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You need to find 2 pictures of a scenarios, describe all you can see in the
pictures and explain what you think is happening.
 Essay Form
 Use the format
 Send your work here:

- I can see in the picture that there are beside the road and they are sitting beside the road in the
house or any establishment. I can see that the first men in the picture is wearing green, blue and
white stripe t-shirt and the second one is wearing the black and violet strip shirt and the third one
is wearing a violet shirt with white on collar and sleeve and the last people is wearing a yellow and
white stripe shirt. I can see that the first person is having a problem and the rest of the people in
the picture and I think they treat each other friends, and I think they comforting the one of their
friends because of his problem.
- I can see in the picture that are 3 people and the first person is in outside of the house wearing a jacket
and blue blouse with id and I think she is talking with those two person’s inside the one, the one is
pregnant while the other one is standing beside the pregnant woman, and I think the man wearing his
wife I think, he’s comforting her because I think the women wearing the blue blouse said something
serious that’s why the pregnant women look’s disappointed in the picture.

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