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Should (2) ‘You can use should afters nurmber of verb, especially sogeest propose recommend incl demand They ined shat we sho have dinner ith them © I demanded that he should apologise. (© What do you suggest I should do? Inthe same way, you can use should afer sugestion/proposallrecommendation 1 What d2 you think of Jane's suggestion that I should buy a car? and aso after ws importareitalecessaryfessential tht. ‘You can alto leave out should inal the sentences in Seton & '¢ It's esenial thar you be hereon time. (= that you should he bere) f¢ Tdemanded that he apologise. 1 What do you suggest dor Thi fon yuu ie he apotaiae en someon eed de ede ‘You canals use normal present and past renses: "Tes ezetial thet you are hereon tne 12 T demanded that he aplogieed Be careful with sugges. You cannot use to. (vo do /Wo buy") ater sugges Wine do you suggest we stouia dor What do you suggest we do? (but not “Whar do you suggest to 40?) 1 Jane suggested that (should) buy ca. ‘or Tone sugested that I ought a car (but not “ane sugested me to buy’) For suggest ing, se Unit 52 ‘Yow evn me should afer s numberof adjectives, especially strange odd funny typical natural" interesting surprised surprising fle strange that he should be late Hee neal ie © Tvas surprised that she should say sucha thing. should. ‘You can say'If something should happen... For example ‘IF Tom sheutd pone while Fm out, ell him Tl phone him back lve. ‘iF Tom should phone’ te sisila to Toss phones! Wath should the speaker fel that she © Tve left the washing outside. If it should rain, can you bring itn? You can also put should at the begining ofthese sentences (Should something happen. ‘ Should Tom phone, can you tll it TI phone his back later? You can use I shoud. 1 should. to give somebody advice. For example Sill cave van?" No, Falnuid wai bic forge” Hire should wai’ = T would wait fT were yous Tadvice you t0 wa. Too more examples '¢ les very cold this morning. should wear a cnar when you go out ¢ Tshoulda' tay up too lat. You'l be ited tomorrow: Should) + GEE) AvereanEroeh + EEEOE at m2 ua EXERCISES 34 Write w sentence (beginning inthe wey sho) that means the ane a the ist sotence 1 dink ic would be a good eat sea spain dhe dour sid wo we, “The doctor recommended that eh nm epeta, 2 Yow erally mae tay a Title lange che eid re She insisted that 3 ‘Why don’t you vis the museum after lunch?" said 0 them. {suggested that : 4 "Neu mas py ehe ree by Friday the land sid wow Jack suggested that - - ‘ve thee sentences right or wrong? 1 4 Tor suggested that should ook for another ob. RIC, 5 "Tou suppeted that Fook fr ances jobs 4 Tom suggested me to look for another job. _. 2 Where do you suggest go for my holiday? bb Where do you suggest me to go for my holiday? {© Where da You sust should go for my holiday? ~ Complete the sentences une should + one ofthese verb sk be leave listen say worn 1 Iesstrange that she shouldbe. ate, She’ sally on te 2 Hes funny that you ‘that. I was going to sy te same ting. 3 les only natural thar parent bout their children. 4 se ietypreal ot Ron that he without saying poodbye 10 anybody? 5 Twas suprised che ine for advice. What advice could ive hin? 6 Ws very importane that everybody - very early. Complete these sentences using if. shoul. 1 (e's posible a you'l sc Tom this evening) Hye ses ge Tom ther can you sk hin ro phone me? 2 ds pssibe tae Ann will ave Before get home) i ~ vr a YoU look aes fe ati owe? 3 (Perhaps thee wil be some ane fore wes ay) "cn you end them wt thie ade? 4 Gide supose youl eed lp bu yu mish) ™ - ee me know Wie sentences 3 an 4 ai, his tine begining wth shoul 50 ae ny €an You Send they ont ths aes? eo - . ° Section E) Complete the sentence using I sould « one ofthese verbs: buy keep phone wait 1 Stall [leave now?" ‘No, shoul alt. abi longer 2 Shall Cehrow these things away?” "No them. You may need them" 3 ‘Shall go and see Paul" “Yes, but i fst? 4 ‘Vo you think i's wort reparing this TV se” *No, anew one,

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