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Module 22

Developing Into Adulthood

Hopefully, you took in as much of the information in this module
as possible. To find out how well you have done, complete the
following worksheet.

We recommend that you allocate at least 30 minutes

to this worksheet.


At the end of the worksheet is a convenient answers/feedback

and advice section to allow you to see how well you have done.


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Activity #1 10 minutes

Fill in the Blanks

1. Considering that development is a lifelong process, our __________,

_____________, ______________, and _____________ growth continues as we move
into early and late adulthood.

2. ______________development as we age is typically divided into early

adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood.

3. _____________ adulthood takes place when a person is between the ages of

around 20 to 35.

Write or type your answers here

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Activity #2 10 minutes

True or False

1. Middle adulthood typically takes place between the ages of around 90 to 95.

2. By the time a person reaches the age of 65, they have more pronounced wrinkles,
may have age spots on the skin, and are consistently losing bone mass and cognitive

3. Many psychologists believe there is a need for adding a ‘fourth’ stage of development
to mark the changes that people go through as they enter early, middle, and late

Write or type your answers here

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Activity #3 10 minutes

Describe what happens to a person’s body as they enter early, middle, and late
adulthood. What are some of the changes that occur? Please answer each question
to the best of your ability and cite specific examples when necessary.

Write or type your answer here

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Activity #4 10 minutes

Describe the cognitive changes that occur as a person moves from early adulthood into
middle and late adulthood. What happens in the brain? Are we still developing at this
time? Discuss why researchers want to add a fourth dimension to Piaget’s theory and
whether you feel as though this is necessary or not.

Write or type your answer here

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Answers/feedback and advice section
Use this section to check your answers and see how well you have done
You are not required to return this worksheet

Activity #1

Advice and Feedback

1. Physical; Cognitive; Behavioral; Emotional

2. Physical

3. Early

Activity #2

Advice and Feedback

1. False

2. True

3. True

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Activity #3

Advice and Feedback

Refer to the module to compare your answers with the relevant sections.

Activity #4

Advice and Feedback

Refer to the module to compare your answers with the relevant sections.


“ Now that you have studied this Module, it is time to decide if you feel you are
ready to move on. Even if you struggled only slightly in this module, make sure
you take the time to read through the material one more time.

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