of JSP Technology?
2. What are the benefits of JSP?
3. How to invoke Java code with scripting elements?
4. How to create template text?
5. How to invoke Java code from JSP?
6. How to use JSP expressions?
7. Write down the JSP declaration examples.
8. How to Use Scriplets to make parts of JSP Conditional?
9. What are the Limiting Java Code in JSP?
10. What is Writing Scriptlets?

Long Questions:

1. What is JSP? Why we need JSP? What are the advantages of JSP?
2. What are the different types of object in JSP?
3. Explain about the The HttpServletRequest Object and HttpServletResponse Object
4. What are the Methods to Set HTTP Status Code?
5. How to access the Java Beans? How to Access the Java Beans properties?
6. Differentiate between Servlet and JSP?
7. How we can use Scriplets to make parts of JSP Conditional using declarations?
8. How we can Invoke Java Code form JSP?
9. Draw and explain the JSP architecture.
10. Explain the different types of JSP directives in details.

Module 3:
Very Short Questions

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