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Jinn man

Editor: Sanaz Alamdar

Cover image: Sanaz Alamdar

<Sanaz Alamdar> <Jomhori street> <Yazd> <Iran> <035>

Copyright© <Year of Publication> by <Sanaz>
To my family for support me.

Thank you. Without your support

and patience, I would have never

achieved my dream.

Personality info I,XVII

1 Julie and Ned's Life 1

2 Selena's life 2-38

3 Love & Hate 39-56

4 John's life 57-116

In different religions, the Jinn is thought to be
different, but there are several things in common.
All of them can appear in different shapes in the
form of human, beings and plants. They can
quickly move light from one place to another, as
well as the power to read your mind, and other
powers that we do not know. The only way they
recognize them when they are human is the shape
of the ankles and fingers of their legs They fear
and escape hearing the name of God. This is the
most important thing that human beings consider
in different religions.[1]
A nasnas (Arabic: ‫ ﻧﺴﻨﺎس‬nasnās) is a monstrous
creature in Arab folklore. According to Edward
Lane, the 19th century translator of The Thousand
and One Nights, a nasnas is "half a human being;

having half a head, half a body, one arm, one leg,
with which it hops with much agility".
And also in Somali folklore there is a creature
called "xunguruuf" "Hungruf" which resembles
the "nasnās" as it has the same characteristics and
features. It's believed it can kill a person by just
touching them and the person would be fleshless
in mere seconds.
It was believed to be the offspring of a demon
called a Shiqq and a human being. A character in
"The Story of the Sage and the Scholar", a tale
from the collection, are turned into a nasnas after
a magician applies kohl to one of his eyes. The
nanas are mentioned in Gustave Flaubert's The
Temptation of Saint Anthony.[2]
Elfs are human-like beings that have sharp
pointed ears and are named as angels. They live

somewhere in the name of Babylon's hanging
Babylon hanging gardens or Semiramis
suspended gardens and the walls of Babylon
(present Iraq) are one of the seven wonders. [3]
In folklore, a mermaid is an aquatic creature
with the head and upper body of a
female human and the tail of a fish. Mermaids
appear in the folklore of many cultures
worldwide, including the Near East, Europe,
Asia, and Africa. Mermaids are sometimes
associated with perilous events such as floods,
storms, shipwrecks, and drownings.The male
equivalent of the mermaid is the merman, also a
familiar figure in folklore and heraldry. Although
traditions about and sightings of mermen are less
common than those of mermaids, they are
generally assumed to co-exist with their female

counterparts. They live somewhere in the middle
of the Atlantic called the Bermuda Triangle.
The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the
Devil's Triangle, is an area in the western Atlantic
area of the North Atlantic that is said to have
disappeared or destroyed more than 50 ships and
21 planes mysteriously in this area. This range
does not have the shape of a triangle accurately
and has only a triangle-like appearance. There are
many reports that this area is very dangerous. [4]
Reptilian humanoids or simply, reptilians (also
called reptoids, lizard people, reptiloids, saurian,
draconians) are purported humanoids with the
characteristics of reptiles that play a prominent
role in fantasy, science fiction, ufology, and
conspiracy theories. The idea of reptilians was
popularised by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist
who claims shape-shifting reptilian aliens control

Earth by taking on human form and gaining
political power to manipulate human societies.
Icke has stated on multiple occasions that many
world leaders are, or are possessed by, so-called
reptilians. They live in the Black Mountains in
Appalachian Mountains.
Appalachian Mountains is a mountain range
known as the climbing mountain in the east of the
United States between the Springer Mountains in
Georgia and the Katadine Mountain in Maine,
with a length of approximately 3500 kilometers.
National Forest National Park, Smoky Mountain
National Park, and Shenandoah National Park are
in the mountains. Appalachia is composed of
many different mountains. The mountains, the
white mountains, the green squares, the black
mountains are all part of the Appalachian
mountain range. [6]

Centaurus or centaur (Greek: Κένταυρος), the
Centaurus is a half human and half horse, with
head and two arms and upper arms of man and
body, and four legs of horse, in such a way that
the human part from where the horse's neck
should be started instead It is located. They live
on top of the Everest Summit in the Himalayan
The Himalayan mountain range (Himalaya is also
written) (Hindi: िहमालय is the highest
mountains in the world or generally in the world.
This mountain range is the Indian subcontinent
line from the Tibetan plateau. The name of the
Himalayas is derived from the Sanskrit Himalaya
(Himalayan word), which means "Snow". The
world's tallest peak, Everest, is 8,848 meters

The Bigfoot or Sasquatch has a gorillard shape
and lives in the remote North American forests,
the Great Lakes region and the Rocky Mountains.
The height of the mass is between 2. 1 and 2.7 m.
It is said that his eyes are tiny, large eyebrows and
a small, pointed head. Bigfoot has a very bad
smell. They are similar to humans and copies.
Copies include gorillas chimpanzees, bonoburo
orangutans, and humans and gibbons, differing
from monkeys and similar creatures in all cultures
in all countries of the world. They live somewhere
in Rocky Mountains.
The Rocky Mountains is a mountain range in the
North American continent. This mountain range
is located in the northwest of the United States,
with a stretch of over 3,000 miles (4,800
kilometers) from the northern part of British
Columbia in western Canada and spreading to

New Mexico in the southwest of the United
States. [9]
In Scottish folklore, the Loch Ness Monster or
Nessie is a creature said to inhabit Loch Ness in
the Scottish Highlands. It is often described as
large in size with a long neck and one or more
humps protruding from the water. They live on
Loch Ness Lake in Scotland.
Loch Ness is a lake with a length of 36.2 and a
width of 2.7 km, located in the northwest of
Scotland. The lake has become famous for the
legend of the existence of the Lehon Monster. [9]
Spanish pronunciation: [tʃupakaβɾas], is a
mythical animal known as South American, and
was first reported to be seen in Puerto Rico. The
name of the chupar means sucking and cabra
means goats because they know they are creatures

that attack domestic animals, especially goats,
and kill their blood. Reports of the appearance of
this creature came out in 1995 in Puerto Rico, and
later came the years after the mine in northern
South America to southern Chile. Even reports
from countries outside of South America such as
Russia and the Philippines, but most of these
reports lack any evidence. In some reports of
seeing these creatures in northern Mexico and the
south of the United States, the researchers
confirmed that the creatures observed were dogs
that had a Mange skin disease. [10]
Devil Jersey
In New Jersey and Philadelphia folklore, the
Jersey Devil (a.k.a. the Leeds Devil) is a
legendary creature said to inhabit the Pine
Barrens of Southern New Jersey. The creature is
often described as a flying biped with hooves, but
there are many variations. The common

description is that of a kangaroo-like or wyvern-
like creature with a goat- or horse-like head,
leathery bat-like wings, horns, small arms with
clawed hands, cloven hooves and a forked tail. It
has been reported to move quickly and is often
described as emitting a high-pitched "blood-
curdling scream". [9]
Dover Demon
In Massachusetts, for the first time in a few
days a weird existence was seen. These strange
beings, called Devil's Devil, although they have
been seen several times, are one of the most
frightening and mysterious creatures in the
modern world, and the one who has seen it has
been painted by him. [10]
A dragon is a large, serpent-like legendary
creature that appears in the folklore of many
cultures around the world. Beliefs about dragons

vary drastically by region, but dragons in western
cultures since the High Middle Ages have often
been depicted as winged, horned, four-legged,
and capable of breathing fire. Dragons in eastern
cultures are usually depicted as wingless, four-
legged, serpentine creatures with above-average
intelligence. They live in the mountains of Tibet
A vampire is a being from folklore that subsists
by feeding on the vital force (generally in the
form of blood) of the living. In European
folklore,vampires were undead beings that often
visited loved ones and caused mischief or deaths
in the neighborhoods they inhabited while they
were alive. They wore shrouds and were often
described as bloated and of ruddy or dark
countenance, markedly different from today's
gaunt, pale vampire which dates from the early

19th century. All of them have gone to the dark
jungles of Aokigahara, Japan.
The Aokigahara (Japanese: 青木 ヶ 原), known
as the suicide forest, the sea of trees and the best
place to die, is a forest located in the northwest of
Fuji Mountain in Japan. [12]


In folklore, a werewolf (Old English: werwulf,

"man-wolf") or occasionally lycanthrope/ˈlaɪkən,

θroʊp/(Greek: λυκάνθρωπος lukánthrōpos,"wolf

-person") is a human with the ability to shapeshift

into a wolf (or, especially in modern film, a
therianthropic hybrid wolf-like creature), either
purposely or after being placed under a curse or
affliction (often a bite or scratch from another
werewolf) and especially on the night of a full

moon. is a forest located in the northwest of Fuji
Mountain in Japan.[14]


A sphinx (AncientGreek: Σφίγξ [spʰíŋks], Bo

eotian: Φίξ [pʰíːks], plural sphinxes or sphinges)
is a mythical creature with the head of a human
and the body of a lion. In Greek tradition, the
sphinx has the head of a human, the haunches of
a lion, and sometimes the wings of a bird. It is
mythicised as treacherous and merciless. Those
who cannot answer its riddle suffer a fate typical
in such mythological stories, as they are killed
and eaten by this ravenous monster. They live in
the deserts of Egypt in the Pyramids.[13]


The unicorn is a legendary creature that has

been described since ancient times as a beast with
a single large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting

from its forehead. The unicorn was depicted in
the ancient seals of the Indus Valley Civilization
The Bible also describes the animal, the reem,
which some versions translate as unicorn.In
European folklore, the unicorn is often depicted
as a white horse-like or goat-like animal with a
long horn and sometimes a goat's beard. In the
Middle Ages and Renaissance, it was commonly
described as a wild wildlife creature, a symbol of
purity . In the encyclopedias, its horn was said to
have the power to render poisoned water potable
and to heal sickness. They live in Mongolia.


In Norse mythology, a valkyrie (/vælˈkɪəri, -

ˈkaɪri, vɑːl-, ˈvælkəri/; from Old Norse valkyrja
"chooser of the slain") is one of a host of female
figures who choose those who may die in battle

and those who may live. Selecting among half of
those who die in battle (the other half go to the
goddess Freyja's afterlife field Fólkvangr), the
valkyries take their chosen to the afterlife hall of
the slain, Valhalla, ruled over by the god Odin.
There, the deceased warriors become einherjar
(Old Norse "single (or once) fighters"). When the
einherjar are not preparing for the events of
Ragnarök, the valkyries bear them mead.
Valkyries also appear as lovers of heroes and
other mortals, where they are sometimes
described as the daughters of royalty, sometimes
accompanied by ravens and sometimes connected
to swans or horses.Valkyries are attested in the
Poetic Edda (a book of poems compiled in the
13th century from earlier traditional sources), the
Prose Edda, the Heimskringla (both by Snorri
Sturluson) and the Njáls saga (one of the Sagas of
Icelanders), all written—or compiled—in the

13th century. They appear throughout the poetry
of skalds, in a 14th-century charm, and in various
runic inscriptions.


In the Iranian myths, Glimgush has been like

humans, but their ears are large in size, one that
has littered one, and the other is crocheted, and
they are also called "ear". In the book of the
prophets, they were mentioned as those who laid
their ears a quilt, and the other was laid, and they
were very numerous, and their number was so
high that they drove it to every land they were
eating, and their sound was very annoying. It was
as if they were taking the road to the land, the
people fled before they reached the mountains.
They live in iran.


Peri (Persian: ‫ ﭘﺮی‬pari, plural ‫ ﭘﺮﯾﺎن‬pariān) are

exquisite, winged spirits renowned for their
beauty. Originally from Persian and Armenian
mythologies, Peris were later adopted by other
cultures. They are described as mischievous
beings that have been denied entry to paradise
until they have completed penance for atonement.


In Greek mythology, a phoenix (/ˈfiːnɪks/;

Ancient Greek: φοῖνιξ, phoînix) is a long-lived
bird that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise
born again. Associated with the Sun, a phoenix
obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its
predecessor. According to some sources, the
phoenix dies in a show of flames and combustion,
although there are other sources that claim that

the legendary bird dies and simply decomposes
before being born again.There are different
traditions concerning the lifespan of the phoenix,
but by most accounts the phoenix lived for 500
years before rebirth. Herodotus, Lucan, Pliny the
Elder, Pope Clement I, Lactantius, Ovid, and
Isidore of Seville are among those who have
contributed to the retelling and transmission of
the phoenix motif.In ancient Greece and Rome,
the phoenix was associated with Phoenicia,
(modern Lebanon), a civilization famous for its
production of purple dye from conch shells.

Chapter One

Julie and Ned's Life

Married on a farm in Marysville, Yuba,
California began with love, there was no
joy without the presence of a child. Julie
and Ned had tried all the way, but they did
not get out. After 15 years they were no
longer disappointed. Julie prayed and
helped others until she was a miracle day
and she became pregnant. Despite all the
troubles, Julie eventually gave birth to a
beautiful girl. Her name was given to
Selena, she was a clever and beautiful girl
with eyes in the sea color. Wheat and skin
like snow. Everyone was happy with her
and hoped to bring them home. When she
was taught to walk, Julie always followed
her. He went everywhere.

Chapter Two

Selena's life
When Selena was four, She went to the farm
every day with her father.

She played with plants and animals. Her
father was always worried about her and
said, "Take care of yourself." But she was
very curious, she walked and sat every day
and talked to someone. One day, her mother
and father asked her whom you are talking
to? And she answered with a boy named
Patsyuraz, she played with Patsyurz every
day until he grew up and went to school.
She had no friends at school, she only
talked to Patsyuraz, and her classmates
mocked her. The Selena was a privileged
student at the school, but one day the
teacher and the school principal were
worried about her and told her parents to
take the Selena to the child psychiatrist.
They also took the Selena, she did not like
the psychiatrist, and in order not to see him
again, she was seven years old, when the

psychiatrist told her about having a loved
one, denied the Selena and said that she had
trouble finding a friend, so she had no
friends. The psychiatrist told the parents of
the Selena, "It's hard to imagine your girl
having trouble. You just have to take her to
a counselor because she has trouble finding
a friend." The event ended there, and the
Selena became bigger and bigger when it
went to high school, They were friends with
a girl named Jessie. They were good friends
and in a class Selena and her friend were
very active. Sometimes Jessie saw that the
Selena spoke to herself. One day she asked
a Selena about who was talking and said to
no one with anyone. But Jessie had skipped
and became curious every day. The Selena
was a beautiful and smart girl.

In her class, a boy named Daniel was
longing for the Selena, but don’t tell her
Daniel was friends with a Selena through
classroom activities but the Selena avoided

Valentine's Day eventually arrived.

At the Valentine's Day each year for students
of the Rose Flower School Association, and the
students through the community guys
anonymously gave their friends They scored
flowers The guys of the forum went to classrooms
and gave the flowers to the people. Finally, the
turn to the Selena class when the guys of the
association brought the flower to the Selena, she
was confused. All classes looked at her because
they knew the Selena Only the classmate girl is
not found of any boy Jack was one of the classiest
boys who tried hard to make friends with her, but
she did not accept, even a few boys from the top
had offered her a friend, but she did not accept It
was complicated in the school that Selena
Anderson was not found of any boy. Sometimes
the guys mocked her because of not having sex
with the boys. Even rumored that she was sexist,
Jessie was very worried about the Selena, and she

told her I have a boyfriend, but you are a beautiful
and clever, why you are not a boyfriend and the
Selena always gave her the answer. Where do you
know that I do not love anyone? When Selena
took the flower Jessie told her that it was from the
same boyfriend that nobody saw him How do you
hide me from a friend who is hiding your
boyfriend's friend from us? We know all the
secrets We are at home almost every night. We
were always together. We even sent a sympathy
card to the family. How do you hide him from
me? At the same moment as Jessie had been upset
to the Selena, one of the guys' jaws came up with
a big rose basket full of beautiful roses for a
Selena. Jessie opened the card and read it. It was
written about the beautiful beauty of your life. I
love you. Patsyuraz. All the girls in the class were
jealous of her and told them who sent the flowers
to her, Selena was very happy when Daniel saw

the scene with discomfort from the class. Jessie
also realized that Daniel was upset, but said to
Selena Who is Patsyuraz? Selena told her the love
of her childhood, Jessie said why she had never
seen him should introduce him to me. Selena said
Jessie could not do it. Jessie said that I am no
longer your friend and went. Jessie went to the
dining room to take food and wanted to sit there.
Suddenly, she saw Daniel sitting alone and sitting
beside him and saying, "I saw you,", "having
gone out of sight with a basket of flowers. "Tell
me one thing, do you like the Selena? Daniel
looked at Jessie and said, yes, For months I love
her, but she avoids me, I even send her a flower,
but I understand she loves someone else. Three
days later, Jessie was still Selena angry. The
Selena was upset, even her parents told her why
Jessie was not in our house or why you did not get
there? Selena went to Jessie's house and told her

I could not show you my boyfriend. Jessie told
her to go after that. Selena told she could not, but
Jessie did not accept. Selena will go to Jessie's
house tomorrow. She took her hand and said,
"Come with me." Jessie said, "Where are we
going?," Would you not see my boyfriend? So, go
and see him in the midst of the farm corn, the
father of the Selena, "where she took the Bible,
and told Jessie to the Bible does not like to say
anything to anyone. Jessie swore and the Selena
told her to close her eyes, suddenly a voice came
and Jessie opened her eyes, she saw a very
beautiful and bright boy. He was surprisingly
beautiful and weird. Jessie looked the boy up and
down. He was like a man, but he had a footprint.
He was wearing white cloths and greetings with
Jessie with a pleasant sound and said that I
enjoyed your visit, although I see you every day.
Jessie, who was surprised, said, "How do you see

me every day that I did not see you?" The Selena
then said, "Jessie, He is not human, he's a Jinn. "It
was incredible for Jessie How a man has a
relationship with a Jinn, and She told her; We are
together since childhood. One day when I was 4
years old, I played on my father's farm, suddenly
saw him. We were together every day and every
second and we are in love. Wherever I go, there
is only me and those who want to see him. Jessie
asked, Is this relationship allowed? Patsyuraz
answered, No, if they realize they will punish me,
they may kill me, but I'll love the Selena and will
endure all the hardships for her. Then he said I
had to go back and say goodbye. Jessie and the
Selena returned. She told her how she loved you
This love is not a happy ending. You are two
different creatures of God. They escape from the
name of God from us. It is not possible to close
your relationship with him and look around. Did

you know what the flower branch was on
Valentine's Day who sent it to you Daniel, he
loves you and is a good boy and your kind With
him there is a future for you But Selena did not
listen, Jessie was worried about her, thought and
went to Daniel and told him if you wanted to
Selena try for her love. Daniel went to the Selena
and told her come out with me tonight, and she
said "I can’t," and how many times Daniel went
to invite her, but she did not accept. One day
Jessie told Daniel that he would go to the cinema
at seven o'clock next to the Selena house and said
to Selena, I and Jeffrey (her boyfriend) would go
to the cinema if you would like to come Selena
accepted and they went to the cinema Daniel saw
them In the cinema hall, Daniel sat down at
Selena. Jessie had planned, so she had taken love
days movie tickets But Jessie had forgotten that
Patsyuraz Is there. In the middle of the film, the

part where they kissed each other, suddenly,
Daniel took the Selena's hand, and she looked at
him, kissing her. Selena got upset and went to the
movie theater Patsyuraz was angry at seeing this
scene. Daniel wanted to follow a Selena that fell
to the ground floor and broke his hand. Daniel did
not come to school three days. After three days he
went to school and saw the Selena saying, "Why
do not you answer my calls and my messages?
"Selena said, "What did you mean by kissing? We
are just friends and I do not want our relationship
to be more than a friend. "Daniel said I love you
so much Why we can’t be together? She said, I
love someone else. Daniel was very upset and
went home to call Jessie and told her, you knew
that she loved someone else Why you did not tell
me? Jessie said I can’t say who he is, but if you
really love her, she must be interested in you The
person will loves hurt her and you should not

allow if you love her Daniel said Jessie promised
you that I would not let anything happen to the
Selena But Patsyuraz was upset about this, so he
decided to do anything to keep him from getting
close to the Selena. Every time Daniel wanted to
get close to the Selena, he would have happened
to him, but again he did not stop trying. Summer
and children were closed and each one was
accepted for a college. Daniel went to the Selena's
house every day and scored for her, but Selena
told her mother to open the door and take the
flower, but her mother invited Daniel to the house
and the Selena was forced to see him Daniel
bought a gift for the Selena. Patsyuraz could go
wherever he wants to go in a second and return,
he would take the Selena to any country she
wanted, even take the Selena to the hole, and she
took his hand and closed her eyes in a second.
Wherever she wanted to go with him He did

whatever wanted to be a Selena, and he did not
like the fact that Daniel loved the Selena, and told
the Selena every day, and the Selena told her, do
not worry, my love, I'm yours forever and hug
him. The Selena and her family went to church
every Sunday to pray, and Patsyuraz could not
have been with the Selena because the fairies left
very soon after hearing the name of God. The
church was beside the beautiful Marysville lake.

Selena went to the lake after praying and
looked at it One day Daniel came to the church to
pray and saw a Selena standing up at the lake
standing dandelion flowers, picking up a flower
and waving a Selena and putting it on her
beautiful hair. Daniel touched the beautiful face
of the Selena and said to her the most beautiful
flower that God created, the face of the Selena
was reddened with embarrassment and his
sentence set in her heart. That day, Selena thought
of Daniel, and suddenly she remembered the
words of Jessie, who said that the relationship
between the genius and man was impossible
because he could not show himself to everyone.
And you can’t introduce him to everyone and he
can’t introduce you to his family. Even she
remembered that she had told him to take her to
his own place, and he would not do it and say if

they knew you and I would punish you. We are
hard and maybe kill us. The summer had its place
in the fall, and it was a letter to the San Francisco,
University of Medical Sciences for a Selena. She
was very happy about seeing it and called on
Jessie to give her this news When Jessie
answered, she said, "I accepted." Jessie said, "I
also accepted at the San Francisco University of
Medical Sciences.

They did not know Daniel was accepted there,"
Daniel called to Jessie and gave her the news.
And Jessie gave him the news of his own
admission and the Selena. Daniel was pleased and
invited both of them to the Magnesium cafe along
the lake to celebrate. Patsiyuraz was happy and
told the Selena, "I love you very much, and I want
to celebrate tonight, but the Selena told him I
want to celebrate with my friends. "The Selena
did not know that he had the power of mind and
read everything from inside her mind That night,
the Selena celebrated with Jessie and Daniel, and
they ate together whiskey. Jessie went out with
her boyfriend and a Selena, who was drunk and
he went to Daniel to the lake. Here's a Selena to
Daniel saying: I love you and kiss her and when
both They drowned in love and decided to get in
touch. Patsiyuraz threw Daniel from the back to
the lake and took the Selena. On the morning of

the day, the Selena woke up in the house of the
tree that Patsiyuraz had built. He had made a
coffee for the Selena, and she had a headache and
said: What was going on. What I am doing here?
Where was Daniel? Patsiyuraz said, "Peace and
be in your coffee, but she said: I think Daniel Fell
into the water I have to go, Patsiyuraz took her
hand and said where you are from you Do not like
me and I know this Selena said You pushed
Daniel into the water, let me roll my hand He got
angry and the objects inside the tree house began
to tremble. He shouted, "If you go and leave me,
I'll hurt him. "The Selena began to cry out
fearlessly and without saying anything to eat her
coffee, and then Patsiyuraz took her home. When
the Selena went home, her parents, worried about
and told her where were you, she without saying
anything goes to her room on the floor. Went up
and closed the door, Daniel went to the Selena

house to ask her and handed her the phone down
beside the lake, but the Selena did not get out of
her room and told her mother to tell him to go, I
do not want to see him, Selena did not leave the
room and home for a few days. Jessie and Daniel
constantly called her, but she did not answer until
the day the college was started. The Selena, along
with Jessie and their family, went to San
Francisco to do dormitory work. And classes.
Selena and Jessie got a room in the dormitory
together, Jessie asked several times why she was
not answering Daniel, and what happened next
night at the lake, but Selena did not answer to
Jessie. Daniel was worried too and wanted to
know what was happening to say Jessie, but She
told him: Selena did not say anything about the
subject Days passed and Daniel and Selena were
in a class, but the Selena avoided Daniel There
was no other, Selena no happy daughter.

In her beautiful face, there was much sadness,
even less, her parents rang. Most of the time,
Selena's parents called for Jessie to ask her
because the Selena did not respond to their calls.
Patsiyuraz did anything to make the Selena

One day, Selena told Jessie, "I'm tired of life. I
wish I did." Jessie said, "Why, why not, you're not
a happy girl. "Selena did not say anything.
Suddenly, Jessie told her if you did not tell me
what was all about your family and Daniel, who
was scared to say I loved Daniel But when
Patsiyuraz understood this, I threatened to hurt
Daniel and my family if I had not been with him.
Jessie, who was angry, said a few times I told you
that this relationship was impossible, but you did
not hear Selena says when I understood that it was
too, late that night he drove Daniel into the water
and took me with him. Selena said Jessie I can’t
do anything unless I die Jessie did not sleep until
morning and worried about the Selena Calling up
the next day with Daniel and meeting in the
restaurant, Jessie ordered a cup of coffee to reach
Daniel, when Daniel arrived, told him you still
love the Selena, and he said, of course, that Jessie

defined the whole thing for Daniel. Daniel, who
was shocked, said with a grudge, "My poor
Selena, my darling, who suffered all this suffering
for not hurting me." I'll stop this happening.
Tomorrow, Daniel saw the Selena in the
university courtyard, but the wicked Selena
passed away. Daniel took her hand and her away
Selena says what you do. Daniel cried out,
hugging her and said, my dear, you've endured all
this pain for me. I know everything about. From
now on, I do not let you get any trouble. Who's
feeling safe She said never got away from me. I
do not want to hurt Daniel said, darling, trust me.
Everything will be fine again. The Selena is very
happy and said, "It's so dangerous that you are not
involved with this. "Daniel said you do not worry,
we will solve the problems together and we'll be
together in the end. The Selena breathed comfort
as if the world had been given to her, but it did

not know what was going to happen. Patsiyuraz,
who was aware of all the fears of losing the
Selena, wondered what could be done to keep the
Selena out of the reach of his mind, which kept
the Selena forever for him. The next day he went
to the Selena, and told her I know that you love
Daniel and I want to allow you to stay with him
forever, but for the last time come with me tonight
to have the last meeting with us, who He was very
happy to accept She was so happy to tell Jessie
that everything was fine. I got free again and I left
Patsiyuraz for the last time, and then everything
would end. Jessie was not happy about hearing
this news and said, Wake up, maybe he has
another purpose. But the Selena did not accept it
and said I'm going to end this nightmare Jessie
says Daniel knows Selena says He does not need
to know I want to surprise him. Selena went to
Dorm and was ready. Jessie, who had a class and

could not go to the Dorm Daniel called and told
him that Daniel, who did not want to go to the
Selena, called her a few times but did not answer.
Yes, She went. Patsiyuraz brought her to a hut in
the forest in the mountains of the Alps,
romanticating the space and dinner. Was good All
the atmosphere of the hut was full of flowers. The
Selena was thrilled.

They ate dinner and reviewed the childhood.
Memories and They were laughing And they ate
the wine next to the fireplace At the end of the
day, Patsiyuraz said: " Selena I've loved you since
childhood. Do you really want to get out of me?"
Selena said, "We have no future." And our love
was wrong from the beginning, but they can best
friend for together Selena was confused and not
at all, like she was drunk and drunk. Patsiyuraz
hit his target, he choked and kissed her, woke up
with a drunk, loved him and was Ingush for the
first six of a Selena, She who has never had
anything to do with anyone. Even Patsiyuraz,
because the Jinn should not have sex with
humans, their relationship was kissing these
years, but now Patsiyuraz decided to take the
decision to take the Selena That night was the best
night of his life and For Selena, the peak brought
pleasure in the morning. Selena wakes up and saw

themselves. "What did we do last night?"
Patsiyuraz said last night was the best moment for
both of us. Selena was angry, but on the one hand,
she was still guilty. On the other hand, she still
liked. Jessie and Daniel, who worried about the
Selena, called her a thousand times, but she was
not available after Patsiyuraz make breakfast for
a Selena and returned to the dormitory When
Jessie saw the Selena in the room, she told her you
knew how much I and Daniel were worried about,
but Selena was happy. She fell in love with
Patsiyuraz. How many days passed, and the
Selena retreated from Daniel. Daniel saw Jessie
and told her you knew why the Selena avoids me.
She said no, Daniel said, "I think that the Selena
has fallen in love with him." Jessie said it's not
possible to ask a Selena. Night in the dormitory
room, Jessie told the Selena why do you avoid
Daniel Do you fall in love with Patsiyuraz the

night you went with him What happened? Selena
answered, I loved him from childhood, and now I
love him. That night was the greatest night of my
life. Jessie said no, that is, you could not have sex
with him. This relationship will be troublesome
for you. Please beg of separating him So what do
you want with Daniel? The Selena says I made
my decision. Daniel is just my friend and no
more. Please do not argue with me about this The
next day, Jessie did not answer Daniel's call, so
Daniel waited for the Jessie to complete the class,
then he saw her and said, "Why did not I answer
my call?" This shows my guess is correct. The
Selena is back with him. Jessie said, "I'm sorry,
but it's true, she's in love with him." Daniel said,
"I will not miss the Selena so simply, I'm not
going to have a relationship with him. "A month
ago, the Selena with Patsiyuraz went out every
night. The Selena was happier than before, but did

not know what was waiting for it. Daniel walked
up the Selena every day to get out of the way, but
it did not make any sense. Graduate exams began
and Selena was busy studying. They were on
vacation between the exam. One morning, the
Selena rushed to go out. Jessie told her where you
are going with this hurry? Selena said I was
coming back. She went to the pharmacy on the
street and Buy a pregnancy test on the way back
said to herself, "I hope I've made a mistake.
"Selena drove into the room and went to the
bathroom. Five minutes later, with a trembling
hand came out, Jessie said, "What happened?
"She did not say that Jessie gave her a glass of
water and told what had happened, she said, "I am
pregnant, Jessie said no, it's not possible for you
to have a Jinn pregnant by a Selena to abort it.
The Selena that was confused did not know what
decision to take That day, Selena did not go to any

of her classes, and only in her bed thought about
what to do and she did not eat any food Jessie was
worried about her. She took the Selena for food
and said that you should not have children and
you should talk to your family about this The
Selena was under pressure, let alone let me think
Jessie went out of the room. The Selena,
whenever wanted to see him, just called him
because he was not always around the Selena and
most of his time in his world. The Selena cries
called Patsiyuraz at the same time He comes
down when he sees Selena crying He hugged her
and said what happened to my love Selena just
cried and did not say anything. Patsiyuraz relaxed
her and while stroking her, said tell me now
Selena said with sadness that I'm pregnant
Patsiyuraz, who was confused, did not know what
to say But after a few minutes he was happy to
say the Selena says nothing. I was so happy to

hear this news Selena said with angrily, It turns
out what you say, it's impossible If anyone
understands us or you, they will kill us anyone
understands It is troublesome to have this baby.
We must abort the baby before it is born
Patsiyuraz said this kid is a long and prolonged
love for me and you How do you say this? We can
go to a beautiful place And without knowing
anyone, we will enlarge our baby and have a good
life together, Selena told what to do with my
education and my family? Patsiyuraz replied:
"My Dear, love is more important or educated?
Tell your family the subject and how often do we
go to see them. "Selena said where should we go
that nobody understands? He said, "we'll go to the
very beautiful hut in the middle of the forest. I
will give you the best life for you and my child,
and I will not let any of the Jinns understand even
my family. "The Selena accepted and said that

until tomorrow I'll get my stuff and go together,
He said, my dear, that's great. Patsiyuraz, having
read a sentence, had a table of delicious food and
gave his Selena a meal with his own hands and
told her, "Baby, I'll stay tonight. "When the
Selena ate their meal, they fell asleep. A few
minutes later, Jessie went in and opened the door
to see if the Selena was restrained or not. They
saw that they were sleeping together, and after
she went to bed. In the morning, Patsiyuraz had
set up a breakfast table and collected some
Selenas. Jessie and Selena woke up, they were
surprised to see breakfast. When the breakfast
was over, Jessie saw the Selena's suitcase and said
to her, "Do you want to go somewhere? "Selena
said yes, I'll go with Patsiyuraz forever. Jessie
said with a With a surprise mode. Where are you
going to live? Really want to go with him and
give birth to a baby? Are you kidding or mad? It

means committing suicide you do not think in
your mind of your parenthood and innocent kid.
Selena said I made my decision. We go together
where no one understands and we raise our
children together and sometimes go to see my
parents. Jessie said: What do you do with your
education? Do you want to drop it? You have
made a lot of effort to get here. Where do you
want to leave your education and live with an
unhuman person? I will not allow you to do this
and told Patsiyuraz that you are an egoistic being
who endangers the Selena and the innocent child
and destroy her craving and education. You must
abort a child and end this relationship impossible
Selena, whose face was full of tears, took Jessie's
hands and said, "You are like my sister, and I
know you want me well. Make Sure, I will be
happy with this decision. "Jessie said when you
took the decision I cannot dissuade you, take care

of yourself and your child and tell Patsiyuraz that
I have never been happy with your relationship.
But watch out for the Selena and tell the Selena
just tell me where you are going. Jessie helped
them and collected all the Selena They hugged
each other and cried together. Jessie told her to
contact me, I will miss you Selena told her, "Dear
baby," read your lessons and take care of yourself.
I love you, you're the best. I miss you too, and
take Patsiyuraz's hands and disappear together.
They went to the same hut in the middle of the
forest. A few days later, Jessie went to the first
exam session. The professors asked her why did
not get a Selena and She replied that She would
not go back. He asked where they were going?
Jessie said I do not know just told me no longer.
They said we should contact her family After the
trial, Daniel went to Jessie and asked Where is she
gone? I know that you know Jessie said She went

to live with Patsiyuraz for a long time. Daniel
says it's not possible. I would not allow Jessie to
say that now that She's gone and we cannot do
anything. When they contacted the university
with the parents of the Selena, they did not know
what they were saying, they were worried, they
called, the Selena immediately, but their mobile
was silent, they called to Jessie and they asked her
where is she? And She answered Selena told me
that will call and talk to you Jessie filed for the
Selena and told her to contact your family earlier.
A few hours later, the Selena called to Jessie and
said, "I talked to my family and told them that I
was pregnant and that I would soon go to see and
explain to them I also contacted the university and
said that I will soon be studying for signing the
withdrawal form. But my mom and dad are very
upset and worried I do not know how to talk to
them Jessie said, do not be upset, everything will

be fine You should be careful about yourself
Patsiyuraz made everything for the Selena and
loved her romances. They were so very happy. A
few weeks later they went to see their parents and
The Selena told Patsiyuraz, "My parents should
not understand that you are not human, so with a
little embellishment, we must make you feel like
human beings and you should never let them see
your feet. "The Selena changed the appearance of
Patsiyuraz and told him to remember that your
name is Tadd Tomson and you are an accountant
at HBO in New York and your parents are dead
and our home is in New York. They went to her
parents' home. Selena tells her parents that is
Todd Tomson, he is an accountant at HBO New
York. Initially, the parents of the Selena’s were
upset, but Patsiyuraz, with his good and kindly
behavior, could change their minds. Her mother
said: my daughter why you did not talk to us

about him and did not tell him about us and why
did you drop an education one now where are you
living? And we want to see Todd's parents to get
together more. Selena replied: "We really loved
us and suddenly we had children. I did not want
to hide you, because Tadd was working. I decided
to go to New York with him and her parents are
dead. "I want to give birth to my child and have a
good life together Tadd is a good man and I know
that I will be happy with him please do not worry
mother said that you decided very soon.
Patsiyuraz said, "I promise you not to miss any
Selena, and I would love her until the end of my
life, imagine being comfortable. "Selena's father
said, my daughter, I hope that you will never
regret the decision you made, although it seems
like a good boy, but New York is too far away and
we miss you. I wish you the best for you if you
wanted to stay here for as long as you want me

and your mother will be happy Selena said
thanks, but we should go and say goodbye and go
Three months after the pregnancy, she told
Patsiyuraz, "I have to go to a doctor to know what
a healthy fetus is and what sex is. "Selena said
when I was going to college, a doctor's office was
a lower street than university, take me there, and
when it's over, come back and bring me back
home. The doctor went to the ultrasound doctor
and told him he was a boy and he is healthy. The
Selena was afraid that his child's legs and skirts
might look like his father, and the doctor could
understand, but that was not the case, and he was
very happy. The Selena told Patsiyuraz, "My son
is healthy and his body is like a human. They went
home." Selena called to Jessie and gave this news
to her and her parents. All were happy and
friendly. Three months later, the Selena again
went to the doctor's office for checkups when it

was finished and went out to the office suddenly.
Daniel saw her suddenly disappearing with

Chapter Three

Love & Hate

Daniel, who had a sense of disappointment
and felt that he should have been with a Selena,
thought with his temper if he told the Jinns that
one of them had a relationship with a human
being, he would be punished, and that time he
could have a good life with the Selena Have So
he was looking for someone who could connect
with the Jinns, and he remembered that in his city
a lonely and frenetic old woman lives in an old
house near the grave, where people said her
Behavior and clothes were like witchcraft Two
months later, Daniel returned to his city for a
week to visit his family and visit the old woman.
In the morning he went to the graveyard to see

It was very scary. It was a dark old house with
roofs and old walls and the voice of the crows and
dried trees He was afraid and wanted to return,
but when thought of Selena, Stronger than before,
went to the old woman's house It Patsiyuraz, had
a relationship with a girl who was pregnant, and
how many days later she was born. The Jinn who
was angry said You are coming to your request,
because your information was valuable and none
of us was allowed to do it. They had to get to their
feet and the baby should not be born. Tomorrow

morning, opening your eyes, make yourself
beautiful and young. You will see and suddenly
disappeared The Jinn went to the King of the
Jinns, the king ordered that he should be found
and punished. That same afternoon, Daniel
returned to the old woman's house, and when he
rang the door, she opened beautiful and young
girl. Daniel said, "Excuse me, is your
grandmother at home? "The girl invited him to the
house. Daniel entered the house and leaked on the
old furniture. It was very dusty. The equipment
was all too old. The girl drank coffee to Daniel
and sat next to him. She put her hands on Daniel's
hand. Daniel asked, "I'm working with your
grandmother. Is she your grandmother? "The girl
who was the old woman answered yes, she is my
grandmother, I lost my parents and arrived here
My grandmother told me if a young boy came to
tell him I told them tellers They are looking for

him to punish him And she told me to stay here.
She will return home tomorrow and said, What is
your name, and what do you do with my
grandmother? And then the tears came up in her
eyes and said with shocking voices, "I do not have
anyone." "My only family is my grandmother,
and I do not know anyone here, "Then she hugged
Daniel and said," I am very alone and afraid of
loneliness in this house. Daniel said, sorry, but I
have to go girl said don’t alone me and You do
not know me how to say this. She said your
grandmother knows you. Please stay Until
tomorrow, my grandmother will come back
Daniel said Ok, I had to tell my family and stay
here. He called his mother and said tonight he was
staying with one of his friends. The girl was
happy and rushed to dinner and they dined
together after dinner Daniel asked are you a
student or a worker? Anyways, where do you

live? She told Daniel my name is Wiki Hoffman
23 years old I'm the name of my grandmother, I'm
in a Sutter store as a product introduction to
customers for four years. My parents died in a
tragedy, many years ago, and when I graduated
from high school I went to work. I have no family
other than my grandmother, and I'm going to find
work here and stay with her. The house had six
rooms. Wiki showed a room to Daniel and told
him that could sleep there. Daniel slept little.
Midnight, he woke up the sound of opening in the
door. Everywhere is dark. Suddenly, Daniel
turned on the light. The Wiki was bare in front of
the closet. She tried to cover herself, but could not
Daniel said oh gosh, what did you do here? Daniel
walked to put toward a sheet on her, looked at her
beautiful face and Elegant body and He took a bed
sheet on her. Wiki said my grandmother kept her
towels here. I took the towel to dry myself. I did

not think you wake up. She picked up the towel
and went off, Daniel switched off the light to
sleep, but he did not go out of her mind,
immediately went to the Wiki Room He knocked
and she opened the door. Daniel kissed her and
slept after a sex, full of excitement and pleasure.
On the morning of that day, Daniel woke up and
showered and saw Wiki prepare breakfast. They
ate breakfast together, then Daniel asked Have
you a boyfriend? She said: "I had a boyfriend and
I loved him a year ago, but then I found out he
was a woman and separated from him." Wiki
asked him what about you? "Daniel said from
high school to now I love a girl, but she loves
another boy Wiki said so sorry, Daniel said no
problem Wiki asked him Are you a student or
work? Where are you from originally? He said I
am Daniel Samson and is a student at the San
Francisco Medical University. I and my family

are from here, and I'm here for the holidays.
Daniel then asked her Do you want to go with me
next to the lake? No, I'm so sorry she did not agree
because she did not have a good dress to go out
with Daniel. All the clothes of the old woman
were loose and torn. Daniel said, Why do not you
go with me? Wiki, who did not know what to say,
suddenly came to her mind and told Daniel in fact
They have stolen my luggage in order to get here,
and that the clothes I am wearing of my
grandmother, I do not have any other clothes to
wear with you and I'm waiting for my
grandmother's return to go to the store to buy
clothes. I hope you are not upset. Daniel took
Wiki's hand and went to his car in the yard. She
asked where we were going. Daniel said, please
come with me. They drove into the car and went
to the store. The seller took several clothes for her
and she wore them in one of the dresses, she was

very beautiful, she was dressed with long chestnut
hair and honey color gray eyes, Daniel was
surprised to see her. Wiki bought a white dress
with flaxen trousers and a jeans with a low price.
Daniel bought her pretty clothes. Daniel said Do
not you want beautiful clothes? She said, Not
now, but maybe later buys it, when he saw her
looking at the cost of clothes, He knew that she
did not have enough money.

He gave her the key car and said, "Go and stay in
the car waiting for me." Daniel bought all the
clothes she had made, and bought it beautiful
dress. He put the clothes in the back of the car and
Going to the Wiki home When they arrived,
Daniel picked up the clothes and went inside.
When Wiki saw clothes, did you buy them for
me? Daniel said no problem. Whenever you have
money give me back. At night, they went to the
lake side. After talking a little and looking at the
lake, they went to the lake restaurant and ordered
dinner with wine. Anyway, Daniel was more fond
of the Wiki. She was a beautiful and kind girl.
There was a certain power in her eyes that
attracted Daniel. He said tonight I'm staying with
you tomorrow morning I have to go home to see
my parents Wiki said no problem and They went
home. The morning And Daniel saw that Wiki
was sleeping Written on the paper I'm going home

and the evening I'll be back to see you. He left his
pillow and went. When Daniel arrived home, his
mother told him I could ask what your friend was,
did we know? No, you do not know her. I have
got acquainted with her casually. She is a
grandson of an old woman whose house is near
the graveyard. His mother looked at him with
astonishment, and said that No one knows Mrs.
Hoffman too much, because she was not much
among the people, but as far as I know that her
husband is dead when she is young and she has
no children because she is not married Daniel said
she might have a son, and you do not know, she's
called Wiki and she's a pretty girl. I do not like
any girl so far, but I like her. His mother said that
this is great, but my son is careful about your
relationship. People say her grandmother is a
witch. Daniel said that the mother of these words
is superstition. Her grandmother has gone on a

trip, and she has asked me to stay at her at home,
I'll go there tonight Her grandmother will return
tomorrow. His mom saying good is my son Invite
her for dinner one night to get to know each other
Daniel said good thought Mom's Thanks. Wiki
woke up and read Daniel's letter She thought
herself to what she would say about the return of
her fictional grandmothers to Daniel. Suddenly,
thought came to mind. In the afternoon, Daniel
came to her house, She was wearing her most
beautiful dress and putting on the perfume that
had been in her box for many years. When Wiki
opened the door, he was surprised. She was really
very pretty. He hugged and kissed her and said, "I
miss you". Wiki, whose face was red with
embarrassment. Wiki told Daniel to call her
grandmother and said she would return next
week. Daniel said I should go back to San
Francisco next weekend because my holidays are

over. The Wiki was upset by hearing this and
went to the kitchen to bring the coffee. Daniel
knew she was upset and went to the kitchen and
hugged her and said that it's okay that I'll go the
next week, but I'm not going to forget you I love
you, we can see each other online every day and
I will be visiting you every holidays, and you can
visit me every time so that my lesson ends. They
had good days together until the day that He
should return to San Francisco next day Daniel
told Wiki to tell me your cell phone number Wiki
was an old woman who did not have a mobile
phone, she said, "My cell phone broke a few days
ago, and I have to buy one, should my
grandmother come to borrow money from her.
"Daniel said I'm going to prepare my suitcase for
tomorrow. My mother invited you for dinner
tonight. Get ready to go to our house together at
night. Wiki cooked apple pie and get ready when

Daniel came, they went to Daniel's house Wiki
was very beautiful, calm and polite. Daniel's
mother and father and sister liked to Wiki.
Daniel's mother asked her, "I heard that your
grandmother did not have any children, and
nobody ever saw her child. "Wiki said when my
father was a child, my grandmother sent him to
her sister's house in Sutter, Because she did not
have the ability to take care of her child and
wanted to go to a good school. My parents were
computer engineers. They became acquainted
with the university and then they got married
when I was 15 years old, they died, and lived for
my mother's mom after graduating from a high
school I work in a Sutter store my mother's mom
was only family, then she died and I came to hear.
Daniel's mother told her I'm so sorry. They ate
dinner and Wiki's apple pie for desert. At about
midnight, Wiki wanted to go home. Daniel told

his mother, "I bring Wiki to her house, and I stay
in front of her the night." In the morning, I'll take
my suitcase and say goodbye to you. They went
to the Wiki's house. Daniel had bought a cell
phone for the Wiki, and gave and told her my
number saved in it. Wiki, who was surprised, said
I do not accept this, Why did you buy it? Oh, I
don't want anything from you. Your love is
enough for me Daniel was surprised by it said I
bought it for you. Please accept whenever you
have the money to give it to me Wiki, while
crying, to accept it hugged Daniel and said that
without you it's hard for me to breathe. I count the
seconds until you come back. I miss you so much
my love. After last six, she promised Daniel
promised. I look forward to waiting for me, as I'm
expecting Wiki says I swear I'll wait for you.
Daniel said promise waiting for me Wiki says I
swear. Tomorrow morning they said goodbye and

Daniel went. Wiki and Daniel talk every day.
Two weeks passed, Wiki had a gold ring that was
in her marriage. She gave it to the cemetery
graveyard to Put an empty coffin in a cemetery
called George Hoffman, and issue a death
certificate, as well as make a fake identity card for
her. When everything was ready, Daniel's mother
called him and said Wiki's grandmother is dead
and tomorrow is her funeral, Daniel was allowed
to return to Yuba for several days from the
University President He made his way to Wiki's
home when Wiki opened the door He hugged her
and said, dear, I'm so sorry Why did not you say
anything when I called you? Wiki said I was
alone, she had cancer and had not told me
anything She had gone to Sutter Hospital for
treatment and died there I did not say anything to
you because I did not want to leave your classes
for me. Daniel said, "Because of you, I am ready

to do anything. "The funeral was attended by
some people. Wiki just cried when everyone went
she sat beside the grave and cried out quietly that
Daniel, who was saying goodbye to the guests,
noticed her. He went to her and took her to his
house, so that she could not be alone, he took her
to his room and slept on his bed Wiki slept for
several hours. Daniel and his family were very
upset and they said poor girl Wiki woke up Daniel
took her coffee and relaxed her. Wiki put her head
on Daniel's shoulder and said, "What am I going
to do now? I have a house, I have to find a job.
"Wish you were with me Daniel said if you want
me staying with you, he said you should not do
this, but I want to be close to you Wiki says I'm
going to my house Daniel says I do not leave you
alone in this situation Wiki says so you come to
my house In the morning Daniel had made
breakfast for Wiki After having breakfast, she

told Daniel if you agreed to sell my house and
come with you to San Francisco, I would rent a
house and find a job for myself. Daniel said it was
a good idea, so let's go with your home for sale
and go to San Francisco and find a home that is
near to my university and then we'll find work for
you together. They sold the house for a week and
found a home in San Francisco, but finding a job
was not an easy job. One day Daniel at the
University of Admiral recruited a secretary He
spoke to Wiki and she came to university and
interviewed her, and she gave them her fake
resume Daniel talked with them about recruiting
Wiki. Three days later they called to her and told
to start work tomorrow. They were very happy.
Daniel left the dormitory to live in Wiki. They
were both so happy. Wiki would thank God every
day for her new life with her love. And she prayed

that this happiness would never end and would
never miss Daniel.

Chapter Four

John's life
The weather was cold just days before
Christmas It was time for her to go to a hospital
in San Francisco, according to her doctor.
Selena's father was a little sick, and the mother of
the Selena called her and said my daughter is
sorry that I can’t be on this sensitive day with you,
but how many days later your father was better,
I'll be coming to you to see you and our dear
grandson Selena told her mother not to be upset,
hope that father will be fine as soon as possible so
that you come to us. I missed you both. I love you

pray for me and say goodbye. Patsyuraz's mother
At the time of his birth, she died of a lot of
bleeding, and his father had been killed in a war
between good Jinns and devils. He was raised by
a Nemrius, He was a friend of his father. Nemrius
did not have a woman and child, and knew
Patsyuraz as his true son, he was aware of the
story of his relationship with a girl of human kind,
although he tried to dissuade him from this
relationship, but when he saw their love, satisfied.
It was a while the story of the relationship
between a Jinn and a human girl and their
childhood was complicated among the Jinns, they
were hard to follow the wrongdoers and punish
them, So, they were awarded a prize for someone
who could identify and arrest them. Nemrius gave
the news to Patsyuraz and told him to take care of
yourself. Try not to use any of your forces
because if you do, they will find you. I want to

see my grandson, but I wait until the situation is
calmed down. Patsyuraz said the topic to the
Selena that they went to a deserted home in San
Francisco, whose owners had long been traveling
elsewhere, Morning Christmas day The beautiful
boy whose eyes were gray and pale were born.
Doctors who have not met this case have decided
to Take tests on the baby. Selena and Patsyuraz
wait for the nurse to bring their baby But when
the nurse arrived, she did not have a baby. Selena
said, "Where's my son? Why did not you bring
him?" nurse told them Do not worry, doctors
should check him out. Patsyuraz went to see the
doctor to ask for the cause. The doctor told him:
"We think your son has a particular illness,
because his eyes are red, and a pale white skin.
We should test him. "The color of the eyes and
the skin of Patsyuraz was the same, but he put
lenses in his eyes and made his case with natural

cosmetics. He went to the Selena and told her we
should go there sooner. They want to test our son,
and they will know that he is unnatural until the
evening so that you get a little better. Then get
ready to go with our son here. We'll stay until the
afternoon, so you get a little better then be ready
to go with our son here. In the afternoon, the
Selena was a little better. He Preparing the
Selena, collected the instruments and he took
them to the house in a second using his power.
Selena hugged her son and gave him a milk and
said I want to give his name John Both of them
agreed with that name. A few hours later Nemrius
sent a message to Patsyuraz using his mental and
tactical powers. You used your power They have
identified your location Leave here earlier. He left
along with Selena and John and set off on a bus
to the home of the parent's Selena. A Selena, who
was afraid told Patsyuraz if they were finding us

and what they were doing to us? Patsyuraz
hugged the Selena and John and said, "My dear,
I'm not giving you any trouble," I promise you.
After having been on the road for two days, they
finally came to the Selena's parent's home Her
parents were surprised to see them, and they were
happy on the other. Selena said, we were worried
about father and came here to see each other. The
Selena showed her son and said this is John. They
hugged and kissed him, but they were surprised
to see his eyes and said why his eyes are gray?
Selena said, "There is a rare genetic disease that
you do not have to worry about. He's under the
supervision of a doctor. "A few days ago, the
Selena told Patsyuraz, "We need a story to stay
here. She tells your parents."Patsyuraz lost his job
and we will stay here and if you let him help you
to harvest and plant products and other work on
the farm until he has found a new job. My father

said, "That's great, my daughter, I'm no longer old
and I need someone to help me on the farm.
Who's better than your husband? "Selena said
thank you father. Jessie called the Selena to tell
her Congratulations to give birth to her son Selena
told him we were at my mother's house in Yuba,
Jessie, who had returned to her parents' home for
Christmas holidays He said: "Really? I'll have an
evening to see you there. I miss you so it's up in
the afternoon. "In the afternoon, Jessie went to the
Selena's house with a beautiful bouquet and a
small gift They were very happy when they saw
each other. Jessie greets the Selena's mother and
said I want to see your son, Selena hug her son
and showed Jessie. Suddenly, Jessie was
surprised and said, "My God, his eyes..." Selena
said I'll explain to you, just be gentle, so that my
mother does not understand then told the story for
her. Jessie said it was so dangerous. Selena said

you did not worry, they could not find us. Selena
says, Jessie, I want you to be Mother in law my
sons, John, do you accept it? Jessie replied, of
course, with great pleasure and saying, "I want
your brother to be his father in Law," tell him this
if he agrees, that's great. Jessie called his brother
and said the subject, and he agreed. Then she told
the Selena, "We agree, to do the ceremony.
"Patsyuraz seemed too weak to return from the
farm. The Selena told him what had happened?
He said that there is nothing we do, the Jinn do
the work with our powers and do not do these
hard things The Selena put him on the sofa and
gave a glass of water Jessie greet him. He said,
"Well, I have not seen you a long time, is your
university Finished? "Jessie said the next year
will end Selena told him Baby, Jessie and her
brother agreed that their father and mother in Law
was our son, this is not perfect? He said that the

ceremony is binding on you? Selena and Jessie
are surprised. Selena said, yes. Patsyuraz said,
"That's great, and I thank Jessie. "The days were
passing. They were so happy together. Patsyuraz
was accustomed to working on the farm without
using his powers. John was growing up Two
years later, Jessie worked at the Yuba Hospital
after graduation, and in the days of her job she
and her boyfriend took John to the park. Jessie's
boyfriend, David, was a veterinarian and was
very kind John loved them so much. In that same
year, Selena's mother had bowel cancer and had
been fighting for a few months But one morning
did not last long and died in her house The Selena
and her father were very upset, they did not
believe it. They took a good funeral for her. All
people came to the ceremony and talked well
about that woman. Selena felt her mother's lack at
home. Patsyuraz told her, baby, your mother is

now in a good place to be sure of this. A week
later, the Selena father died of heart attacks
Selena's parents were very in love, and they could
not bear the distance even in death. Selena was
suffering a lot of pain. Patsyuraz told her, darling,
now they are together, and I know they are happy.
Two months passed, and Selena had become
accustomed to not having her parents and had less
pain Though looking at every corner of the house,
She would see them there And it was hard for her,
but with the thought that they were together, she
would have calmed herself down. John was two
years old and sometimes went to farm with his
father to play with horses. One day he was
playing with horses, his father told him, "Take
care of my son. "Horses may move, And you
stayed underneath them. John said Ok daddy, but
he wanted to play with horses Suddenly,
Suddenly a thunderous voice was heard and the

horse was scared. Patsyuraz heard John
screaming and ran to him. John had fallen to the
ground and the horse was running toward him.
Patsyuraz had no choice and had to use his power
to keep the horse The yellow light surrounded the
horse was like a bubble And the horse had
stopped. He ran toward John, hugging him and
saying that my son was calm and rushing toward
the house. The Jinns understood place him and,
With the speed of light, They came to the place
where they used it. Patsyuraz came home and
called the Selena and said, we just have to run
away. There was no chance. They've found us!
They sat in the car They left in a hurry. On the
way Selena, called Jessie and said they found us.
We should go, but worry about John. I know
you're hospital We go there and give you John,
Jessie I trust you to raise my son well It's
dangerous if I called you, we are good but don’t

call They have arrested us. Jessie send my son to
you Tell him your mother and father love him so
much. Jessie does not tell him, his father is a Jinn
and say we love him. Then they came to the
hospital and kissed him and gave him to Jessie
and went the Jinns found them in the way and
kept the car in their power. Patsyuraz tried to fight
them and told the Selena to escape, but the Selena
said, "No, I will not leave you alone. “If we are to
die, we die together. The Jinns captured Selena
and Patsyuraz and taken into the ground in their
own land. The king condemned them to jail with
hard work until the end of their life. Selena was
very scared. Patsyuraz held her hand tight and
told her I would not let you get hurt. All the Jinns
were surprised to find a human on their land and
love between her and one of them. The king asked
where your child? He should be punished for your
work. They said we would never tell you. And the

king ordered them to be imprisoned in the black
hole in the depths of the earth. The king had bad
thoughts, he could rule on the earth by finding his
son This son was half human and half-fair, that is,
he was not destroyed by saying the word of God
and pouring the holy water, he could releases
vampires and were wolves and nasnasses.
nasnasses are giant creatures like human beings
have one eye, and God created them before the
first human being They ruined the land and
destroyed everything that God had blessed, so
God imprisoned them in the mountain Qaf, and
afterwards, made mankind, Jinn and other beings
The King of the Jinns thought that they were right
on earth and they should not live in the basement
So, despite that song, he could release the
nasnasses to destroy humans and rule the earth. A
year passed, Patsyuraz and Selena did not say the
place of their son, and the Jinns followed him.

The king said that the boy finally finds out the
powers that he has and will use them, and at that
time we will find him.
Jessie married his boyfriend David, and was
the result of a beautiful girl named Sarah. John
grew up Differences between John and Sarah
were three years old. When he was four, Jessie
bought an eye lens for him Until someone doesn't
see the color of his eyes and told him to use them
every day, and if you do not use them, you will be
blind. Sarah and John were going to school
together. In the school, whenever someone
harassed Sarah, John protected her so much that
he loved her They were always together. Sarah
liked him so much, they grew up, and each day
they realized that they loved each other. Sarah
would be a more beautiful day by day than a
black-haired girl with brown eyes. When they
went to high school Every son expressed interest

in Sarah. He did not accept that John did not
respond to the interest of others one day, Jessie
and David went to a party together and left John
and Sarah at home, and John went to Sarah's room
to take a paper. Sarah sat down with a top and
shorts in her room. He saw her and went intently
to her and kissed and told her that Sarah I love
you I have not thought of any girl other than you
in these years Sarah told her, "I love you too, but
I do not think my mother and dad would agree
with this love, they might get you out of the
house. "John said we should keep our love secret
A few years later, He applied to the San Francisco
University SFAI in architecture and received a
letter from admission Sarah was interested in the
field of painting she also wanted to go to a
university that would go John to stay together
Sarah was very upset about how he was going to
go to San Francisco to study and get away from

each other. John, who saw Sarah's
disappointment, told her, "Do not upset my love."
I'll see you soon" I know that you will be accepted
after reading high school for painting. Three years
passed during these years, he went to visit Sarah,
and when he was at college, they spoke or chat
each other with the Internet or phone each night.
Sarah graduated from high school and applied to
the University of San Francisco Art University,
she was very anxious to receive one letter a day
when her application to enter the university was
accepted she was very happy to call John and said
that I would admit that we will be near soon.
Sarah traveled to San Francisco for studied at the
university, and every opportunity she found was
coming out with John. The weather was cold and
a very beautiful day they had gone to the park. He
was going to get Sarah from the kiosk in the park
of coffee. He bought the coffee Sarah was going

to him and the boy riding a skateboard would be
approaching and colliding with Sarah, John said
Sarah No and look up at the skateboard and said
that stop and Suddenly showed his strength
Which stopped the song from Sarah by a
yellowing bubble at a distance of twenty
centimeters Then he went to Sarah, hugging her
and saying, "my dear, you're alive." Sarah said
with astonishment, yes But how did you do that?
John did not know myself and then, without
knowing himself, he stopped his power the
bubble disappeared, and the son of the bubble
pulled out he and the people who stood there
They said How did you do it? It was busy and he
was horrified. He did not know what to do. He
took Sarah's hands and thought to his room at the
University dormitory that they suddenly saw
themselves in the room Sarah said, how did you
do this? John said, I do not know myself either A

month ago I was able to move my bag by moving
my eyes and I thought it was unusual, but I did
not have any explanation for this. I think these
works are in the color of my eyes and I know who
is the cause of these events. Sarah asked who did
it? He said, "Our mother" At the same time, the
magician's Jinn fell on the ground but they could
not figure out where they were from, because of
their semi-human nature, they could not find the
source of power. A few days later, thanksgiving,
John and Sarah went to Yuba to see their parents.
They arrived home and saw their parents and in
the morning tomorrow they would be ready for
Thanksgiving, John is cutting out the lawns of the
yard. And Sarah helped her mother home to cook
turkey on Holiday's day at home. Jessie told
Sarah, "Please take this glass of water for John.
"Sarah went to the yard with a glass of water John
took the glass and drank water and then kissed

her. They did not know that their mother was
watching them from the kitchen window. Jessie
did not say anything about this scene, they sat
down and prayed together and then started eating
turkeys with Sarah's grandparents. David's
parents died a few years ago and Jessie invited her
parents to Holiday Jessie's brother and his wife
had gone to Canada to live and could not come to
here At night, David went to bring Jessie's
parents' home Jessie called John and Sarah and
said, "I saw you kissed the other," she said. "I do
not have the right to do this. I do not let you be
together." Sarah said we love the same childhood.
I can’t live without him. John also said it's true
that you raised me as your son, but I love Sarah
all the way. Jessie said it's impossible. I do not let
to us, Sarah cry and said, What is the cause of the
mother? Jessie said the reason is related to
myself. John said my mother would let me be

together and get married. Jessie then said aloud.
It was not possible. Jessie said, "John please be
gentle. "It's time you knew that your mother was
a human, and your father was Jinn, they arrested
by a king of the Jinns, and I do not know what
happened to them. Did you realize that you have
super powers? If you feel strange powers in
yourself, never use them. They will find your
place and you will be with you. John was
shocked, his heart was getting out of his chest and
saying that my parents, who had ever thought that
they were dead, May be alive? He was very angry
and upset at the same time, closing his eyes and
punching his hands. He also had to get all his
tools. Sarah told him, "I'll be with you, but John
told her I'd wanted to be alone, and he went.
Seven months passed, nobody knew of him, his
cell phone was silent. He did not go to college at
all. Sarah was still waiting for him, even though

one of her classmates, Henry, liked her very
One day Sarah received an email from John, in
which he wrote:
My dear Sarah, I have the ability to control my
powers in these seven months. Do not worry
about me so much. I'm just fine. I thought very
well that it would be better for us to stay away. I
love you so much and I do not want to get into
trouble. How many times have they found me and
I'm always running away. Hope you understand
that we can’t be together. I hope you find love
better than me. Take care always and I love you.
Sarah was also very sad. Five months later she
was nominated with her classmate. Henry was a
kind boy and Sarah was happy with him. John
was always running away around the world. One
day a Chinese old man came to his mind and told
him my son is going to China's Jaiping, and then

go to the golden temple, I'm waiting for you to
visit you. John, with the power of his movement,
went to see the old man. The old man told him my
son's welcome I am the monk of this temple and
I know that you are half Jinn and half human.
Jinns should not take you. They just have bad
ideas They know that the Holy Water and other
prayers do not work on you so they want to go to
the fire mountain with powers Jinns and the keys
of the prison vector of evil beings and the key to
the imprisonment of evil creatures who have been
in prison for centuries and who care for humans
and Elfs, and release them with their own human
power and jenny with their release, the earth and
all beings will be destroyed, and the Jinns and
devils will rule on earth Come and take this
jeweled stone It will take you to the land of Elfs.
Elfs are creatures like humans with The shape of
their ears is drawn and sharply and a kind of

angels of God protecting Earth's creatures. The
old man wanted to tell the reason for going to
there, Suddenly the Jinn arrived. The old man
said, "You can go. I can stop them." He looked at
the stone. There was a lot of light and suddenly
he saw himself in the middle of the sky in the land
of the Elfs.

The Elfs saw him there arrested him quickly To
bring him to his kingdom. The commander of the
soldiers who arrested John was a beautiful girl
with gray hairs and green eyes On the way John
told them where would you take me? But they did
not answer The whole path was full of beautiful
flowers and plants with cute birds.

John never had seen all that beautiful, it was

like heaven, a land suspended between sky and
earth, suddenly he came to the palace and brought

life to the king. When they came to the king, the
beautiful girl told the king, my father "We found
this stranger. "The king said, "Who are you and
where did you come from and how could you
come here? "John said that I am half the man half-
Jinn that They know that the Holy Water and
other prayers do not work on you so they want to
go to the fire mountain with powers Jinns and the
keys of the prison vector of evil beings and the
key to the imprisonment of evil creatures who
have been in prison for centuries and who care for
humans and elves, and release them with their
own human power and jenny with their release,
the earth and all beings will be destroyed, and the
Jinns and devils will rule on earth Come and take
this jeweled stone It will take you to the land of
elves. Elves are creatures like humans with The
shape of their ears is drawn and sharply and a kind
of angels of God protecting Earth's creatures. The

old man wanted to tell the reason for going to
there, suddenly the Jinn arrived. The old man
said, "You can go. I can stop them." He looked at
the stone. There was a lot of light and suddenly
he saw himself in the middle of the sky in the land
of the elves. The elves saw him there arrested him
quickly To bring him to his kingdom. The
commander of the soldiers who arrested John was
a beautiful girl with golden hair and green eyes
On the way John told them where would you take
me? But they did not answer The whole path was
full of beautiful flowers and plants with cute
birds. John never had seen all that beautiful, it was
like heaven, a land suspended between sky and
earth, suddenly he came to the palace and brought
life to the king. When they came to the king, the
beautiful girl told the king, my father "We found
this stranger. "The king said, "Who are you and
where did you come from and how could you

come here? "John said that I am half the man half-
Jinn that who really loved him. "And then they
went to the king, and the king said to him, "You
have to learn our power, so that you can deal with
the Jinns."Days passed, and the king remembered
his powers as flying and all sorts of magic that
was special to them. Elina and John would love
each other more and more day after day. John
became stronger every day. One day, the news
came to the King of the Jinns. He sent his men to
find the place of the elves. After much searching,
they found the location of the Elfs and decided to
attack there They gathered together and attacked
the city of elves, but they defeated the power of
life and other Elfs and retreated John was very
famous and considered him hero all. The king of
the Jinns told them to send one person on my side,
to the land of elves to talk to John. On my behalf,
tell him if he wants to see his parents, he must

obey my commands The Jinns sent one person as
a messenger to the land ofelvess to speak, and he
passed away and sent the king's message to him.
John told him how do I believe that you are right
and my parents are still alive? The messenger said
you can come to our land to see them John said, I
agree, but Elina said, "Dear, please, do not you
go, they have a plan." John answered, do not
worry. They do not hurt me because they need me
The messenger said I will return tomorrow to take
you along with me and went The king and his
daughter, Elina, told John you wanted what to do.
He said if they were right, I plan and rescue my
father and mother and run away together. Elina
said, "Take me with you," he said, "it's dangerous;
I'll go alone, do not worry, nothing happens.
"Tomorrow morning, the messenger arrived with
John to the land of the Jinns The kings Jinns
ordered Patsiyuraz and his wife from the

basement dungeons John came to the land of the
Jinns. He was so strange. It was a dark and
insensitive. The people were not happy. Then
they came to the king. John told the king: Where
are my parents? The king said, Bring them; the
soldiers took them. His mother was very old, but
his father did not care much Because Jinns life
spans thousands of years, they become older later
When John saw his parents said, I'm John. They
looked at him and cried They wanted to hug their
son, but the king did not allow them, and the
soldiers got them John said if I want to obey your
orders, I want to hug my mother and father. After
all these years I thought that they were dead and
now I see them alive The king said, I agree, they
hugged each other and at that moment a
whirlwind arose. Selena Mother John shouted my
son Escape John said I will not go without you
Selena said my son, your father cannot stop them

more than that Escape and return with power and
save us John said, "I swear by God and I will save
you, I love you and went.". The king said they
arrested The troops went to the messenger ahead
of the king and said that he loved the daughter of
the king ofElvess We can take the girl, then, for
her, John will all work Until the John Has not
returned to the land ofelvess, we have to attack
there because their strength is less than ours The
king said, then quickly attack there and bring the
girl here They attacked the house and burned the
houses and killed some people and arrested Elina.
John described his growing story and her move to
the land of elves for his parents and told his love
to Elina. When they arrived there was burning
everywhere, some were crying for the loss of their
families. John went to the king and said what was
happening. He said they attacked us. They even
killed some of them. They ruined our houses. And

they took Elina and said that if John wanted her
alive, they should do what they said. John, who
was very angry, said I swear to save Elina and
destroy them all. The king said that you alone
could not save Elina and my people would not be.
John asked what should I do? The king replied,
"You must help the mermaids." John asked where
are they? The king said the way to reach them is
very dangerous and you might never go there,
This means you might die. John said that I will do
everything necessary to save Elina and people,
even if I die. Tell me where should I go? The king
said that you should go to the western Atlantic
area north of Miami, Florida, San Juan, Puerto
Rico, and on the island of Bermuda, A place
called the devil's triangle.

Take this black stone and go deep into the sea.
John said, but how can I find a way? How to
breathe deep into the sea? And the king answered,
"When you get there, the stone will show you the
way." I give you strength to put yourself under
your breath He lifted his rod and read the strange
words, then the light appeared, and threw the light
toward John. He actually gave John the power of
the elves, at that time, the shapes of the ears of the
soul, like the elves, were shaped like a sharp tip
Elasticity, high hearing, and elegant wings
appearing during flight. When you see the king of

the mermaids, tell him, send me the king of elves
and ask you for help and explain the story to him
and he said, All I hope for you is to take care of
yourself. He took the stone and said you would
not despair. Then he closed his eyes and thought
of the devil's triangle and with his magic power at
the speed of light, he reached the devil's triangle.
He took the stone in his hand, suddenly from the
stone into the sea appeared a red light showing the
road map. John Light followed and swam deep
into the sea. In the way of weird veins and
amazing plants that he had never seen, He felt the
beauty of God everywhere. He went down to the
cliffs. When it hit the rocks, the red light of the
stone was over. Suddenly, they arrived in a
beautiful and beautiful city, a city with golden
columns and stone houses and gigantic statues
decorated with jewelry.

John was in the wintry beauty of the city Who
heard a voice saying who you are? And how are
you? How did you find it here? John wanted to
come back and look behind him. He felt a sharp
object in his waist, a voice said, do not come back.
Suddenly, a bubble burst around John, and he was
imprisoned in the bubble. They took John out of
the back of the town in a rocky place where there
was a large, golden gilt with jewels of green, red,
turquoise. John heard the voice of a man who told
this stranger? The man passed by the man with a

beard and white hair and a large body with a fish
tail With a long golden chain with a crown of
glitter on his head. Two pretty girls came forward
and said the father, we found him outside the city.

The king asked John, "Who are you strangers?"

How did you find my city? How did you find my
city? How can a person breathe under water? John
said my name is John, My mother is human and
my dad is jinn. The jinn want to release the
Nasnasses to become the owner of the world But

the jinn can not approach their prison and die And
since I'm half human and half a Jinn They ask me
to go there and release the Nasnasses from my
prison with the power of the jinn. Since I was a
little boy, I thought my parents were dead The
jinns imprisoned my parents in their homeland for
taking me But my mother gave me his friend so
that the jinn did not find me When I grew up,
things went up to the land of Elfs But the jinns
attacked there to get me And killed half the people
and imprisoned the others King Elvis told me to
get help from you and he gave me the stone to
find the way to get here. King of the Mermaids
said nasnasses are very dangerous when they
were free to bring the world closer to destruction.
To imprison them, the kings of all lands united
and imprisoned them And each of the kings laid
magic there So that the people of every land can
not release them And whoever goes there and

wants to free them, will be wasted, Except
humans. People do not have our powers, so they
did not have a role in imprisoning them human
can go to the Nasnasses Prison, but because
having no strength, can not unlock the prison The
people of each land must marry or have children
together. Your mother and father are the first to
not be with their own world. And this is contrary
to what the kings of each land have agreed upon
John asked for an agreement! The king answered
yes, and this has a great punishment John thought
to herself why the elf king did not say anything
He was thinking that he was being taken out of
the bubble and five other girls went there They
looked at John with amazement and said: "Dad
we have heard, who is his stranger?" The king
said your sisters would tell you And I told John I
had eight daughters They are my daughters,
Mahara, Tamara, Lalia, Saharah, Carriya, Babata,

Mammata and Hariya, who are not here. Then he
said girls where is Hariya? Tamara said she would
go to see the fish and return The king told his
daughters to give him food and show him the city.
The girls gave him fruits and seafood. John had
never seen those foods and fruits. John began to
eat. They were very tasty. Then they took the wine
of oysters and seaweed. There was a beautiful
silver color and a very special taste. John paused
a little and then went to see the city with the girls.
In the city all were busy with a variety of shops
and beautiful stone houses, Colorful flowers on
the walls of the houses. The king's daughters were
busy buying and talking and John was staring at
the beauties and swam in the streets and alleys.
Suddenly he saw the girl with red hair and a very
beautiful face like angels.

John was staring at the girl who came to the king's
daughters. John asked who was she? And one of
them answered, "Our sister is Hariya." Hariya saw
John in the distance. Hariya thought to herself
who this handsome man was, why does he have a
tail and is not like us?! That's amazing. Suddenly,
she saw her sisters there and went to them He
introduced himself to Hariya and Then Tamara
explained John's story to her sister Hariya felt a
strange feeling about John. They returned to the
palace after they had survived the city They gave
John a room for sleeping Everything was made of

shellfish, bed, mirror, and even a toilet
Everything was very special and magical All the
king's daughters slept in a very large room Hariya
does not go out of John's mind She could not
sleep, but the other sister thought to John, and she
was Tamara. In the morning, Tamara prepared a
tray filled with various things To take John to his
room. Hariya went to John's room and suddenly
opened the door, John was sleeping. Hariya stood
watching John That Tamara entered the room
with a breakfast tray Tamara said what are you
doing here? Hariya said you are here for what?
Tamara replied, I brought breakfast for John. John
woke up from their voices. Hariya said, "We're
sorry, we're having breakfast for you." Tamara
put a tray on the table and John thanked them and
they went out of the room Tamara went to her
room, and Hariya went to the kitchen. John
showered, dressed and ate his breakfast He

wanted to go out of the room when someone
kicked He opened the door, a man on the king's
side He told John that the king wanted to see you
and he was accompanied by the man to see the
king. The king, seeing John, told him I'd heard the
reptilians unite with the jinns to release the
nasnasses John asked what are reptiles? The king
said human-looking reptiles living deep in the
black forests They know that you are here. My
city has always been hidden from all creatures We
alone cannot help you One way to fight them John
said what's the way? The king said you have the
power of the jinns as well as the heart and power
of human thought King Elf also gave you the
power of the Elves The king said, I want to give
you the power of the mermaids The ability to
breathe constantly in the water and when the body
is in contact with water, the feet become the tail
of the fish. And the power of moving very quickly

in the water and the whistling of the shellfish to
defeat the enemy And the advent of the mermaids
for help or any request The king called the girls.
They took their hands and each one gave the
powers to John. The king said that you need The
power of a variety of creatures And you have to
hurry because the jinn want to unite everyone
And so the unity contract that imprisoned the
nasnas was destroyed and released If this
happens, the jinn will no longer require you to
release nasnas. You must go to Mount Everest in
the Himalayan Mountains and Find the centaurs.
The king gave a letter to John and said that when
You arrived, show this letter to the Centaurs And
to see them, take the candle and turn it on. John
said goodbye to the king and his daughters.
Tamara gave John the dagger And she said the
dagger would destroy the darkness And this
always makes you remember me And then John

wanted to say goodbye to Hariya, She gave a
piece of her hair to John and said that if you are
injured one day, this hair is healing, put it on the
wound John thanked them Everyone succeeded
for him and the king said that if the nasnas were
released, all the creatures would be compromised
John will not disappoint you and closed his eyes
and thought to Everest When he went, Hariya
went into the room and began to cry. Tamara was
very sad. But they each hoped that John would
return and could not do anything other than

When John opened his eyes On the summit of
Everest The stars and the sky were very beautiful.
John turned on the candle. Suddenly, people with
a horse's body and large wings fell from the sky.
A few men in front and a woman among them.
They said, who called us? The woman went ahead
and said, Who are you?

I am Queen Beatara. John said my name is John
And gave the letter to the queen She read the letter
and told her to come with us And flying, John
opened his wings and followed them. They went
to a star in the form of a cross A very wonderful
path filled with brilliant stars. When they arrived
at the cross-star, they descended The land was so
weird and beautiful that there was a lot of rivers
in the middle of it In a river, red wine was
flowing, in one the water was flowing in the rest
of the various juices and other things Fruit trees
and grassy meadows and the beautiful smell of
wild flowers Some are drinking wine, Some are
dancing, The children were bathing in the river
And everyone was happy Their houses were all
made up of thick and beautiful trees there. Above
a tall, thick tree with pink mangoes, a beautiful
palace That was the palace of the queen. Inside it,
there was something of wood Grand wooden

sculptures of the ancestors of the queen The walls
were covered with horned flowers and white, red
and blue roses They gave John a variety of foods
and fruits and drinks. The queen asked him, then
you have to get the power to deal with the jinns?
John answered yes. The queen said you have to
do something to gain our strength You must find
the star of power and tell me where it is John said
how to find the star? Queen replied, you should
search in the source If you find it, you will reach
our strength, and nobody can find it They took
John to a room for a break John thought about
where the star could be found Where is the
source? He slept and began to visit the land in the
morning after breakfast Wherever he goes, he is
asking everyone where is the star of power and
source? But nobody knew that John could not find
it anywhere in the land Two days later he decided
to search the palace He went to the palace library

to find something. All books were about ancestors
and centaur wars John went to the queen and said,
"I still cannot find the star." The queen said you
should get help from the source John told herself
to get help from the source Which suddenly
solved the puzzle, yes, the source of his powers
But where is the star? John recalls one of the
powers of the jinns of mind reading He used his
power and entered the queen's mind The queen
said in her mind that you solved the problem The
star of our power is our mind Where and when
will we use our strength in the fastest time You
must have this ability, And one of our powers is
the ability of the mind, I'll give you the power of
mind and the way through the stars This is the
centaur magic slingshot, I give you The beams of
this slingshot are fast and they hit anything, they
burn them Suddenly one of the soldiers came and
said The news is that the genies and reptiles are

along with Chupacabra and Devil Jersey After the
Mermaid King has not been united with them,
they attacked them, killed some others and
imprisoned the others. The Queen ordered people
to get ready to go to another place sooner John
said my god Mermaids and then he said I should
save them The queen said, "You still cannot
defeat them." Their power is greater than you and
us. You must go to the Rocky Mountains soon
and find the Bigfoot and after them, you must go
to the rest of the lands earlier than the jinns and
get the powers. John said I cannot leave you alone
The queen said, "Go ahead. We have tried to stop
them for a while so that you can take power to
destroy them." Do not worry about us and save us
all John said, I promise you, and then closed his
eyes and thought of Rocky Mountains and
disappeared. John was scared and thought that he
could save his family and the world or not? He

was thinking of this Which reached the mountain
Rain rains fast John jumped out of a tree. His eyes
shone. He saw the cave on the side of the
mountain He thought of the cave and reached the
cave in less than 5 seconds He was very cold A
piece of wood picked up with the strength of his
eyes burning wood and decided to go inside the
cave John went ahead and no longer needed a fire
because the ceiling of the cave was bright as he
walked forward, the path would be luminous and

He went to a large tunnel on both sides of the
historical monuments and chimpanzee sculptures.
Suddenly, he saw a great fire that the big feet were
sitting around They were busy performing certain
ceremonies First, a special prayer was given and
then they began to dance around the fire.

They had taken each other's hands and jumped up

and down They were tall and had a large body so
that the cave shook when they jumped up and

down There was an old woman who was reading
magical words Suddenly the old woman said
loudly, "John come here." John went to them and
the old woman said that the fire told us about you
Stand up with fire Their population was very low,
they lived in houses made with wood and leaves
The old woman said, "I am the head of the tribe,
and these are all my children." Fire told me about
the unity of other creatures They gave some kind
of tea to John and some food and water The old
woman said our power is working with the
element of soil and fire I will teach you this But
now wear this warm sheepskin outfit and go along
with your granddaughter soon to your resting
place. Sa’one asked John then you are supposed
to save everyone A particular creature I have not
seen other creatures. Grandma always told us to
stay away from them But I always wanted to see
everyone else John, who felt that Sa’one is sad,

and it is desirable, told her that I will show you
them tomorrow. Sa’one said really? And John
answered yes He thanked John and went He slept
and woke up in the morning to eat breakfast for
him soon gathered her siblings, her brothers and
friends And then went to John And she said I have
gathered everyone so that you show us the world
of other creatures John went to them And he said,
I am a human and a jinn I can turn into the beings
that I've seen and you can see them He became
Elf, Mermaid and Centaur, respectively And he
showed them all creatures and defined their way
of life and their powers and their lands for son and
his friends. They were very happy about being
seen with other creatures and they were surprised
to see someone who has all this power Sa’one
said, "I also want to see the world and I will do it
one day, and grandma will hear it." Granny called
John. He went to grandmother And she told him

you did something wrong and made me upset.
John said, "What's wrong with me? Why should I
upset you?" The grandmother said you should not
show the world of other creatures and outsiders to
our children. John asked why? She said that in
ancient times we had a good population and lived
in the forest Until the creatures attacked each
other Humans attacked us more and killed us Our
population was very low, and we had to live in
this cave, we would not leave the children
because there are so many dangers and men go
out to eat food and water. Now that the children
have seen the outside, they want to go out and this
is dangerous for them John said, "I'm sorry, and I
tell the kids that they will not leave until there's a
danger." You do not worry. Then he called the
children and said: "Children know that you like to
see the world. I promise you that when I carry out
my mission, I will return here and show you the

world." But for the moment I ask you to listen to
the words of the elders and please do not go out,
especially now that the beings are looking for you
to unite you to do bad things. The children said
we will count on you and wait for you
Grandmother thanked John and after saying that
our power is our gods Next is a grandmother with
a plant on the body of John painted a big foot and
called everyone, they went to the great fire that
was always clear in the middle of the cave. They
took each other's hand and started burning magic
words around the fire And then the painting has
in red The grandmother told him that whenever
the time comes, this force will help you. You
should go to Scotland soon to see Nessie. Take
this powder and bake it in the lake Nessie will
appear. Go now. John said goodbye to them He
closed his eyes and thought of the Scottish lake
when he opened his eyes Next to the lake. It was

very cold there, he poured the powder out of his
pocket and poured into the water. Suddenly there
was a great deal of exhaustion, the neck was very
tall and the body was very large. Shouted Who
called me?

John said I was. Who are you? I am John. One

who wants to stop bad creatures Nessie said so
you finally arrived He bends his neck and says,
"Ride and come with me." John came with him,

and they were frozen on the surface of the water
They went deep into the lake, a large nest with
coral and algae on a rock. He gave a piece of
shells and said that you should be hungry to eat it
John thanked him and ate it John asked, are you
just the rest where are you? He replied, "I am the
last survivor of my generation. At that time,
people found my nest and my wife. My wife was
freshly hatched and we were waiting for our
child." I was going to bring food for my wife.
People wanted to take my eggs and my wife. My
husband asked to protect the eggs, they wounded
her and took the eggs When I came back, I saw
my wife wounded and she told me that the men
attacked us and then died and I do not even know
my kids are getting out of the egg or dead John
said I'm very sorry I'm sure your kids are alive
and I promise you to find them and bring them to
you He told John if doing this for me, I will thank

you for the rest of my life And he said that the
jinns have rebelled, this is contrary to the
commitments that we all accept Then he drowned
in a small glass and said, "In this glass is my tear."
We rarely shed tears and this tears all my pain and
suffering. In this glass there is a drop of my tear
that if you open it, everyone will suffer the pain I
have drawn. Now you have to go to Tibet to see
the dragon.

This little glass is my voice. They know me. Open
this glass and they will come to you. John thanked
him and said, "I will certainly find your children,
and then he closed his eyes and went to Tibet."
John reached Tibet and opened the glass, a loud
voice wrapped in the mountains A group of
dragons went to John, One of them said that he
was fast riding, and he got his ride and they went
to a cave in one of the mountains They told John
that the jinns are looking for us. This is the fifth
place that we changed our place They went to the
end of the cave, where they were full of children
and females sitting on the eggs One of them told
John that you should work ahead and stop it We
give you our breath and whenever we need help,
write down the help word and we will help you.
They gave their power to John when suddenly the
jinns and their allies came. The John rounded
them up and the dragons guarded and they all

disappeared. He took them to the Alpine
Mountains and said that you are in a safe place.
They cannot find you for a while. They thanked
John and said that we cannot fight them, their
strength is higher and they will kill us all, so we
have to run away because we do not want to unite
with them. The nasnases destroyed most of us and
no food left us. They ate our eggs They are
devastating Now you have to go to Japan and talk
to vampires because they can unite with the giants
We harden our skin, like ours, so that bloodthirsty
people can not eat your blood Vampires are only
important blood They said that our skin is anti-
burning. Whenever you want to turn it, just say
Suzianukuihi Baladi Now go to the Fuji
Mountains, the vampires are in the dark for days
and are out at night takes absolute care of yourself
John thanked them and he want to went to Fuji
Suddenly, one of the dragons said that you must

first go to mountains Fuji in Japan before
Werewolf They have the power to stop vampires
Get the first power of Werewolf. Then go ahead
with vampires You must go to japan. They said
that you should learn the sounds of the wolves to
understand them and come to you. John thanked
them again Then he thought of japan and went
When the receipt of the wolf's voice arrived
Suddenly the ground began to shiver.

The birds jumped over the branches From dusty
dust was seen in the air A herd of wolf-like
creatures whose bodies were much larger than the
wolf, with very large and sharp teeth, were near
John. They took John to the middle of the forest
and then became human Some were men and
some were women. The name of their boss was
Brad He handed over to john and introduced
himself, John wondered with wonder: Are you a
man or a wolf? Brad said we are human beings
who become wolves, and since we are different
from the rest, and if humans understand they kill
us, we live in the woods But we're actually good
for humans because we keep them out of the
vampires Then he told a member to prepare food
for john The beautiful girl came forward and said,
"I'm Kitty, sister of Brad." John said oh nice to
meet you, I am John. Brad said we have taken all
the vampires in this area and we do not let them

harm humans and the rest of the world. If
vampires want to attack people, we will stop
them. I have heard they want to unite the jinns so
that their power grows and they can defeat us and
do whatever they want. We must stop their
unification with the jinns. I do not know how to
do this John said, "I will help you only take them
away for a while." So I have the opportunity and
I can take action Could it be that John could put
up with all this pressure and destroy the bad ones?
To be continued…

Thank you all who
have read this

Sanaz Alamdar

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