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Prelim Assignment #2: Intellectual Property Code and Architecture

In architecture, creating and generating new and innovative conceptual ideas are an integral part
of this industry. In architecture, a concept is an idea, thought, or the notion that serves as the
backbone and basis of a design project and drives it to progress. Therefore, an architect's ideas
and concepts that are translated into a building design are considered his/her work of art. With
that being said, it falls under the category of applying the intellectual property code in his/her
In the Philippine setting, R.A. 8293 is an act establishing the intellectual property and
implementing the intellectual property code and other purposes in our country. In the case of
architecture, architectural works have the same protections as any other copyrighted work
covered by the said law. To conclude, architects produce ideas and concepts to help the project's
development, and it serves as a guide for the design process. The law must protect these
generated ideas for the architects to protect the uniqueness and distinctive value of a building
they designed. R.A. 8293 and R.A. 9266 are both laws that includes protection of original
architectural works of the architects with their projects.

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