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Organization of Environmental Advocacy

10/22/2021 at 12:25 pm

Agenda: Talk about the water quality lab we did last meeting and announce our new and existing
club officers.


1. Recapped the water quality lab and deemed the water with a slight yellow tint unsafe to
drink. pH of the water had been previously tested and was normal, so we think it was the
large sticks that couldn’t sink that caused the problem.

2. Announced club officers

a. President- Dillan
b. Vice President- David
c. Secretary- Avery
d. Social Media Manager- Spencer
e. Historian- Jenna
f. Freshman/Sophomore Class Representative- Kushdip & Valente

3. Club officers will each send in a bio and portrait photo to get featured on the club

Club Members’ Ideas

1. None

Next Meeting:

Talk about the cardboard boxes we will use to collect clothes donations for our upcoming thrift
swap. Make sure to also announce that we are involved in the Ripon High winter tree decorating
competition and we have an idea for that. After that, invite the members to YEL (Youth for
Environmental Literacy) for their meeting on Oct. 30, 2021.

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