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Read through the text twice. Then answer questions 1 – 7 in full sentences.


David was a shepherd boy who looked after his father’s

sheep. This lion had taken a lamb from the flock and
David had to hunt it, take the lamb from its mouth and
with only a wooden club kill the mighty animal.

Once a bear attacked the sheep and again David had to

hunt and kill it. David spent most of the time playing his
harp and just watching sheep, but he always had to be ready for any danger.

Answer the following in full sentences:

1. What job did David do? (1)

2. Whose sheep did David look after? (1)

3. What had this lion done? (1)

4. What did David use to slay (kill) the lion? (1)

5. Once another animal attacked the flock. What animal was it? (1)

6. What did David usually do most of the time? (2)

7. Why would you say David was courageous? (1)

Please fill in only one word:

8. One sheep and many (1) 9. Write down one proper noun. (1)
Spelling practice
Words Meaning/Explanation
autumn One of the four seasons of the year.
breeze A gentle wind that is blowing.
Celsius It is a measurement unit, used to measure temperature.
climate The weather of an area over a long period of time. Is the place cold of hot most of the time.
driest When something or somewhere is very dry, in comparison to other places.
drizzle A gentle soft rain .
forecast A predication of what the weather will be.
frozen When water turns into ice it has frozen.
hurricane A storm with a violent wind.
icier When things are frozen the one can have more ice on it.
kilometres A unite of measurement used for distance. How far things are apart from one another.
lighting A big electrical discharge of electricity that causes a bright flash.
Find each of the words in the puzzle below.

q w e r t y u i o p a s d f g h j k l z x c v
b n m m n b v c d x z a s d f g h j k l p o i
u y t a u t u m n r r e w q q a z x s w e d c
v f r t g b n h y u i i j k l m o p l k j h g
f d s a m n b v f c x e z p o i u h y t r e w
q l k j h g f o r e c a s t f d s u a m n b v
c x z p o i u y o t e r e t w q w r e r t y u
i o p a b r e e z e l s d f g h j r k l z x c
v b n m n b v c e x s z a s d f g i h j k l p
o i u y t r e w n q i w e r t y u c u i o p l
k j h g f d s a z x u c v b n m n a v c x z m
q n w b e v r c t x s y z u i o p n l k k j h
g f d s a q w e r t y u i o p m n e b v i c x
z x c v b n m l k j h g f d s a t s d f l g h
j k l i c i e r p o i u y t r a e w q w o e r
t y u i o p l k j h g f d s m s a s d f m g h
j k l m n b v c x z x c v i v c x z b n e m m
n d r i z z l e q w e r l t y u i o p a t s d
f g h j k l z x c v b c n m q w e r t y r u i
o p a s d f g h j k l z x c v b n m q w e e r
t l i g h t n i n g y u i o p a s d f g s h j
k l z x c v b n m q w e r t y u i o p s a d y
Look at the picture, number the people and write full sentences for each of the activities.

1. listen to music 2. snorkel 3. play ball 4. sail a boat 5. carry a surfboard 6. fish
7. windsurf 8. fly a kite 9. walk with an umbrella 10. build a sandcastle 11. hold a fish











Making friends

Terry is unhappy at his new school. He is one the few new children there and believes the
others do not want to be his friend, because it seems he is different.

All your friends at your old school were different from each other –
and from you.” said Terry’s grandmother, as she stirred the pot on the
stove. “Lenny had a limp, Carlo had a different accent, Marta wore
thick glasses and Richie was very short.”
“Yes, but I knew them,” said Terry. “That’s just it,” said Terry. “When
you know people, you feel more comfortable around them. Sometimes
people are afraid of things they don’t understand. Being different
shouldn’t make any difference. Things will probably get better when
you get to know each other, maybe if you worried less about being
liked, it might be easier to start liking them first.”
At lunchtime the next day, Terry sat alone in the school canteen,
thinking about what his grandmother had said. His guitar case was
leaning against the table.
“Hey.” said a voice. “Is that your guitar?” it was a boy named Peter
from Terry’s class.
“Yes,” said Terry. “What’s it to you?”
“N-n-nothing. What I mean is, I just thought you might like to j-j-join our group.” Peter sat
down next to Terry. “S-s-s-sometimes, what I say doesn’t come out
“That’s okay,” Terry said. “Do you play the guitar?”
“B-b-banjo,” said Peter. “I thought we could play together some time.”
After lunch, Peter took Terry to meet the rest of the group. Peter
didn’t stutter while they played a game of soccer, or when he talked to
the children he knew. By the end of the day, he didn’t stutter when
talking to Terry either.
That afternoon, his grandmother was surprised to see Terry stomp into
the house, followed by Peter carrying his banjo, Nat with a set of bongo
drums, Chan with his trombone and Carla who played the flute.
“Hi, Grandma,” Terry called, as they raced up the stairs to his room,
“I’ve brought some friends with me. We’re going to play. Okay?”
After a few minutes, Grandma took up some cookies on a plate, and
stayed to listen for a while. The group played really well together. When
they stopped for a short cookie break, Terry smiled at his Grandma, as
if to say, “You were right. Being different doesn’t have to make a
difference. It’s really getting to know someone that
Making Friends
Read the story “Making Friends” carefully and answer the following questions in full sentences.
1. Where is Terry and his Grandma talking in the beginning of the story? (1)

2. Find a sentence in the story that would motivate each of the following statements. (3)
2.1. Lenny could not run as fast as Terry.

2.2. Marta has bad eyesight.

2.3. Carlo sounded different, when he spoke.

3. What advise did Terry’s Grandma give him, about others liking him? (2)

4. Name all the characters in the story. (3)

5. Why had Terry found it difficult to make friends at his new school? (2)

6. Why do you think the writer of the story gave Peter a stutter? (1)

7. When did Terry realise Peter had become his friend? (1)

8. Name all the musical instruments that were mentioned in the story. (5)
9. Choose and circle the letter of the most correct answer to the following questions. (4)
9.1. At the beginning of the story, Terry and his Grandma were talking in the …
(A) kitchen
(B) bedroom
(C) taxi

9.2. This story is about…

(A) forming a music group
(B) a lonely boy
(C) getting to know people better

9.3. Terry’s Grandma thought he should…

(A) try harder to be friends with the other children
(B) take his guitar to school
(C) form a music group

9.4. When Peter first spoke to him, Terry’s reply was…

(A) friendly
(B) Happy
(C) impolite

10. What is the moral of the story and what does this mean for you in your own life? (2)

11. Why do you think the group of friends was playing so well together? (2)

12. Explain in your own words what is meant by: “Being different doesn’t have to make a (2)

13. Do you think that everyone in the music group accept one another? Give a reason for your (2)

Total 30

Go through the story and underline, with a grey pencil and a ruler, any Nouns that you can find.
Nouns = Naming words

Common nouns

- are nouns that name a person, place or thing, but not by any particular name.
- do not begin with a capital letter.

Example: doctor, library, cookies

Proper nouns

- are nouns that name a particular person, place or thing.

- begins with a capital letter.

Example: Dr Smith, State Provincial Library, Oreo Cookies

Noun Common noun Proper noun


doctor Doctor Smith


library State Provincial Library


cookies Oreo

Now see if you can identify common nous and proper nouns.

In your work book divide your page in half and then make use of the headings Common nouns
and Proper nouns. Then sort those nouns that you have identify, in the story “Making
Friends”, under the correct heading.

Once you have finished sorting your nouns, go through your work and tick next to each noun,
whether it is naming an object, place or a person.



Common Nouns Proper Nouns

school ü Terry ü
Rewrite the following sentences using full stops, capital letters, exclamation
marks and question marks.

1) what are you going to do today, kylie

2) what an amazing goal

3) i am going to go home if i finish my schoolwork on time

4) i hate it

5) when are you going to go shopping in birmingham

6) i live in smethwick, in a house just off brasshouse lane

7) stop that now

8) who has left this mess on the table in my classroom

9) do you attend galton valley primary school

10) london is the capital city of england, in the united kingdom

11) dr hussain works at city hospital on dudley road

12) help help me i’m drowning

13) our head teacher is called mrs cole

14) my name is carly smith and i support liverpool f.c.

15) why is this the final sentence on the page

16) who was the first person to land on the moon

17) i hope the christmas holidays come soon

18) stop hitting me

19) i live just off smethwick high street, in the west midlands

20) my g.p. is called dr. singh

21) is it going to be august soon

22) does david cameron work for queen Elizabeth

23) stop it watch what you’re doing

24) don’t shout at me

25) where is the bull ring is it in birmingham or wolverhampton

26) my grandma watson lived in scotland until she was 80

27) my auntie eleanor worked for a paint company in glasgow

28) what are you doing

29) when can i take your dog, bailey, for a walk

30) why can’t i speak to mr parvin today

31) i like it when i can listen to songs by take that

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