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October 5, 2021

Dear Scholarship Committee,

My name is Masa Scheierman, and I wish to apply for this scholarship. I am currently a senior at
York High School. After high school, I plan on attending South Dakota State and majoring in
Advertising with a specialization in Journalism.

I believe I have obtained a multitude and variety of skills and qualities that allow me to be a
perfect candidate for this scholarship. With being involved in many high school activities, I have
gained excellent experiences which have helped me become a great candidate for this
scholarship. Some of these activities include volleyball, basketball, Fellowship of Christian
Athletes (FCA), National Honor Society, and Hope Squad. Not only have I attained success in
those areas outside of the classroom, but I have achieved high honors in the classroom as well. I
have acquired a 4.0 GPA with an average grade of 97.809% throughout four years of high
school. I will graduate with 31 college credit hours along with attaining an A in every college
course I have taken. I have recorded a hefty amount of job shadowing hours through Steve
Marik, who works as a Staff writer at Hail Varsity covering Nebraska athletics, along with Abby
Barmore, who is a Senior Intern for Husker Online covering Nebraska football and volleyball.
With college just around the corner, I need to put in the extra work of job shadowing now to be
fully equipped for college classes and all they will ask of me as well as future jobs I may acquire
after college.

Attending a four-year university like South Dakota State allows me to not only earn a Bachelor’s
degree but to also use the experience and knowledge I gain for my future career. Sports
journalism is a great career choice for me because I have been around sports my whole life.
Whether it was through watching siblings play, or competing myself, it has always been a part of
me. This scholarship will not only help me on my quest to pay for resources, but it will also
allow me to further my education to have a job that I love while watching the sports that I love.

Thank you for your time in considering my application for this scholarship.


Masa Scheierman

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