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My Favourite Invention


Name: 1) Karina.

From: 2) Puno.

Favourite invention: 3) Fitotoldo from your community.

Why?: 4) because he likes to grow vegetables in it, water them and eat them.

Special characteristic: 5) The fitotoldo is big.

Opinion: 6) I think that this technological invention is very interesting and important
for all families, because that way they will be able to have fruits and vegetables in an
accessible way and not have to buy them, in addition to being healthier.


Name: 7) Wilson.

From: 8) Moyobamba.

Favourite invention: 9) Portable radio.

Why?: 10) Because he can listen to his favorite music, the programming that I learn at
home and he can also take it wherever he wants.

Special characteristic: 11) Mention what an old but really cool item is.

Opinion: 12) I think it is good that these portable radios exist because that way, as Wilson
says, we will be able to listen to our favorite music and also the programming that I
learn at home. And that way we can relax or learn.

13) Which text is your favourite?

a) Karina’s favourite invention b) Wilson’s favourite invention c) both

14) Why?

a) Because I like the invention(s). b) Because I like the description(s)

Wiliams Valle Huamaní

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