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Personal Statement

The first time South Dakota State University sparked an interest for me was

when I visited the campus for the first time. I was greeted right away by the admissions

desk with smiles and positive energy. Not only that, but my tour guide was phenomenal

in answering questions and thoroughly explaining details about the school to me and my

parents. I loved how the campus is all in one central location and not scattered around

the town. Ultimately, the community feeling I sensed when I stepped on the campus

was compelling and one of the deciding factors of attending the school.

I am wanting to seek a degree in Advertising and/or Sports Journalism. Growing

up, I have always loved sports. I was practically raised in a gym. Whether I was

watching a sibling participate, or playing, I have constantly been surrounded by the

competitive nature of sports. With becoming so involved in athletics, it is no surprise that

my love for it has continued to grow. Even when I am completely done competing, I still

want to continue being involved in certain activities. My goal is to give back to others

who love sports just as much as I do.

The goal with a Journalism degree is to work with a sports company, whether

that’s ESPN or Big 10, traveling around the U.S announcing or broadcasting games.

Volleyball and Basketball will be the main sports that I report on. With my strengths

being a learner and communicator, I see myself moving up the chain from starting

behind the scenes to the big screen quite quickly due to my knowledge and experience

in sports. SDSU will help me attain this career by providing me with all the right

equipment, tools, and education I need to learn. I also see them directing me towards

great job shadow experiences along with internship opportunities as well.

I am looking forward to participating in SDSU activities. I am joining the

volleyball team which will take most of my time aside from my academics. Though it will

be a full-time job, I look forward to representing South Dakota State athletics. I also plan

on joining the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. On Sunday’s I hope to sing on the

Worship Team of the Church I choose to attend as well.

I look forward to continuing my academic and athletic career at South Dakota

State University. The community, academics, and athletics are going to lead me to

success in the future.

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