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Applied Thermodynamics for Process Modeling

Chau-Chyun Chen and Paul M. Mathias
Aspen Technology, Inc., Cambridge, MA 02141

Introduction mental data are available and accurate description is essential

and feasible. Highly parameterized models are accepted and

he process industries spend an estimated $500 billion annual- useful if they represent available data within experimental accu-
ly worldwide in conceptual design, process engineering, racy. These reference quality models suffer the disadvantage,
detailed engineering, construction, startup, plant operations, however, of not easily allowing incorporation of additional
and maintenance for chemical, refining, polymer and power plants. components into the system being modeled.
In order for chemical engineers to • Engineers frequently lack either
successfully execute these process experimental data or expertise
and product studies, they perform to develop and validate models.
process modeling and capture As a result, they often rely on
knowledge of the thermodynamic estimation techniques such as
properties and phase behavior of the group-contribution methods.
chemical systems they work with. • Engineers need databanks that
Process modeling is a key are compilations of validated
enabling technology for process experimental data and model
development and design, equip- parameters for pure compo-
ment sizing and rating, and process nent and mixture properties.
debottlenecking and optimization. Databanks and correlations of
More recently, process modeling known accuracy play key roles
has enabled offline dynamic simu- in engineering calculations.
lation for controllability studies, • The value of thermodynamic
operator training simulators, online models is especially evident in
model-based process sensors, state- “flash” calculations. Robust
estimation, look-ahead predictors, and computationally efficient
and online process control and opti- flash algorithms for a variety of
mization. Success in process mod- phase equilibrium and chemi-
eling is critically dependent upon cal equilibrium conditions are
accurate descriptions of the thermo- an integral part of the practice
dynamic properties and phase of applied thermodynamics.
behavior of the concerned chemical (b) Practicing engineers prefer
systems. A perspective is offered “simple and intuitive” thermody-
Figure 1. Modeling sulfuric acid with chemistry and
here on applied thermodynamics namic models that can be applied
Electrolyte NRTL model (Mathias et al., 2001)
from an industrial viewpoint. easily. Models that are constantly
(a) Vapor pressure of sulfuric acid and oleum
being revised, sophisticated theo-
Industry Uses Thermo- at 100°C
ries requiring expert users, models
(b) Liquid-phase compositions in saturated
dynamic Innovations with excessive computational load,
sulfuric acid and oleum at 100°C
or models requiring extensive
Industry uses a wide array of
parameterization (i.e., ternary para-
thermodynamic innovations: engineering correlations, reference
meters), have limited industrial applications.
quality models, estimation methods, databanks, and flash algorithms.
• Chemical engineers benefit most from models and correla- Thermodynamic Modeling Deliver Value in
tions that capture the dominant physical and chemical behav-
ior of chemical systems. Engineers use these correlative mod- Industrial Practice
els within a thermodynamic modeling framework to describe Example 1. A number of process licensors and manufacturers are
and validate available data and to extrapolate with reasonable concerned with designing, optimizing, and troubleshooting sulfuric
confidence outside the range of available data. acid plants. Sulfuric acid is the largest volume chemical produced,
• For commonly encountered systems such as water and steam, and certain aspects of it make the development of accurate and reli-
air, ammonia, and light hydrocarbons, comprehensive experi- able process models difficult and challenging. Figure 1a demon-

194 February 2002 Vol. 48, No. 2 AIChE Journal

strates that the vapor pressure of sulfuric acid mixtures varies by In the vapor-liquid flash separator, most of the unreacted ethyl-
more than four orders of magnitude between pure water and pure ene, other residual co-monomers, such as 1-butene and 1-octene, as
oleum (pure SO3). well as a significant portion of the solvent, leave as vapor. The liq-
Mathias et al. (2001) used a solution chemistry model together uid stream from this unit contains polymer and solvent, with small
with the electrolyte NRTL activity coefficient model (Chen et al., amounts of residual monomer and co-monomer. Depending on the
1982) to develop an accurate thermodynamic model for the entire process conditions, low molecular weight oligomers of the poly-
range of sulfuric acid mixtures - from pure water to concentrated mer product may leave with the gaseous stream. This fractionation
sulfuric acid to pure oleum (pure SO3). The chemistry model, may or may not be desirable as it impacts on product end-use prop-
which is a practical representation for the ionization and complex- erties such as melt index. Therefore, it is important for process
ation that occurs in the sulfuric acid system, is as follows engineers to identify the degree of fractionation at given tempera-
tures and pressures.
H2SO4+H2O↔H3O++HSO –4 (1) Using the PC-SAFT (Gross and Sadowski, 2001) equation of
state (EOS) and a computationally efficient polymer flash algo-
HSO –4 +H2O↔H3O++SO =4 (2) rithm, Cheluget et al. (2001) demonstrated how to model the poly-
mer phase behavior including polymer fractionation during phase
H2SO4↔H2O+SO3 (3) separation. They characterized the complex molecular weight dis-
tribution of polyethylene using hundreds of discrete polymer com-
H2SO4+SO3↔H2S2O7 (4) ponents each with a unique degree of polymerization. Due to the
homologous nature of these poly-
Reactions 1 and 2 describe the mer components, they share the
ionizations that occur in strongly same segment-specific EOS para-
acidic solutions. Concentrated meters. Cheluget et al. (2001) per-
sulfuric acid tends to dissociate formed rigorous phase equilibrium
into water and sulfur trioxide calculations to investigate the
described by Reaction 3. Reaction effects of temperature, pressure,
4 captures the formation of and feed composition on polymer
H2S2O7 in oleum mixtures. Figure fractionation. The model helps
1b presents the liquid-phase con- process engineers identify condi-
centrations of the various species (a) tions causing phase separation and
in sulfuric acid mixtures. the resulting fractionation of poly-
The complete model provides a mers in the co-existing phases.
phenomenologically correct and
accurate description of the ther- Thermodynamic
modynamic properties (vapor-liq-
uid equilibrium, as well as proper-
Models in Industry
ties such as heat of mixing and Significant investment is
heat capacity) of this system over required to apply a model to solve
the entire range of concentrations. a specific industrial problem.
This model enables improvements Once a model is successfully used
in plant design, plant trou- for the simulation or design of a
bleshooting, and, in the future, plant or a process, the model
will be used for online informa- becomes a corporate asset, and it
tion systems and process control. (b) is integrated into company busi-
Example 2. The polyolefin ness processes. Models often
industry is concerned with liquid- Figure 2. Modeling Polymer fractionation with PC-SAFT remain in use as long as the plant
liquid and vapor-liquid fractiona- EOS (Cheluget et al., 2001) or the process is in service or until
tion of polyethylene downstream the perceived advantages of a new
from polymerization reactors (Cheluget et al., 2001). In polyolefin model justify the substantial investment needed to upgrade to a
solution polymerization processes (see Figures 2a and 2b), ethyl- new model. Industry rarely updates or re-invents its thermodynam-
ene is polymerized in a solvent medium such as cyclohexane. ic models with newer and better thermodynamic correlations
Downstream of the reactor, the process stream is heated and dis- unless a clear advantage is evident.
charged through pressure letdown in a vapor-liquid flash. Prior to Engineers would like one “universal” model for all chemical
the letdown, the heating process sometimes results in the process systems. While no such “universal” model exists, the process
stream exceeding its lower critical solution temperature (LCST), industries have converged to a small set of proven models, each for
with the subsequent formation of two liquid-like phases between a special class of chemical systems. Table 1 lists some choice mod-
which the polymer is fractionated. Above the critical temperature els used in the process industries today.
of the solvent, one of these phases is a supercritical phase. This Each successful model raises the bar for the introduction of new
phenomenon may result in undesirable plant operation conse- models. It often takes a long time—up to 10 years or more—for a
quences, as one of the phases usually contains a high concentration new model to be conceived, developed, applied, and finally accept-
of polymer with high viscosity. ed by industry. The speed of acceptance of a new model depends

AIChE Journal February 2002 Vol. 48, No. 2 195

on the potential value for industry and on the effort made by inno- cept, and the group contribution method to yield a successful correl-
vators to go to market and work with industry. Education of end ative and predictive EOS (Holderbaum and Gmehling, 1991).
users is a key requirement as more and more chemical engineers More theoretical equations of state started with the virial equa-
pride themselves on being generalists rather than specialists. User- tion of Meyer in 1901. The development of an accurate hard-sphere
oriented and commercially supported software tools help over- EOS (e.g., the Carnahan-Starling model, 1969) has formed the basis
come some barriers and accelerate the acceptance process. of highly accurate models, such as the BACK model of Chen and
Kreglewski (1977), for correlating properties of nonpolar fluids.
Past Accomplishments The perturbed-hard-chain model (Donohue and Prausnitz, 1978)
Applied thermodynamics has had a long and successful history of provided the first statistical mechanical basis for treating large mol-
technological innovation. Figure 3 presents some notable concepts ecules, such as polymers. More recently, a number of equations of
and models that contributed to the practice of applied thermodynam- state have been developed from statistical mechanical perturbation
ics in process modeling. In this article we provide references primarily theories based on hard-sphere chain models, including SAFT
for publications after 1990; for additional references, see textbooks (Chapman et al., 1989; Müller and Gubbins, 2001), PHSC (Song et
like Tester and al., 1994), and
Modell (1997), Table 1. Choice Thermodynamic Models Used in the Process Industries Today PC-SAFT
Prausnitz et al. (Gross and Sad-
Chemical Systems Primary Choice Secondary Choice Problem Areas
(1999a), and Models of Today Models owski, 2001).
Poling et al. Most refer-
Air Separation Peng-Robinson, Corresponding States
(2001). ence quality
The van der equations of
Waals (vdW) Gas Processing Peng-Robinson, BWRS state can be
equation-of- traced to the
state (EOS) was Gas Treating Kent-Eisenberg, Data, Parameters, Models virial model aug-
introduced in Electrolyte NRTL for mixed amines mented with
1877. Clever Petroleum Refining BK10, Chao-Seader, Heavy crude empiricism and
parameteriza- Grayson-Streed, characterization application of
tions by Redlich Peng-Robinson, sophisticated
and Kwong data fitting.
(1949), Soave Beattie and
(1972), and Peng Petrochemicals— Peng-Robinson, NRTL, UNIQUAC, Data, Parameters Bridgman devel-
VLE Soave-Redlich-Kwong, UNIFAC
and Robinson oped the first
(1976) signifi- multiparameter
cantly improved Petrochemicals— NRTL, UNIQUAC Data, Parameters, Models equation of state
LLE for VLLE systems
EOS of the vdW in 1927. This
type by biasing Chemicals NRTL, UNIQUAC, PSRK UNIFAC Data, Parameters was followed by
the model to Electrolytes Electrolyte NRTL, Pitzer Data, Parameters, the BWR (Bene-
represent vapor Zemaitis Databanks, Models for dict et al., 1940)
pressure (at the polyelectrolytes and MBWR
expense of the Oligomers Polymer NRTL UNIQUAC, UNIFAC Pure component (Jacobsen et al.,
PVT representa- fugacity, Databanks 1973) models,
tion). This ap- with the latter
Polymers Polymer NRTL, Sanchez-Lacombe, Data, Parameters,
proach contin- PC-SAFT SAFT, UNIFAC-FV Databanks, Flash algorithms, producing high-
ues to provide Models for polar polymers, ly accurate equa-
value, particu- block copolymers tions of state for
larly in the gas- Steam NBS/NRC many pure flu-
processing and ids. Schmidt and
petroleum Environmental UNIFAC+Henry’s Law Data
Wagner (1985)
industries. Pharma/Biological None Data, Databanks, Models demonstrated
Mathias (1983) the effectiveness
carried this idea further to represent the vapor pressure of polar fluids. of optimizing the form of the equation of state through statistical
Extensions of the vdW-type EOS to nonideal mixtures followed search techniques by developing a reference quality model for oxy-
soon after. This involves using mixing and combining rules to gen. This technique has been adopted for several fluids and, for
describe composition and temperature dependency of EOS mixture example, produced the most recent “Steam Tables” (Wagner and
parameters. Huron and Vidal (1979) introduced an innovative mix- Kruse, 1998).
ing rule that combined the local composition concept of activity Activity coefficient models first appeared in the pioneering
coefficient models with vdW equations of state, and this idea gener- work of Margules in 1890 and Van Laar in 1910. They identified
ated a flurry of research activities. Wong and Sandler (1992) ensured the idea of liquid-phase nonideality, and its representation by phe-
that their mixing rule followed the quadratic composition depen- nomenologically plausible algebraic functions that have the correct
dence of the second virial coefficient. The predictive SRK (PSRK) limiting behavior. Wilson (1964) contributed the all-important
EOS further combined the vdW model, the local composition con- “local composition” concept that enabled correlation of nonideal

196 February 2002 Vol. 48, No. 2 AIChE Journal

systems with only binary parameters. Prausnitz and his coworkers which are based on theoretical statistical mechanics, yield success-
subsequently developed the NRTL (Renon and Prausnitz, 1968) ful engineering equations of state for polymer solutions. Recent
and UNIQUAC (Abrams and Prausnitz, 1975) models, which are polymer model developments attempt to account for additional
widely used in the chemical industry today, especially for highly polymer characteristics such as copolymer composition and poly-
nonideal systems. dispersity. Examples include the segment-based polymer NRTL
Predictive (rather than correlative) activity coefficient methods (Chen, 1993) that integrates the segment concept with local com-
were initially based on the regular solution theory of Scatchard and position models and the PHSC EOS (Song et al., 1994) with seg-
Hildebrand in 1929, but are now mostly based on group contribution ment-based mixing rules for copolymers.
models: ASOG (Wilson and Deal, 1960) and UNIFAC (Fredenslund Progress is being made in the modeling of chemical systems with
et al., 1975). These methods have been well received, and there has multifunctional group molecules such as nonionic and ionic surfac-
been continued development of the UNIFAC binary interaction tants. Extensions based on the polymer NRTL and UNIFAC models
matrix (Gmehling, 1998) improving the range and accuracy of the have been successful, and work on more complex molecules, such
method. New methods like the COSMO-RS (Klamt, 1995), Group as proteins, is being pursued (Chen et al., 1995; Curtis et al, 2001).
Contribution Solvation model (Lin and Sandler, 1999), and Segment Databanks have been developed for critically evaluated data for
Contribution Solva- pure component prop-
tion model (Lin erties, mixture prop-
and Sandler, 2001), erties, and model
which use techniques parameters (e.g., NIST
of quantum chem- Chemistry Web-
istry and molecular Book, AIChE-
modeling, are be- DIPPR, TRC, Dort-
ing developed and mund Data Bank).
improved. The databanks that
Models for elec- provide model para-
trolyte activity coef- meters increasing-
ficient are largely ly come with refer-
variations of the ences, notes, and
1923 Debye-Hückel quality codes. The
equation for the NIST Chemistry Web-
long-range ion-ion Book provides Web
interaction contribu- access to data and
tion. Examples are correlations. NIST,
the virial expansion IUPAC, CODATA,
extensions of Brom- Figure 3. A century of fruit from the tree of applied thermodynamics and DIPPR are
ley in 1972 and Pit- involved in a joint
zer in 1973. Recognizing two critical characteristics of electrolyte effort to develop an electronic archival databank for published
solutions (local electro-neutrality and like-ion repulsion), Chen property data (Marsh, 2001). These trends promise reliable and
and co-workers (1982) extended the NRTL local composition rapid access to evaluated experimental data and correlations.
model to electrolyte solutions. The success of this model for aque- There have been important developments in flash algorithms for
ous electrolytes and mixed-solvent electrolytes has led to exten- vapor-liquid equilibrium calculations and vapor-liquid-liquid equi-
sions to zwitterions and organic electrolytes that form micelles librium calculations for highly nonideal chemical systems (e.g., the
when the electrolyte concentration exceeds the critical-micelle inside-out algorithm of Boston and Britt (1978)). Some of the algo-
concentration (Chen et al., 2001). rithms are based on finding a solution to a set of algebraic equa-
Central to the thermodynamic modeling of electrolyte systems is tions, while others solve the problem by Gibbs energy minimiza-
an understanding of the speciation, i.e., the solution chemistry of tion. Both phase and chemical equilibrium equations are solved
electrolytes to form ions and complexes and to precipitate as salts simultaneously when dealing with electrolyte solutions. Polymer
(Rafal et al., 1994; Chen et al., 1999). Robinson and Stokes (1959) flash calculations require consideration of the molecular weight
clearly identified the need to define the ionic entity in terms of its distribution of polydisperse polymers. The thermodynamics of
degree of hydration. Excellent progress has been made for a num- continuous mixtures or discrete pseudocomponents for polydis-
ber of industrial electrolytic systems, including the Kent-Eisenberg perse polymers have been incorporated into flash algorithms.
model (1973) for amine gas treating systems with single amines
and models for mixed amines (Bishnoi and Rochelle, 2002), sour Experiment, Theory, and Simulation Enable
water stripping, caustic, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and so on. Thermodynamic Innovations
For polymer systems, the classical Flory-Huggins lattice model
of 1942 captures two key polymer characteristics: the size effect on As applied thermodynamics is a key enabling technology for the
the entropy of mixing and the interaction effect on the enthalpy process modeling in industry, experimental measurements, funda-
term. The Sanchez-Lacombe EOS (1976), a lattice fluid model, mental theory, and molecular simulation are the key enabling tech-
accounts for additional free volume effects due to components hav- nologies for applied thermodynamics. Together, experiment, theo-
ing different compressibilities. Hard-sphere-chain models, such as ry, and simulation play complementary roles in the development of
SAFT (Huang and Radosz, 1990) and PHSC (Song et al., 1994), applied thermodynamic models.

AIChE Journal February 2002 Vol. 48, No. 2 197

While experiment and theory has led to past innovations, we We urge applied thermodynamicists to be entrepreneurs, who
expect simulation to become an increasingly important tool for the understand how they can create value, and continue to look for
development of applied thermodynamic models. Simulation (or new opportunities.
computational molecular science) has now developed to the point Many unsolved problems await further development of applied
where it can be useful for quantitative predictions. As stated in the thermodynamics; some are listed in Table 1. They are primarily
Technology Roadmap for Computational Chemistry (1999), related to more experimental data and model parameters. In a num-
“among other applications, it supplies quantitative estimates of ber of cases, better models are clearly needed.
engineering parameters such as heats of formation and heats of While applied thermodynamicists have been quite successful in
reaction, entropies and heat capacities, reaction rate constants, and modeling highly nonideal systems with activity coefficient models
transport properties like viscosity and thermal conductivity that are such as NRTL and UNIQUAC, these models do not always yield
needed to construct macroscale models of complete chemical reliable results when extrapolated from binary systems to ternary
processes.” More recently, efforts by chemical engineers have or multicomponent systems, especially for liquid-liquid equilibri-
advanced techniques for the prediction of phase equilibrium. um. We need models that provide higher confidence levels when
The difference between simulation and experiment has been we extrapolate beyond binary systems. Also, while we can identi-
succinctly stated by Laesecke and van der Gulik (2002). Simula- fy a set of activity coefficient model parameters for VLE and
tions provide insight into the behavior of a model system in a given another set for LLE, we often fail to find one set that allows us to
thermodynamic state for specified interactions (electronic wave model VLLE systems adequately.
function and/or force fields used to approximate the real interac- Group-contribution estimation methods yield satisfactory
tions). Experimental measurements, on the other hand, confine the results for various pure component properties and mixture proper-
sample into a thermodynamic state, and the interaction rules are ties for systems containing small organic molecules typically
inferred from the observed macroscopic response of the sample. encountered in the petrochemical industry. However, the applica-
Simulation helps us understand what we know, while experiment bility of current group contribution methods is very limited. For
may reveal what we do not yet know. example, applications of such methods to systems with ions, iso-
Models are also being developed based on quantum mechanics, mers, chiral compounds, multimoiety compounds, surfactants,
but they do not require the enormous computational burden of oligomers, and polymers are far from adequate.
molecular dynamics or Monte Carlo simulations. An example is While thermodynamically consistent models have been devel-
the COSMO-RS method mentioned earlier. Another approach has oped and applied for wide varieties of aqueous electrolyte systems,
been to use molecular orbital ab initio calculations to compute we still do not have enough experience or understanding about
interaction energies between pairs of molecules in a molecular mixed solvent electrolytes. Furthermore, there is still a strong need
cluster (Sum and Sandler, 1999), which is then used as the energy to develop and compile model parameters for important electrolyte
parameters in the Wilson and UNIQUAC models and to predict systems such as mixed amines, mixed acids, caustic, brines, etc.
phase equilibrium. In another approach, Lin and Sandler (1999) There are successful thermodynamic models for chemicals,
equated the γ∞ expressions from both quantum chemical continu- polymers, and electrolytes. However, what is the engineer to do
um solvation models and UNIQUAC to relate the UNIQUAC when required to model systems with all of the above systems pre-
binary interaction parameters to the charging free energies deter- sent? There are many industrial systems where chemicals, poly-
mined from ab initio calculations. mers, electrolytes, and surfactants occur together, for example, in
Simulation is being used to complement experimental measure- emulsion polymerization. Another example is consumer products,
ments. Siepmann et al. (1993) performed a simulation study that such as shampoo. Phase separation modeling remains a key chal-
discriminated between two experimental methods that gave differ- lenge for the producers of consumer products.
ent results for the variation of the mass-based critical density of n- Additional polymer characteristics need to be addressed to
alkanes with carbon number. McCabe et al. (2001) used simulation improve polymer process modeling. These characteristics include
results to discriminate between two sets of published correlations mixed polymers and polymer microstructures such as block
for the viscosity of perfluorobutane. Simulation is especially valu- copolymers or alternating copolymers, polymer crystallinity, poly-
able when trying to extrapolate known results into regions where mer branching frequency, and copolymer composition distribution.
experimentation is not easily accomplished, such as extremely high For example, the use of bivariate (such as molecular weight and
or low pressures and temperatures, fluids in pores, etc. It is notable chemical composition) and multivariate distributions is becoming
that the Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data now accepts arti- more prevalent in industry, and thermodynamic models need to be
cles containing results solely obtained from molecular simulation able to deal with such detailed characterizations.
(March, 2001). To capture the value of thermodynamic innovations, efficient
Simulation is increasingly being used to develop and validate and reliable flash algorithms are needed for high-pressure systems,
applied thermodynamic models. Murad and Powles (1993) used systems with multiple phases such as vapor-water-monomer-poly-
simulation to replicate Pfeffer’s 1877 experiment on osmosis in mer equilibrium for emulsion systems, systems with surface agents
semipermeable membranes and to justify van’t Hoff’s model. that form interfaces, systems with multiple liquids and solid pre-
Chen et al. (1999) used simulation results from Paritosh and cipitation, VLLE polymer systems with a molecular weight distri-
Murad (1996) to support their model for ionic hydration. bution, polymer systems with molecular weight and chemical
composition bivariate distribution, polymer systems with local
Some Unsolved Problems and New Challenges mesoscopic structure (microdomains), or even biological systems
“Chemical engineering thermodynamics should be application encountered in cellular molecular processes.
oriented and research in chemical engineering thermodynamics Although a number of established thermophysical property
should be concerned with new applications” (Prausnitz, 1999b). databanks exist for systems with hydrocarbons and small mole-

198 February 2002 Vol. 48, No. 2 AIChE Journal

cules, they only supply verified correlations for a very small frac- friends in industry and academia for reviewing the manuscript and
tion of the compounds found in Chemical Abstracts, etc. Unful- generously providing their comments. Special thanks go to John
filled needs remain for critically evaluated databanks for systems Coon, Joseph Boston, John O’Connell, and John Prausnitz.
with complex molecules such as electrolytes (elemental and organ-
ic), isomers, surfactants, segments, oligomers, and polymers. Literature cited
These needs become particularly acute as we expand our modeling
Abrams, D. S., and J. M. Prausnitz, “Statistical Thermodynamics
efforts beyond basic petrochemicals.
of Liquid Mixtures: A New Expression for the Excess Gibbs
How do we take advantage of molecular simulation in the devel-
Free Energy of Partly or Completely Miscible Systems,” AIChE
opment of engineering correlations and estimation methods? J., 21, 116 (1975).
Should we use simulation to generate simulated “data” and then Benedict, M., G. R. Webb, and L. C. Rubin, “An Empirical Equa-
identify model parameters for engineering calculations from the tion for Thermodynamic Properties of Light Hydrocarbons and
simulated “data?” Could simulation-based group contribution Their Mixtures: I. Methane, Ethane, Propane and Butane,” J.
models offer higher accuracy for wider varieties of chemicals than Chem. Phys., 8, 334 (1940).
existing group contribution models do? Can simulation help bridge Bishnoi, S., and G. T. Rochelle, “Thermodynamics of Piperazine/
the gap between process modeling and the lack of experimental Methyldiethanolamine/Water/Carbon Dioxide,” Ind. Eng.
data in areas such as electrolyte thermodynamics or transport prop- Chem. Res., Web release date (Jan. 3, 2002).
erties for polymer solutions? A few innovators have suggested Boston, J. F., and H. I. Britt, “A Radically Different Formulation
ways to use results of molecular simulation to advance develop- and Solution of the Single-Stage Flash Problem,” Comp. Chem.
ment of engineering correlations and parameterize estimation Eng., 2, 109 (1978).
methods. We need more such work. Chapman, W. G., K. E. Gubbins, G. Jackson, and M. Radosz,
There are frontier areas such as biotechnology and bioprocesses “SAFT-Equation-of-State Solution Model for Associating Fluids,”
in which applied thermodynamics should be important, but so far Fluid Phase Equil., 52, 31 (1989).
these have had little impact. Biopolymers include polar polymers Cheluget, E. L., C. P. Bokis, L. Wardhaugh, C.-C. Chen, and J.
with segments derived from various forms of amino acids and Fisher, “Modeling Polyethylene Fractionation Using the Per-
sugar molecules. Some of the amino acids may be ionized, and turbed-Chain Statistical Associating Fluid Theory Equation of
some biopolymers can form local secondary structures such as an State,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Web release date (Sept. 22, 2001).
α-helix or a β-sheet. These local structures are the basis for the for- Chen, C.-C., “A Segment-Based Local Composition Model for the
mation of tertiary and quaternary structures. Practical models for Gibbs Energy of Polymer Solutions,” Fluid Phase Equil., 83,
aqueous systems containing such polymers and other polyelec- 301 (1993).
trolytes need to be developed. Protein precipitation plays an Chen, C.-C., C. P. Bokis, and P. M. Mathias, “Segment-Based
important role in downstream processing in biotechnology. Engi- Excess Gibbs Energy Model for Aqueous Organic Electrolytes,”
neers need models of selective protein precipitation to improve AIChE J., 47, 2593 (2001).
enzyme recovery efficiency. Can we extend our existing thermo- Chen, C.-C., J. King, and D. I. C. Wang, “A Molecular Thermody-
dynamic models to describe protein solubility that depends on pH, namic Model for Helix-Helix Docking and Protein Aggrega-
ionic strength, electrolyte composition, protein composition, sur- tion,” AIChE J., 41, 1015 (1995).
face hydrophobicity, surface charge distribution, etc? Chen, C.-C., P. M. Mathias, and H. Orbey, “Unification of Hydra-
The cell is a sophisticated chemical manufacturing facility in tion and Dissociation Chemistries with the Electrolyte NRTL
which there are numerous chemicals and reaction pathways in var- Model,” AIChE J., 45, 1576 (1999).
ious subcellular units. We can anticipate that the modeling tech- Chen, C.-C., H. I. Britt, J. F. Boston, and L. B. Evans, “Local Com-
nology that has been so successful for the process industries will position Model for Excess Gibbs Energy of Electrolyte Sys-
be extended to biological processes. Cells contain various chemi- tems,” AIChE J., 28, 588 (1982).
cals such as glucose, fatty acids, glycerol, lactate, ATP, phospho- Chen, S. S., and A. Kreglewski, “Applications of the Augmented
lipids, phospholipid bilayer, proteins, genes, mRNA, tRNA, van der Waals Theory of Fluids: I. Pure Fluids,” Ber. Bunsenges.
rRNA, etc. Will thermodynamicists take on this challenge to help Phys. Chem., 81, 1048 (1977).
understand and model cellular molecular processes? Curtis, R. A., H. W. Blanch, and J. M. Prausnitz, “Calculation of
Phase Diagrams for Aqueous Protein Solutions,” J. of Phys.
Concluding Remarks Chem. B, 105, 2445 (2001).
Applied thermodynamics has been a key enabling technology Donohue, M. D., and J. M. Prausnitz, “Perturbed Hard Chain The-
for process modeling. The progress of applied thermodynamics ory for Fluid Mixtures in Natural Gas and Petroleum Technolo-
has benefited from insights arising from experimental measure- gy,” AIChE J., 24, 849 (1978).
ments, theory, and, most recently, computational chemistry. Ther- Fredenslund, A., R. L. Jones, and J. M. Prausnitz, “Group-Contri-
modynamic innovations have yielded models that provide accurate bution Estimation of Activity Coefficients in Nonideal Mix-
descriptions of the properties and phase behavior of chemical sys- tures,” AIChE J., 21, 1086 (1975).
tems in the process industries. Applied thermodynamics will con- Gmehling, J., “Present Status of Group-Contribution Methods for
tinue to provide value to chemical engineering by focusing on the the Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes,” Fluid Phase
needs of practicing engineers, while drawing on advances in Equilibria, 144, 37 (1998).
experiment, theory, and simulation. Gross, J., and G. Sadowski, “Modeling Polymer Systems Using
the Perturbed-Chain Statistical Associating Fluid Theory Equa-
Acknowledgments tion of State,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Web release date (Sept. 28,
We would like to thank our colleagues at AspenTech and our 2001).

AIChE Journal February 2002 Vol. 48, No. 2 199

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200 February 2002 Vol. 48, No. 2 AIChE Journal

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